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Guide Submissions


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 Guide Submissions

This thread covers Guide Submissions, only applicable to lore which requires a guide (Feats, Further Alchemy, CAs, and Magics)



Please read Explanation: Guides for the most comprehensive information.


In short, guides are a vital addition to more complex lorepieces (listed above) that aide in both player and Story Team understanding of a piece. While a lorepiece may seem clear to you on release, and the idea of clarifying seems preposterous, once the lore is beyond your own hands it's impossible to tell where it goes and even more difficult to interpret when it's not so commonly spread or easily understood. Below is just a general, suggested and unrequired, format for Guides which themselves are required. This is just a format to give you a good idea of what needs to be placed in your guide to best be considered for a full acceptance on your lorepiece. 




This formatting is meant to be used for guides post-pending changes for complex lorepieces.


Thread Title

The thread title should be: [Guide] - [Name of Lore]. For example, Guide - Kani



Original Lore Link

Include a link to the pending or accepted lorepiece.


Physical and Mental Changes & Examples

Write in both physical and mental changes that can occur within your lore, if applicable. Give examples of how this could manifest in accordance to your lore, and ways characters can roleplay it in an interesting manner. In the case of CAs, this is the most heavy section often since it may transform how a character looks an acts. Be thorough and give examples. 


Emote Examples, Ritual Examples, Casting Examples

Give examples of what spellcasting may look like. Give the basic, most default, ways of casting your abilities or spells and what their effects may look like successfully and unsuccessfully. Include how one could telegraph their spell and show it in action, and how they can make it interesting and flavorful in their own ways. Be sure to include emote examples for every spell and ritual, even if left at Freeform with emotes, to be certain that there is a default that Story and Players can view and understand how they work and should look.


Item Examples, Build Examples

In a lore with special builds or items, please include both creation emotes for these things (where applicable), and examples of what both these builds and items would look like in pictures. In both cases, be certain to include what is important/needed for these things and how you should get them signed, or sign them yourself. These serve as the basic, minimum-effort description of what these items and builds look like so players get a good idea of what they look like, and how they can expand upon them thematically and flavorfully where possible.



Tier Progression Summary

Be sure to post the tier progression and the scale at which it works, the time it takes, the spells you learn, and so on clearly, and describe where applicable how your character either with their magic, physically, or mentally may change at this time and how to represent that.



Repeat sections as necessary in an ordered fashion.


Citation Spoiler

You should have a spoiler at the bottom that includes links to any lore pieces that you referenced or based your lore submission off of.


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