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Halerir'elame | Those Pledged to the Forest

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Long has the Vale of Nevaehlen stood upon the southern peninsula of Almaris as a beacon of the Mali’ame. A sanctuary where they may flourish in their beliefs without fear of foreign persecution or harm for their worship of the Wild Faith. A place protected not by a select few, but by the greater whole of its people. The vision of the Halerir’elame, as seen by the first Mali’ame settlers of the decrepit ruins of Vaelya, is to be a force of kindred spirits in the face of a realm that is famously unappreciated for its danger and for darkness, both hidden and in plain view. 


This vision still stands. The Halerir’elame, armed with steel teeth and clad in bronze, remain the vigilant rangers of the Vale through devotion to themselves and to each other. Together, no darkness nor false light may slip past.








The terms used by the Halerir’elame to designate rank, authority, and the duties associated with each.



As the guiding hand of the Halerir’elame, the Valeseer organizes and oversees all affairs of the military through the Wild Chiefs and by directly stepping into the fray. They are the holder of Nevaehlen’s book of law and are often the final say in matters of internal and foreign defense.


Wild Chiefs

The triumvirate of Elven captains that serve the Valeseer as second-in-command. They are entrusted with the Valeseer’s authority and given leave to handle matters in their stead. 



The essential militia term for every able-bodied individual living within the Vale. Greenblades are trained in combat, expected to understand the rules and laws of the village, and be trusted to attend the gates when visitors enter or leave. To undergo the training to be a Greenblade is one of few requirements needed to live in the Vale.



The expanded orders under the Halerir’elame banner, each with their own set of tenets and duties specific to the name. Occasionally, a Glenthier will be appointed from within the ranks of a chapter to lead it during times of distress.



As a chapter dedicated to home defense of the Vale, the Staghelms are oathed under the brazier of Amaethon’s shrine to be stalwart guardians of the Wild Faith and of Nevaehlen itself. They are trusted to aid in training the Greenblades in matters of both combat and the culture of the Halerir’elame. They are identified by their deep green cloaks and helmets patterned with oaken branches and leaves.



Those chosen elite that lean into the ancient ways of the Mali’ame rangers. The Gladeguard chapter serve the Vale as warriors and scouts that delve into far corners beyond the woodland borders. They adopt equipment needed to remain hidden and adapt to situations not found at home. These rangers are oathed by blood and held to a high standard of skill and capability.







All under the banner of the Halerir’elame are responsible for the Vale’s defense. This includes rallying when the call of danger is made, ensuring the safety of their fellow villagers, and tending to the gates whenever possible.


All under the banner of the Halerir’elame are expected to abide and uphold the Nevaehli laws as stated in the Oaken Tome.


All under the banner of the Halerir’elame are bound to one another by duty. Cooperation is not only expected, but required. Any conflict or violence between another member of the Halerir’elame will  be punished.

All under the banner of the Halerir’elame are to heed the words of the Eternal Concord. The decisions of the Wild Chiefs, the Valeseer, and the Matriarch of the Vale are final in all matters.






Eonan Norvayn (ThumperJack#1536)

Lillyana Caerme’onn (Fireheart#0001)




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