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Adventure Guild


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The Adventure's Guild

Adventure Music




Once upon a time, there existed a guild of brave souls who lived for the thrill of adventure and the triumph of righteousness. They were the legendary adventurers, who dedicated their lives to serving the greater good of the world through daring conquests and heroic feats. However, as the ages passed, the name of this valiant guild gradually faded into the mists of time, leaving behind only whispers of its former glory.

Yet, just as all hope seemed lost, a spark of life ignited within the heart of the forgotten guild. Like a beacon of hope, it called out to adventurers from all corners of the world, beckoning them to embark on new quests and to join forces in the name of justice and honor. Now, the adventurers guild stands ready to welcome all who possess the courage and spirit of adventure, regardless of their race, creed, or culture. Are you ready to answer the call?




Becoming a member of the Adventurers Guild is a breeze! Simply make your way to any of our guild branches and pay the modest fee of 60 minas. As a new member, you'll receive your very own guild starter kit, complete with a handbook to guide you on your adventures, as well as your official Adventurers Guild ID card.


The guild divides adventurers by ranks of E, D, C, B, A, and the most privileged are S-Rank. Each rank grants its own set of privileges but do note that each rank has more responsibilities.





The highest attainable rank as of current; earned by their hard labor and display of only the finest quality traits; these adventurers have the utmost respect and benefits regarding the guild.




A master in their own craft whether it be monster-hunting, diplomacy, swordsmanship, or otherwise; while many might be uncouth they have truly earned their rank.




Those who have become more than a veteran adventurer and actively made their own specialty; while they have a long road ahead of them, they are still climbing.




Veteran adventurers who have great knowledge of the basics of adventuring and now wish to make a name for themselves.




Adventurers who have proven themselves capable of performing the typical tasks of the guild




New recruits who are wet behind their ears and likely know little of the world or of the guild; ascend for the heavens.






1. Members must always act in a professional and respectful manner towards their fellow adventurers, 
as well as towards clients and other individuals encountered during quests.


2. The guild has a strict no-tolerance policy towards theft, dishonesty, and other illegal activities. 
Any member found to be engaging in such behavior will face immediate expulsion from the guild.


3. Members must adhere to the guild's code of conduct during quests, which includes following the mission 
parameters, respecting the client's wishes, and using their skills and abilities for the greater good.


4. Members must not engage in any actions that would harm the reputation of the guild or bring it into 
disrepute. This includes refraining from spreading false rumors or engaging in activities that could 
be perceived as unprofessional or unethical.


5. The guild's resources, including equipment, training materials, and other assets, are to be used only 
for guild-related activities and must be treated with care and respect.


6. Any disputes between members should be resolved in a professional and respectful manner.

If disputes cannot be resolved peacefully, they are to be dealt with away from guild property.


7. The Adventure Guild is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse any particular political or ideological 
views. As such, members are required to maintain public and political neutrality while representing the guild.


8. While the guild expresses neutrality, this neutrality does not grant bar nation law enforcement from entering

and conducting searches for criminals and fugitives. No effort on the guilds part will be taken to stop such actions.


[Note] These rules are subject to change at any time. Failure to adhere to the rules of this guild shall result in point reduction, suspension, or expulsion.



[To be added]


[!] This guild is not yet active. Preparations are still being made. This note is to just give an idea of how the guild will operate. 


Quests - Quests will be conducted differently than how they were done in [Redacted]. Before, members would go to various guild branches, select a quest and wait for an ET (Event Team) to contact them. The Adventurer's Guild as of now is not staff supported so things will change. Due to the nature of support, most quests will be lead using the Player DIY Event rules. Ranks E, D, and C will all use the Player DIY Event rules. Some C events will be events that were staff driven but were public events. I am still working out how that will work. Ranks B, A, and S will HOPEFULLY gain some staff support. Players and Nation leaders may also put in quest requests. There will be a board listing fee and whatever reward they wish to offer. As of now there are no plans to put a cap on the amount of requests may be made. Requests could include, bandit hunting, monster killing, courier services, Resource collection, fetch and carry, and escort.


Rewards - Rewards will depend heavily on the quest. Requests will almost always have a reward while guild quests will be rewarded with points and whatever is found during the quest. Sometimes minas will be rewarded with guild quests depending on the quest.


Branches - Any nation can open a branch but that nation must meet certain criteria which is subject to change. Criteria including minas to operate, and a building. There may be activity requirements later depending how things go with startup. The main branch will be in Celianor next map and will have a members only door which will lead to shops, a lounge, and a few resource stations. Guild ID cards will be keys to access the member only area. Those wishing to open a branch may also include such areas in their own guild as well.


Discord - There will be a discord server soon. It will be open to all players. When the discord is made a link will be put on this page. It is recommended anyone wishing to join the guild they also join the discord to keep up to date with guild announcements and updates. If you have any questions regarding this guild dm me on discord Creator_Alan#8029



Edited by Creator_Alan
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