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Rah'Tuma, Followers of Ka'tau


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Ka’tau personified upon an Ankh cross. 


The People of Rah’Tuma


[!] A missive is sent across the lands bearing the symbol of Ankh cross. Upon reading the missive, the following is seen:


Greetings, sons and daughters of Aevos. I am Atemu-Ta. I am the Amun prophet of the Rah’mun peoples who dwell in the deserts of these lands. I speak as both pharaoh and a high priest for my people, who follow the spiritual faith of Ka’tau in our everyday lives. Ka’tau is the universal cosmic law of all of Creation comprised of the concepts of justice, order, and harmony. Everything that exists is intertwined with and bound by Ka’tau. The Rah’mun people are custodians of this divine order and use it to inform their daily lives. We are also a  contemplative and ingenuitive people who seek to order their lives around divine principles. But we are also cognizant of the demands of Ka’tau upon all: ankh-amun-atet. This world is consumed by dark powers which seek to subvert and suppress the innocent. The Aengudaemons seek to enslave all to their tyrannical goals. Voidal magi and their foul arts pervert the natural order and preach false philosophies. Infernal beasts who burn the soul with fallen fire. Accursed workers of witchcraft and all manner of deviltry defy Ka’tau flagrantly from the influence of Keop. 


The ways of the Rah’mun are free from these distortions and offer a different path. Our teachings, brought forth by the first prophet and pharaoh Naseret, put emphasis on the spirits and descendant kind’s direct relationship with them. Our people practice and study purity, combat readiness, philosophy, architecture, farming, and much more beneath the resolute Sun of the Ra’tuhmet. We wander the deserts and brave the unknown for all of Creation has a story to tell.


All are welcomed to study our ways and join our people. 




Atemu-Ta, Amun Prophet of Ka'tau, Voice of the Divine Three, Pharaoh of the Rah'mun people.


(OOC: Heyo! I’m starting an egyptian themed shamanic/spiritualist group. If you’d like to join our growing community be sure to stop by the Discord and say hello!




Additionally, here is more information about the religion of Ka'tau)





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