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The Deer & the Hamster


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These tales of redemption and kindness are dedicated to my daughter, Mahina Ilmoriel.


Once upon a moonlit night, deep within the heart of an ancient forest where stars painted the night sky above, there existed a realm known as Lumenhaven. Many woodland animals called this place their home, from possums, to raccoons, to mice, to deer, and anything else you could possibly imagine!


In a tiny, cozy burrow resided a hamster named Hazel. She had garnered a reputation far and wide for her kind heart and endless compassion. One evening, as Hazel scurried through the moss-covered trees and listened to the whispering woodland creatures, she encountered a lost deer named Oliver. Oliver had strayed far from his family and felt scared and alone."


"Are you lost?" Hazel queried gently.


As Oliver recounted his tale of being separated from his family in a thunderstorm, he struggled to bite back the onslaught of tears that threatened to consume him.


"Oliver dear, together we will find your family. Within you -- within us all, really -- resides a light that will guide you home. Breathe deep, listen to the hum of nature and the rustling leaves. Feel the embrace of the forest, so full of life and warmth. Your instincts will lead you home, but I will help," explained the hamster.


Oliver took a moment to meditate, and soon the tears stopped coming at all. He was ready for the adventure that awaited him. 


Hoof in paw, Hazel and Oliver set off on a magical journey through the forest. Together, they encountered wise old owls, playful squirrels, and graceful deer. Each creature they met had their own story to share and their own struggles to overcome. They told tales of sins and redemption, faith and atonement. Every creature, no matter how big or small, carried within them a light. A single act of compassion could create a ripple effect across the entire forest, and in times of adversity, it was even more important to make an effort.


Oliver eventually reunited with his family, and the forest responded with jubilant birdsong. Hazel knew that she had made a difference in Oliver's life and in the lives of all the animals they had encountered. Her mission complete, she returned to her burrow, where the iridescent moonlight glow filtered through the windows.


Sleep tight, and may you guide lost souls to peace.


by Leihana Kame'eleihiwa


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