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Issued by the Herald of Minitz

in the year of our Lord 1935






Harken, noble subjects, for it has been a score of years since our last gathering at the Princely Court, where we convened to deliberate upon matters that beset our realm, particularly those pertaining to the Franks who dwell upon the mountains of the periphery of our fair city. For many moons, we have clashed and valiantly defended our beloved city's honor against the relentless Franks, and alas, we have mourned the passing of dear comrades, their lives given in the throes of this struggle. And now, the winds of fate have shifted, ushering unforeseen changes upon our humble abode, impacting us all profoundly.

Thus, it is with great urgency and heraldic summons that I call upon each and every burgher and tribesman to assemble within the walls of the Kanunsburg Palace for the Princely Court of 1935 at the behest of our esteemed Grand Prince, Brandt Wilheim Barclay, who seeks to impart tidings of what lies ahead in the days to come.




Oath of Macken and the Adlerpakt


The Dukes of Reinmar and the Princes of Minitz shall embark to solidify the union of House Barclay once again through signing the treaty that their forefathers had once signed, the Adlerpakt, enshrining the unity of the House of Barclay in perpetuity in cooperation, friendship and the pledge to upkeep Reinmaren values. 


To hallmark this occasion, the Duke of Reinmar, Manfred Barclay, and the Prince of Minitz, Brandt Barclay shall take the ancestral oath of Macken to anoint themselves as the Chieftains of the Reinmaren, and to serve their subjects and people to the last of their ability.




Retirement of the Herrenmeister


Sir Yvian Ritter Galken, Herrenmeister 1906-1935

Ser Yvian, the venerable Herrenmeister, known to us for many years, has come to a solemn decision to lay down his mantle as the esteemed leader of our noble order, the Ritter of Saint Tylos. Throughout the annals of time, his unwavering loyalty and steadfast service have illuminated the path of chivalry and honor.

As he ventures forth into the realm of retirement, Ser Yvian shall entrust the sacred charge of preparing our valiant Ritters for the defense of our city walls and the ardor of battle to another worthy soul. In the presence of the courtly assembly, we shall bear witness to the passing of this esteemed duty and authority.



Appointment of New Herrenmeister

As our esteemed Herrenmeister, Ser Yvian, bids farewell to his station, a new paragon of knighthood rises to take his place. Ser Peter shall ascend to this esteemed role, whose devotion, toil, and unwavering rectitude exemplify the very essence of a true ritter of Saint Tylos,

The Grand Prince has seen fit to anoint Ser Peter Stroheim for his exemplary labors and thus shall wield authority as a law enforcer alongside the venerable Lord Bailiff. To him is entrusted the power to mete out judgments according to the sacred Kanun, especially for matters of lesser transgressions.

In this hour, we shall pay homage to Ser Yvian for the years he hath served us well, and welcome Ser Peter with fervent applause and utmost trust. May he bear his newfound responsibilities with honor and grace, and may the divine grace of Saint Tylos guide his path as he treads the noble way of the Herrenmeister.





It has come to the attention of the Herrenhaus that a multitude of subjects and tribes, steadfast in their loyalty and unwavering in their services to our land of Minitz and its subjects, deserve rightful recognition. As such, a grand convocation shall be summoned forth, wherein those deemed worthy shall be graced with the honor of ennoblement, and the investiture of their rightful titles shall be bestowed upon them.

Let this noble assembly bear witness to the investiture of these souls, as they ascend the ranks of nobility and embark on a new journey of service and eminence under the aegis of our Grand Prince and the auspices of Minitz.




Investiture of the Baron of Hussen, Ferdinand Alexander

In the halls of Kanunsberg, the Grand Prince, in his proclamation, shall invest his chosen heir and third born son, Ferdinand Alexander, as the Baron of Hussen to inherit the mantle of rule. His duty is to preside over the realm and safeguard its legacy during the time of succession in recognition of his birthright and the esteemed virtue he possesses.




OOC: 7/29, Saturday, 4 PM EST





His Serene Highness, Brandt Wilheim Barclay Großfürst von Minitz, KBS, GMSTSR GMVBE, KIH, Duke of Kanunsberg, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Warden of the Franklands, High Chieftain of the Reinmaren, LORD VANDALORE




Her Excellency, Eloisee Veiel von Minitz 

Herald of Minitz, Gouvernante of  the Hentriettan Beratung, Chefarztan of The Physicians of Saint Johann



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