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Nehnis, Prince of Hares


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Prince of Hares


[Aubin Cortale]



Swiftness, Agility, Abscondence, Youth


The Prince of Hares is a flighty and elusive character who, above all else, values his own hide. Being among the smallest of the Demi-gods, he understands best that survival cannot always be achieved by ferocity. Sometimes, it is the meek who prevail, and those who hope to be swift enough to escape harm’s way look to Nehnis, praying on his celerity. When a hunter’s quarry escapes them, the cunning Prince of Leporidae is said to be to blame for granting his favor to running prey. As such, it is not uncommon for a hunting party to pray to the cunning prince, that they might be blessed with agility rather than their game. The Prince of Hares may be a skittish, nimble thing, but he is no coward. He is a testament to the tenacity of the small, who must triumph despite the many rigors they face.


Nehnis also shares a strange relationship with the Princess of Turtles, Llan’sae. Where the terra-backed sovereign favores wisdom and preparative foresight, The Hare favors instant action. As such, he has become a symbol for the excitable, and oft-times reckless.





The Hare’s Jaunt is less a marker of standing among the Mali’ame, as it is rather an expression of one’s exuberant joy. It is not uncommon for one wishing to ascribe more depth to the tattoo to stamp a new rabbit’s print on their body for each encounter they have survived.





Ginseng, Rabbit’s Feet, Carrots, Hay, Clovers, Verbena, Tulips, Mallow, Wildberries




There is no simpler way to venerate the Prince of Hares than to engage in every day merriment. Foot Races and other such games are a way that Nehnis is worshiped every day.



There is a more traditional rite to honor that of the Prince, typically done in the dead of night under the light of the full moon - when the veil between the mortal realm and Fae realm is the thinnest. Gathered within a field of flowers and grass on a clear night, a child who has come of age will go out into the wilderness with their family and loved ones to celebrate the last night of childhood - spending the evening collecting offering flowers in the field under the moon’s guidance. Once a substantial amount of flowers has been collected by the group, a simple pyre is constructed in the middle of the field where the flowers are to be burned, to symbolize the discarding of childish whims and the first step towards adolescence. The rest of the night is spent with their family in the field, savoring the last day and looking forward to the next. 





“Nimble Nehnis, prince of the agile,

Whose swiftness carries kin home.

We give to you our devotion.

We show you our respect for your kind,

O’fast and abounding Nehnis, show us your blessing.”



“Hiuwan Nehnis, Ellauru’leh resiyueriian

Heya vulhiuwan myumier talonii lin.

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’hiylu marnkaeleh’ehya Nehnis, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Thanks to @marslolfor their help, all credit goesto them for the prayers, 'The Hare Moon', and many general ideas regarding this submission. This post is meant to replace 'Bilobooz, the Rabbit', as a more savory representation of leporidae in the Wild Faith.


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Bilobooz was better .. bring back the Mani of fertility!! -1

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