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The Royal Military Of Holm

Cethis Vincrute

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* Several small posters are posted on the boards in the Sanctuary, and the Docks from the sanctuary, showing off some recruitment advertisements.*

The Royal Military of Holm

-Description of the Military-

The Royal Holm Military is led by High Constable, Cethis of Holm. Each guard and soldier of Holm needs to be willing, and ready to lay down their lives for both Holm, its citizens, and the King. It’s main job will be the defense of Holm, and it citizens.

The duties of each soldier, and guard will be based upon their rank. Most duties will involve going on patrols around the streets of Holm, the docks, as well as standing at attention at the gate, and most importantly, helping the citizens of Holm.

-Ranks and structures-

The High Constable is in charge, the only ones that outrank him are the King, and Queen.

He will have five different captains, each one answering to him every elven day.

Soldiers are the common guard,and will listen to their captain.

-Jobs for the military-

The military has several jobs that need to be filled.

The military is in need of blacksmiths to forge new weapons and armor, and repair broken ones.

We are also in need of tailors to fit the new soldiers, make them uniforms, and repair any tears.

-Housing and pay-

All the military will receive rooms in the barracks.

Soldiers will be put in rooms that will be shared.

Captains will each be given a room to themselves, but will be required to check on their soldiers.

The pay will depend on your rank, and your work.

Disobedient soldiers will receive warnings, depending on their disobedience, warnings and their lack of work effort they may receive a fine, loss of employment or worse, hanged in dire circumstances.


((OOC Information -

Minecraft Name:



Villain Application (Optional):


RP Information -))

Full Name:





A brief description about yourself:


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((OOC Information -

Minecraft Name: DfiantAngel

Age: 22

Timezone: Central

Villain Application (Optional):

Skills: 99 Swords 99 Blacksmith 53 Farm

RP Information -))

Full Name: Tyrian Darkwood

Age: 141

Race: Dark Elf

Gender: Male

Profession: Accomplished Blacksmith and hunter

A brief description about yourself:

For most of my years, I had lived deep in the wild forests of Malinor with only my mother. The whole world since has been a new experience. I had only known how to hunt, gather, and make shelter. However, since I had stepped out of the trees and lived among the people, I quickly learned many things. There is so many grand and wondrous things I had come to treasure. Literature, architecture, art, civilization... these things struck a cord deep within my being.

Then I saw the evils that plague this world and its people. People are driven to war with one another, and schemers plot in the shadows. Former allies take up arms, and cities are burned to the ground. This was when I decided I had to protect the places I loved from such evils. I did so in Normandor, capital of the Princedom of Malinor, but corruption had spread to those in power. After seeing High Commander Darion slay an unarmed man in the streets, I went to arrest him, only to be stopped by the High Princess.

I left to collect my thoughts in hopes to find the courage and the loyalty within myself to continue as the city's guard. Alas, upon my return, I came back to see Darion, as well as his close followers, ruling the people as Princes. More atrocities occurred under their reign, and my rise among ranks was stunted. The land that won my heart was no longer the land I swore to protect. It was then I ventured to Holm with my very close friend. Igne spoke so kindly of your city, and everyone here as treated me so kindly. It is because of this that I want to protect the kind people of Holm, and I am willing to pledge my life to that duty.

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*Looks over the paperwork given to him, he stands and walks across the street, knocking on the door and putting a small letter under it*

Tyrian, welcome to the Military of Holm. Report for duty to my office as soon as possible.

When you arrive you will be fitted for the uniform, and be given a blade.

You will be showed your barracks room, and are expected to start your duties immediately.

~High Constable Cethis

*Turning back around he goes back into his house, shutting the door quietly behind him,*

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