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Ildician Order


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*A poster is stuck on the notice board of Abresi, and another in Salvus*pyG4GWl.png


The Ildician Order was formed shortly after the Great War. Lord Rydel had lost faith in his people after the betrayal of his High Thane Icarian Delmar and so rounded up a selection of surviving Adunian Regiment officers who had thought their skill-set unfit for the Rangers. Rydel named these men the Ildician Order. The Order’s purpose was the act as the bodyguards of the Adunian Lord and his Council of Thanes. They also had the job of rooting out traitors and rebels within Adunian society to prevent another event like the Great War. The Order’s sigil is a grey bear and they are often called the ‘Grey shirts’ by members of Adunian society. In modern times under new leadership the Ildician.

Purpose and Duties:

Serving under Oren currently. Also rooting out and destroying and sign of rebellion amongst Adunian kind, protecting the Elendil clan.


Orhdú - Commander
The man who holds this position must have the utmost loyalty to the council of Thanes and the Adunian Lord. The Orhdú man must be able to lead men and must have exceptional experience in warfare as well as skill in arms. He is looked on with respect by the Council of Thanes and has pledged his life in the service of the Adunians. None within the order may question his leadership, this office is for life unless said Ordhu is outvoted by the Council of Thanes.

Aerd/Sir - Leftenant
This position is second in command of the Order. Once again experience in warfare as well as skill in arms is required of this position. Second in rank only to the Orhdú, the Aerd’s word is respected and valued by all other members of the Order. Once again, loyalty and devotion must be present in any Aerd of the Ildician Order.

Laochru/  - Elite
The base rank of the Ildician Order. Holders of this rank are extremely skilled in arms and warfare, eloquence of speech is also common but not entirely necessary. Holders of this rank have passed the tests to be permitted into the ranks of the Ildician Order and as such are a fully fledged Ildician Grey Shirt , as such their military experience grants them the right of a respected opinion when discussing military topics. Loyalty to the Council of Thanes, Clan Elendil and Adunian Lord is required and expected.

Fheum- Footmen
Fheum's make up the main base of the order, serving in a group under a Laochru. They will undergo a small test involving their skills in combat, though not needed it is preferred that they can fight. Staying in groups of three or four depending on what rank the Lachoru they are under is.
Will be given a bunk, or a tent to stay in.
Fheum Uniform


(Specialised Rank) Aermid - Medic
This soldier must have skill in arms but also skill in the field of medicine, sometimes acting as the Adunian Lord's/Council of Thanes'/House Elendil's personal physician. This rank is equal to that of a Laochru when in the field but is far higher than even the Orhdú when on the talk of medical subjects. This set rank is extremely respected by all members of the Ildician order as one must have extensive healing knowledge to it.

(Specialised Rank) Maighstir- Master at arms
This t is the "teacher" in hand to hand combat for the Ildician Grey Shirts, although this knight only bears the rank of Laochru he is treated with great respect and is highly valued for his military experience and combat skill. This rank will sit on the panel of judging when a Fheum attempts to advance to the rank of Laochru.

Order Values:

-Loyalty is the key to success. Through patience and loyalty the Ildician Order will win back the trust broken by the traitors of our kind. Loyalty to the Order and the Adunian leaders above is expected.
-Respect to the citizens the Adunia is a must, we serve the Adunian Lord and we must respect his citizens.
-Any member of society harbouring said citizens of unholy thoughts will be punished accordingly; treachery and unholy resolve to harbour criminals will not be tolerated.
-The Adunian Lord, Clan Elendil and Council of Thanes are the pinnacle leaders of our race; to them we owe everything so protection of these people is our highest priority.
- Any brother of the order who is assaulted or killed without proper reason will be avenged. Loyalty to ones own fold is a must.
-Do not gratify verbal insults or barbs with an answer, ignore their ignorance and continue. You are not so weak as to react to a verbal barb.

Oath of the Ildician Order:

I, [name], do solemnly swear to serve the Ildician Order until death or release from the binds of this vow. I shall use my skill to protect the grand leaders of the Adunia and in turn the people they lead, I shall bring honour to my race and my Order, and I shall prove myself worthy to hold a position among it. If I am to forsake this oath, may my head be swept from my body and my remains left to rot, never to join my forefathers in the lands beyond. I swear this oath upon my life and all that I hold dear, before the leaders of our race and the [deity/deities] above.


- Jock McHaryn,  Lord Commander Ordhu, (Tunata001, New Zealand)

 Aldari, Medic Aermid, (yimmya, Australia)
- Leon "The Burning Cross" De'Travenchi, Elite Laochru, (Radferrari Australia)


Minecraft Name:
Character name:
Char military history:
Reason for joining:
Skype Name: <( Not needed but prefered.)
Pledge of Loyalty:

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Minecraft Name: yopplwasupxxx

Character name: Julius Bronte

Char military history: Julius Bronte has not had the longest military/combat training, but does has some. He was mainly training in swordsmanship by Talibar, a friend of his father, Ivan Bronte. He trained along side his twin brother, Bowen Bronte. As said before, he has some training in swordsmanship and some in hand-to-hand fighting, however his knowledge of martial knowledge halts there.

Reason for joining: Julius is wanting to join an order to help prestige his family and to help give honor to his name. He has always dreamed of being a knight or warrior of some kind, and he saw the Ildician Order as a good choice.

Skype Name: Yopplwasupxxx

Pledge of Loyalty:
I, Julius Bronte, do solemnly swear to serve the Ildician Order until death or
release from the binds of this vow. I shall use my skill to protect the
grand leaders of the Adunia and in turn the people they lead, I shall
bring honour to my race and my Order, and I shall prove myself worthy to
hold a position among it. If I am to forsake this oath, may my head be
swept from my body and my remains left to rot, never to join my
forefathers in the lands beyond. I swear this oath upon my life and all
that I hold dear, before the leaders of our race and the Creator

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