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The Graafknechten


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Several posters are hung in Orenian cities and crossroad message boards. All display the same or similar thing.

The Graafknechten

“The great service of our lord, Count Norfolk.”

Origins of the Graafknechten: The Graafknechten have a basic origin. It is simply the reformed military of House De Sarkozy. Previously the house guard, and house bannermen. It has now been reformed in order to grow, the same as the Sarkozy economy and workforce has.

Equipment of the Graafknechten: The Graafknechten have a pretty general loadout of equipment. Each soldier will receive a mail tabard once they are oathed, and thick leather clothes to wear at the recruit stage. Each soldier will (hopefully) be able to receive a polearm, a falchion, a crossbow and several bolts, and a kite shield.

Ranks and pay of the Graafknechten:

Recruit- 5 minas per elven week.

Graafknecht- 40 minas per elven week

Opzichter- 55 minas per elven week

Gezagvoerder- 80 minas per elven week

Roles and benefits of each rank:

A recruit has two jobs whilst in the county of Norfolk, To learn, and to not be a nuisance. It is imperative that recruits have the common sense and knowledge to be a good graafknecht, however, it is more important that the work of the people of Norfolk is not interrupted. They spend most of their time under training. Recruits will have food provided for them, they shall also have a bed in the barracks.

A graafknechts job is infinitely more complex, they are tasked with the defence of the city. They must man the walls, patrol the streets, and ride out to war when it is needed of them. They will also be required to follow the orders of the opzichters, the gezagvoerder, and the stadtholder. Graafknechts will also have food freely available to them, and a bed in the barracks but unlike the recruits, they will have the secure status of a Sarkozy graafknecht.

An opzichter will have similar duties to the graafknecht. They must however see to it that the graafknecht are doing their job well. They will also be fed and housed in the barracks, although it is likely more comfortable quarters will be found for them.

The Gezagvoerder is leads and organises the men. He will assign them to certain tasks, and train the men in the barracks.

The Stadtholder is the supreme leader of Norfolk’s armies, and has complete control, second to the lord of course.

Contact Hunskil Greydur ((olidegod)), Arjen de sarkozy ((myself)), or Count Norfolk ((Iorwen/Esterlen)) to join.

A portrait of a large line of some Graafknecht is put here:polishnobles.jpg

Send this app when signing up:


Training experience-

((OOC bit))

Minecraft account name-

OOC note: This is a group of guardsmen for the most part, made for the County of Norfolk. Norfolk, being a primarily Australian and European-active city, requires more guards for these time zones. So, if you are a newer player in these timezones or others looking for someplace to start, you are welcome in the Graafknechten!

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