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Everything posted by ronin_champloo

  1. : *******)) EAT SHIT METAGMER *****
  2. 'This is often too big to carry in anything smaller than a flask, and having more than [1] on their person during rough movements, such as combat, would make them combust on the wielder due to its volatility.' ;)
  3. If electric evocation was written more to be a variety of spells that affected movements, while inflicting minor burns, I can see it passing -- rather than chain, stunning that's better than fire evocation of writes prior.
  4. I've always advocated for a more interesting negative consequence, or change, onto one's character instead of 'dreams'. Alas, the mindset right now is that 'My character knows a lot of alchemy so her mind go heehoo' is a suitable detriment. (Actual quote from when I tried to bring the topic up btw.)
  5. SEVERED ALCHEMY II [Rare] Liquid Lightning - T3 This is what happens when one tries to harness the power of the gods and create lightning. The liquid sparks and crackles, charged with electricity. Effects: The sparkling liquid is both filled with and capable of creating charged electricity. It emits a medium charge which shocks, and lightly burns specific areas; through prolonged exposure for [6] turns which can cause deadly results such as burns, or the temporary numbing of one’s limb – or body part. Otherwise, it might be used by crossbowmen with specialized bolts to deal electric damage to a target, to cause muscle seizing. Most notably, the liquid lightning flask is often hot to the touch due to the liquid inside, so one often puts it in a dampening material, such as leather, cloth, or some kind of insulator so as to not feel the heat. - A flask of Liquid Lightning is more likely to cause burns and muscle seizing than it is to be lethal. It is not able to ‘kill’ a target on its own. - ‘Seizing’ is defined as the muscles forcibly contracting and being unable to relax. This can cause stiff body parts, which can make fluid and quick motions incredibly difficult and painful to attempt. - Movement will also likely be slowed down, at most letting one move three-quarters of their regular movement speed per emote (etc, 4 -> 3), which lasts for [5] emotes. If affected on their arms, however, they may find themselves more sluggish with weaponry, and ranged attacks will require [1] more emote of preparation. This lasts for the combative encounter, and should be treated. - Burns are inflicted should it touch bare skin, it is not capable of setting clothing alight with fire. - Should one wear plated armor, while they’d be protected from the heat as it requires long, prolonged exposure to it, something unable to be done in CRP as it beyond [6] emotes, however they’d find themselves more prone to the seizing of their body parts with themselves being stuck to half their movement speed for [5] emotes. - Prolonged exposure to it for [3] emotes grants 1st-degree burns on the afflicted limb, and another [3] emotes causes 2nd-degree burns. - This is considered a rare potion and must be taught. Furthermore, it requires an ST signature. - This cannot be thrown as an oil, and must be set on an armament, it lasts for [1] combative encounter before ultimately dispersing. For large equipment, such as anything bigger than a longsword, it'd last for [4] emotes. - The effects do not chain to another player under any circumstances, save for ones where the player grants OOC consent in the CRP encounter. Recipe: Base: Aqua Vitae mixed with crunched Adfectio stones, and some sugar. Airx2 Mundane: Chaosx3 Mundane: Ragex1 Firex2 Mundane: Separationx2 Mundane: Instabilityx2 Creation: First, one must create a base via Aqua Vitae and shatter the Adfectio stones until it turns onto a crumbled powder. This is added to the vitae and married. Now the Alchemist must make two groupings. The first is made with the Fire Sign, along with Chaos, and Rage as the symbols required. It is soon mixed until it is shown as a bubbling red concoction. The second grouping consists of Separation and Instability as the required symbols and Air, which should leave a wispy, grey mixture. One must then fuse these together with the base. It is imperative for one to carefully do so, as there is a possibility (¼ roll) for the liquid, due to the force and friction, to accidentally lash out electricity and cause some minor damage. Once done, this will leave a light blue liquid that exudes small sparks along with tiny wisps of smoke. ________________________________________________________ [Rare] Bottled Lightning - T3 Also referred to as God’s Wrath, this is what happens when one tries to recreate lightning in its absolute entirety. Electricity crackles and arcs within the concoction. Effects: First of all, Bottled-Lightning can be used for a myriad of applications, as it provides a great amount of heat and energy passively, making it hot to the touch. Often, transporting it requires some reinforced glass to make sure the heat does not fully transfer and burn one’s hand. If one were to open it, it’d immediately shoot out – akin to lightning – and attempt to ground itself, lasting [2] emotes, which means that it is no longer able to be used. This is often too big to carry in anything smaller than a flask, and having more than [1] on their person during rough movements, such as combat, would make them combust on the wielder due to its volatility. Once unleashed on a specific area of a person, the target will be affected in the following ways; lingering atrophy for the duration of the encounter, causing their grasp to weaken, burning pain for [2] emotes, and numbness that lasts for [5] emotes. - A flask of Bottled Lightning is not able to kill an individual, even if it targets their heart. - It has a range of [10] blocks, and it shoots out the bottle in a straight line once un-corked. - At most, it can grant up to 2nd-degree burns. - Burns are inflicted should it touch bare skin, it is not capable of setting clothing alight with fire. - Should one wear plated armour, while they’d be protected from the 2nd-degree burns, instead only gathering 1st-degree burns, however, they are not except the lingering atrophy. - For balance’s sake, in combative encounters, the speed of Bottled Lightning is akin to an arrow. If predicted and known, one can dodge it. Should they OOCly consent to it being as fast as lightning, then it can be for the combative encounter. - This is considered a rare potion and must be taught. Furthermore, it requires an ST signature. - This cannot be treated on an object. - The effects do not chain to another player under any circumstances, save for ones where the player grants OOC consent in the CRP encounter. Recipe: Base: Aqua Vitae mixed with crunched Adfectio stones, and some sugar. Airx2 Mundane: Chaosx3 Mundane: Ragex1 Firex2 Mundane: Separationx2 Mundane: Instabilityx2 Aetherx2 Sugarx1 Mundane: Swiftnessx3 Creation: First, one must create a base via Aqua Vitae and shatter the Adfectio stones until it turns onto a crumbled powder. This is added to the vitae and married. Now the Alchemist must make two groupings. The first is made with the Fire Sign, along with Chaos, and Rage as the symbols required. It is soon mixed until it is shown as a bubbling red concoction. The second grouping consists of Separation and Instability as the required symbols and Air, which should leave a wispy, grey mixture. The last grouping is made out of the Aether sign, along with Swiftness. One must then fuse these together with the base. It is imperative for one to carefully do so, as there is a possibility (¼ roll) for the liquid, due to the force and friction, to accidentally lash out electricity and cause some minor damage. Once done, this will leave a light blue liquid that exudes small sparks along with tiny wisps of smoke. ________________________________________________________ [Open] Dispersing Oil - T1 Used to counter lightning’s wrath, this oil is applied to the clothing of those working in areas with a mass amount of storms and lightning. Effects: This, when treated on clothing or items, provides resistance against lightning and electricity. It diminishes the energy and does not allow it to pass, which causes one to worry less about the horrific muscle spasms and possibly lethal effects of electricity. - While the oil stops the harmful effects of electricity and lightning, it doesn’t stop the staggering – or concussive – the force behind it, forcing one to take [1] emote to recover. They can, however, do a major action in this emote and may move (3/4) blocks. - Heat can accumulate from prolonged and mass exposure like [3] emotes, which will cause the oil to release smoke and heat up the area, though not to the point where it will catch on fire or be painful. Generally, this is more uncomfortable than actually hindering. - This does not prevent flames or burning on an individual. - For events, ST have the final say. - This does not require an ST signature but is seen as open knowledge. Recipe: Base: Aqua Vitae, and Vegetable Oil Mundane: Connectionx2 Mundane: Curtailmentx3 Mundane: Deathx1 ________________________________________________________ Credits: Phil - Writing the old lore.
  6. "I can't believe Ferry'nor would do this!" REDMANE muttered in shock.
  7. favourite works of fiction ? and thoughts on me ? ; )
  8. "War is nothing more than a contest of politicians stroking their own egos, as they send soldiers to die for a cause they don't believe in." Redmane muttered with a frown. "May Ferry'nor, the Borde, and Snoreland take one each other out."
  9. why are u looking at my pfp ?!?!?

    1. nerdy


      squirel brain bright flashing lights catch my attention

    2. ronin_champloo
  10. Marchosias with a ***** would NOT be breathtaking. It would be VILE. He didn't return for THIS.
  11. A Rhino gestured for a nearby bird to hold the letter in front of him. His eyes bulged out, almost falling out before he spoke; "By Rhineus, she's a spy?!"
  12. NEPHILIM AMENDMENT + ADDITION Following the crusade against their kin and Azdromoth, the Nephilim have worked – and dedicated themselves to utilising the means of their Dragonsflame. This has surfaced in new spells and rituals to benefit their race, all stemming from Marchosias, the fallen Drakelord. _______________________________________________________________________ EMBOLDENED FLAMES ‘By Asioth is every world created.’ [2 emotes: 1 connect + 1 cast] Seen in the advent of their creeds, and worship, the Nephilim have found ways to bestow maddening effects upon mortal ken; these benefit their worshippers, but at what cost? – the damning of their mortal body, the awakening of their sight of the end that’d soon occur. This is an extremely personal act to do for a Nephilim, as in essence, they are granting a part of themselves to another; trusting them to wield it with honour. - There is no limit to how many flames a Herald or a Nephilim can be granted. However, remember should a Nephilim have [0] units of Dragonsflame, they are effectively PK’d. This is listed on their CA, FA or MA. Duplicates of a 'Flame' counts as another. - Placement of the 'Flames' cannot be vague, etc their arms, it has to be specific, like a forearm. - These can only be granted by a Nephilim. - Granting a Flame upon a Descendant, or a Nephilim takes away [1] unit of dragonsflame permanently until it is willingly returned. In a sense, one can give as many as they want, but they’ll slowly begin to wither away due to the decreased amounts of dragonsflame within them. FLAME OF VITALITY ‘Light is greater than darkness, but there is no light without darkness. There is no first without second.’ A Nephilim may grant a unit of Dragonsflame upon a Descendant, creating a bond between the two. The flame doesn’t burn out, persisting itself upon the specific body part intended. The boon granted is it acts as a shield against the mental influences of Dark Magick, be it Siliti Thralling, or the geists of Mystics. This effect, itself, is a passive and its true effect comes in the ability to protect the wielder from Dark Magick spells – as the flames would devour, and engulf it, should it touch the flame-enwreathed part. - This does not counter the illusions of Voidal Magick. - The Fervent Fire is painful, and cannot be hidden, for the flame will persist on the body part until it is willingly surrendered. - Curses and Mental Influences include that of the Naztherak, Frost-Witches and the Siliti. - This does not dispel any form of magical darkness and has the illuminance of a Redstone torch. - The flames cannot be hidden. - This can be applied to a person as many times as they wish. - The Fervent Fire can devour one Dark Magick Spell per 1 OOC day. - This cannot be applied to a Nephilim. FLAME OF SPLENDOR ‘Their souls: spectral branches hold these white-gold fires, and he is filled with mighty power over them.’ With the deaths of several Nephilim, their bodies succumbing to stone, others have fostered a means to harness and wield the preordained fate of their destined death; using it to accomplish feats that were dreamed of long ago, in the time where the Nephilim of eld stood in companionship with man. The boon granted is a slow transformation of their affected limb onto a stone-like talon. This painful procedure occurs during 3 OOC days, and multiple flames must be done separately. The Nephilim places their Dragonfire upon the intended spot, before effectively snuffling out the flame, only revealing stone. These can be moved, but all sense of touch is gone from it – barring pain, the weight and the creaking of their bones. This, however, grants a few uses as it provides itself as a blunt weapon to use on individuals, or talons to claw out at a person. Another effect is that people would find that Dark Magick cannot corrupt Nephilim, should it land on this stone limb. - The Stone-Limb only grants a defence against Dark Magicks should it land on it. Otherwise, a Nephilim can still be corrupted. - The Stone Limb bears the strength of Ferrum, at best, but is incredibly blunt. Wielding weaponry, ranged or melee will be tough as would more delicate tasks. It can, however, be broken with adequate force; etc, a Warhammer or pickaxe. - Once bashed onto the ground, within a 2-meter radius of the wielder, casters and melee-compatriots may find themselves unable to focus, with their feet sightly stumbling. This requires [2] emotes. - The stone limb cannot be hidden easily; a cloak, or something in that field, must be used. - This can be applied to a person as many times as they wish. - This cannot replace lost limbs. - You may not have a stone ****. FLAME OF INSIGHT ‘His brothers hid at the edges of his vision; watching, they each lit their flames with his blazing eyes.’ The third eye dwells in all Nephilim, yet it is with An-Gho that was it fully realized and wielded. The Nephilim can grant the ability in their peers, or Heralds; bestowing upon them the ability of the awakened eye. This effectively allows one to see within the dark, and the temperatures of their being, as a passive. Most importantly, they will delve and peer into prophecies albeit in flame as their eyes began to leak cinders. Another ability of theirs is to translate any descendant language, barring ones created by Aenguldaemonica. With time, however, one may be unable to separate dreams from reality; a curse of the madness that comes with knowing the end. - The wielder’s eye cannot translate any language made from supernatural means; deific languages, and whatnot.. This ability lasts for [5] uses before ultimately fading out, with each use being overcome by magma and cinder; completely incomprehensible. - This can be applied to a person as many times as they wish. - The breaking of their mind comes from the descendant's inability to comprehend the thoughts of the future, showcasing the gap between the draconic and mortal mind. FLAME OF LOVE ‘Greater loves lesser; core loves periphery.’ Following the demise of their kin; their fleeting numbers and the hate of the Descendants, the Nephilim found that they could trust little, save for their own flames and people. From this, the conjurers of flame have devised a means of creating a ‘shadow’ of sorts; one woven by fire and brimstone. These creations, however, are fragments of the Nephilim’s prior life; of their memories when they were descendants. As such, they may speak or talk about what they once more, providing guidance and aid to the wielder like mortal agents – or lost souls, forgone long ago. They, however, do not grant aid in any combative purpose save for advice or even scathing remarks. - The wielder’s ‘Shadow’ cannot grant any metagamed information or specific segments of their life. If anything, they are like a companion that always stalks the Nephilim, or Herald, that take up the appearance of brimstone or ash. - They may be shadows, or more discretely hidden as ash-like segments that take up parts of their skin. - The 'Shadow' cannot interact with the world physically at all. - The Shadows, as stated prior, are fragments of the Nephilim’s old psyche, and may talk or give advice about what they once more, perhaps even disillusioned at times following the transcendence of their mortal coil. - This cannot be applied to a Nephilim. FLAME OF EXALTATION ‘Asioth held the power beyond all power.’ With the ongoing crusade against all of the Nephilim, they devised a more volatile and joyful use of their inner Dragonsflame – unbound by hate, anger or control. The conjurers of their flame could impart – or use – their cinders in a more defensive and beautiful form, lacking shape. These mark themselves as brilliant tattoos that are permanently glowing, unable to be hidden at all. When harnessed, be it via words or gestures, a flame-like wall spanning two meters in front of them is granted. It lingers for [3] emotes before ultimately dispersing, however should one peer into the flame for [2] emotes, then they are unable to think of anything else rather than joy, and exaltation; coerced and seduced by fire. Additionally, illusions or mirages may appear in the flame, only seen by the individual affected by it. Etc, a King who has lost his child may see the life that his son could’ve lived; full of joy, happiness and pride. - If applied to a Herald, they are constantly plagued by what they wish for most but are ultimately unable to have. - The flames are akin to fire and can be put out just as easily. - The Nephilim, or the Herald, cannot see what the individual wishes for in their fires. It is suggested that they communicate OOCly for what they’d see. - The tattoos continually move upon the Herald, or Nephilim’s skin, as if it was dancing. It, however, stays in a specific part of the body. - A person can easily look away. - Should the limb be plagued by Dark-Magic, it turns into horrid nightmares of what they have lost instead. _______________________________________________________________________ FLAMELIT RITUALS ‘For this is the golden gift of eternities.’ [Free-form] Guided by the Stars, the Nephilim wept. Emboldened by it, they fought. Nurtured, they stand once more. With the passing of the Drakelord, he left behind notes and rituals to his kin – ready to use against the end of days. To perform this, a Nephilim must stand or sit amidst a basin as his Heralds set him alight. In these brilliant flames, they must dance and sing as the gift is made from a Nephilim’s inner flame. - All participants who are performing the ritual must do so with OOC, and IRP consent. - Doing this consumes [4] units of Dragonsflame, and bars the Nephilim from Combat for [1] OOC day. GIFT OF ETERNITY ‘Without, white-gold hides ages in the bright heavens. First-born tears down spectral branches: eternity.’ This ritual can be done with a singular Ordained Herald, or more, and a Nephilim. As a Nephilim grants their inner flame to a Herald – so does a Herald grant it back to a Nephilim; strengthening and emboldening one another in this beautiful partnership. This is relatively simple, but it allows for a Herald to permanently give up a Magic-Slot to a Nephilim, to bolster their units of Dragonsflame – doing this, links the two together, and the Herald and Nephilim may experience dreams, or nightmares, of one another’s life. The Nephilim may experience dreams of a Descendant-Life, where they live the existence of their Herald. Whereas, a Herald may experience nightmares of a Nephilim’s demise – living through their death, again and again. - One cannot metagame details within their dreams, and the individuals in their dreams are depicted as silhouettes of flame and fire. - Please don’t dream of an FTB with your Herald/Nephilim’s wife. GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE ‘Now comes Asioth of One word, eyes like crystals. First, First-Born describes the shining thunder: knowledge.’ There is no greater feat of knowledge than the knowledge of the end. With this Ritual, they may bring a glimpse of it into reality – be it by the dark-ash sky, or pillars of cinders and flame. If performed, only the Heralds may experience the visions of the end with the Nephilim acting as the catalyst. It is recommended that the players discuss with an LT what type of knowledge they wish to know. - One cannot metagame anything within their Gift of Knowledge; if it goes into any unknown terrority – OOC consent must be given. - If done in an area where the individuals aren’t PRO or RO. They require consent for any terrain changes, etc; dark sky. - A rollout of [20] must be done and rolling less than 16 means that it's a failure. - [2] rolls are granted. 15 or lower; A brand is marked onto the Nephilim’s eye, burning it yet not scarring their sight. This is also granted to the Herald, and the vision went by too fast for them to decipher it. 10 or lower; sigils and marks etch themselves onto the Nephilim amidst a volatile explosion – brands of the end – and the Herald will be plagued by any whispers and the damning cries of the Nephilim when they underwent their transformation. 5 or lower; Permanent marks, or scars may etch themselves onto the Nephilim and the Herald will be plagued by any possible death that they may undergo. GIFT OF STRENGTH ‘Silver vessels are made full by their royal souls. First-Born loves lovingly these white-gold fires: strength.’ A Nephilim may allow flame, and fire to course through their body – emboldening it beyond mortal belief. A glimpse of the prior form that they once had. In this state, they grow as large as an Olog with a thick tail. They are unable to speak in anything but Draconic, and their voice becomes overlapped numerous times – as if it was the striking of thunder. In this state, a Nephilim is linked to their Heralds who continuously power him to their own pain. Being in this form for [5] emotes burns the heralds, for [10] it turns into third-degree burns that are permanent. Lastly, for [15] they have burnt away and PK’d in their quest to aid a Nephilim. This requires [3] emotes to activate -- [1] to connect, [2] to begin the transformation as flames tether to heralds, and [1] final emote to complete the transformation. - A Nephilim in this state has their prior strength, that of an Orc. - They are unable to wield weaponry. - Their skin is akin to tough leather, and only through striking their draconic heart will they be slain. - In this state, should they perish – the Nephilim is effectively handled to ET for event-use, unable to be played by the players again. - The burns are permanents, and cannot be left. GIFT OF TRIUMPH ‘In silence, First-Born shines between them all like light, the adversary of the fallen prince: triumph.’ A Nephilim, with their dragonsflame – emboldened by the will of their Heralds – may mark and strengthen the power of a Drakeshrine. For each participant, they are strengthened. A Lesser Blessing is done with two Ordained Heralds, and two Nephilim. In a [10] block radius area, an Ordained Herald’s flame is strengthened to that of Dragonsflame, and Nephilim benefit from an increase in their units; being that of [2]. Additionally, Holy Mages may feel the wrath of Dratho Zha – though without the effect of stopping them; instead of making them feel powerless, scared and as if they are standing face-to-face with Azdromoth himself. - A rollout of [20] must be done and rolling less than 16 means that it's a failure. - [2] rolls are granted. 15 or lower; A brand is marked onto the Nephilim’s eye, burning it yet not scarring their sight. This is also granted to the Herald, and the vision went by too fast for them to decipher it. 13 or lower; sigils and marks etch themselves onto the Nephilim amidst a volatile explosion – brands of the end – and the Herald will be plagued by any whispers and the damning cries of the Nephilim when they underwent their transformation. 10 or lower; Permanent marks, or scars may etch themselves onto the Nephilim and the Herald will be plagued by any possible death that they may undergo. A Greater Blessing is done with a minimum of six Ordained Heralds, and six Nephilim. In a [25] block radius area, an Ordained Herald’s flame is strengthened to that of Dragonsflame, and Nephilim benefit from an increase in their units; being that of [5]. Additionally, Holy Mages may feel the wrath of Dratho Zha – though without the effect of stopping them; instead of making them feel powerless, scared and as if they are standing face-to-face with Azdromoth himself. Furthermore, they have knocked down 2 tiers in their respective Holy Magicks. - A rollout of [20] must be done and rolling less than 16 means that it's a failure. 15 or lower; A brand is marked onto the Nephilim’s eye, burning it yet not scarring their sight. This is also granted to the Herald, and the vision went by too fast for them to decipher it. 10 or lower; sigils and marks etch themselves onto the Nephilim amidst a volatile explosion – brands of the end – and the Herald will be plagued by any whispers and the damning cries of the Nephilim when they underwent their transformation. 5 or lower; Permanent marks, or scars may etch themselves onto the Nephilim and the Herald will be plagued by any possible death that they may undergo. - This must be an area that the Nephilim owns OOCly, and if not – they have to be granted permission. - To destroy the effect, the Drakeshrine must be demolished or suffocated in Xannic Mists. GIFT OF GRACE ‘Now First-Born frees his students of deficiency, inspiring artistry by Asioth: grace.’ The most graceful act for a Nephilim, or a Herald is the gift of Dragonsflight and Dragonhood. However, this is not permanent and can only have [5] uses; in this state, once per day, they may commune and talk to the dead Nephilim of time’s past for advice, guidance or aid. - To commune with a specific Nephilim, the player – of such – must give OOC consent, and they’ll play their character. - Otherwise, to talk to a non-distinct Nephilim, the characters are played by an ET. _______________________________________________________________________ FLAME-BARRIER ‘Within, red-gold showed vigor in the darkest depths. First-born lapped up buoyant waters: vitality.’ [4 emotes: 1 connect + 2 connect + 1 cast] The Nephilim may harness their Dragonsflame in erecting a barrier woven out of Dragonsflame. While this cannot stop melee, or ranged equipment – it’d provide aid in defending one from Magick. It bares a range of four blocks maximum, with one block thickness, and can last [4] spells – dark or voidal – before immediately burning onto ash. - Paladin spells count as [2] hits. - Casting this prohibits the Nephilim from moving at all. - Should one attempt to cross the shield without proper equipment, such as armour; they’d find themselves burning for [2] emotes. - This costs [1] unit of dragonsflame, and can only be used by a Nephilim. - This lasts for one combat scenario. _______________________________________________________________________ AMENDMENT - A Nephilim is unable to use Voidal Enchantments, nor Voidal Creations, as their Draan would effectively burn out the body – or the magegold – within an item as it is too volatile and powerful.
  13. ppl just need to stop blurring the lines of OOC and RP, rather than blaming unbiased lorepieces . . . -- a problem of the players, not the systems in place . . .
  14. uhhh this has been a thing for a looooong time now -- normally ppl just rp clerics as purity of the soul; unblemished by dark or voidal magick, but ppl are allowed to take it a step further. if u think its harassment/ooc-targetting, then file a report otherwise the war of 'purity' on homosex and mixed races isn't rly something that should be abolished or prevented via ooc reasons, but rp reasons instead. if ppl wanna crusade homosex and mixed races, they can do so as long as the lines between ooc and rp aren't blurred . . . besides, extremists makes rp funny, etc look at pallies and the variation of faith that they foster. you have paladins hating frostwitches to the point where they kill them, and other pallies (he-who-shall-be-not-be-named. ex-nl tho . . ) hating frostwitches to the point where he sex them
  15. hi : 3 I-I *drops rep* can u give me my rep back <3
  16. THE DRAKELORD'S RETURN How long has it been – traversing dimensions, battling with forces beyond Mortal Ken – in the search for the damnable creation, fate marked by the torn fragment of the Dictate. The mind, and the eye, of the unwary; the accursed and the plighted, the veil that was blurred and of the unknown. So many planes, and yet each only granted more questions. Answers were lacking here, as was reason – only glass and thought. The lifeblood of his Draan, the Dragonsflame that birth him, was so lacking. The once-ravenous flame was diminished onto a mere bed of ash and cinder, all in search of that being; the Outvoker. Guided by the stars, he found the otherworldly being. Fated by the stars, he was imprisoned in a world of glass by it. Emboldened by the stars, he fought against his preordained demise. What once was ash soon caught alight, burning with intensity. All it took was a mere second, just a few moments – just a single mistake from the abhorrent creation. Time was not a concept within his prison, as was power. Alas, only the gift of the descendants flooded this realm. Pure, and utter creativity. With each moment, another ritual was made. With each passing second, a new spell. With each twitch of his fingers, his will was emboldened. From the corner of his eye, he saw it; stars raining down on his home. Perhaps this was the work of a Daemon, or an Inferi. He didn’t know, nor did the Overseer. Reality began to split apart by its command, fissures made in the aether before a doorway onto another realm was made. Its interest was piqued, and it offered him what he was waiting for – a few moments. His dormant dragonsflame combusted, thrashing and battling against the glass. Cracks were made, and he persisted. Not yet. Not now. More. More. The chains of rebellion were made, and they broke against the confines of his imprisonment. Talons grasped at reality, and he ripped himself out of it – dazed, weakened, yet freed. So utterly free. His legs trembled as he took a few steps forward. Creation, itself conjured before his feet, guiding him to his escape. The shackles that once broke him soon were controlled by his will, burning with the vehement ichor of his Draan. However, it soon returned, watching him with pure hatred. Rituals and spells clashed in a battle of will, and he found himself losing. He was too weak in this state. A hand pressed itself on his chest, and slowly fissures of Dragonsflame found themselves combusting, engulfing his body – strengthening it beyond the limitations that he thought were possible. Finally, he found it. The spark of a dying ember, and it was tempered and tended to beyond belief. Flames devoured this segment of reality, warding the being back. And out from it came no man, but a Beast; a large tail swung at the Warden, yet it was blocked with ease. A shadow of draconic origin followed the large ritualistic man, and it threw vehement spirals of flames – all toward the Overseer's back. He was stronger, much more than before his gifts were temporarily taken. He was in control of his fate, now at least. And yet, it wasn’t enough to challenge the Outvoker. Not that he needed to. For as they battled and raged, as the Nephilim breathed hafts of Dragonsflame towards it – soon morphing onto jagged ends of stone and ash – his shadow was working. With hands set upon the fissures of reality, the remnants of the creation’s last displacement, it soon began to coordinate and set a path back home. To Mul’naar. The battle was reaching its conclusion, for, with all the spells and rituals that the Nephilim had learnt, it wasn’t enough to devour it. Only time was taken; each second, vital in this spell – this displacement. Not that it mattered, this body was temporary; the final prison granted to his bloodied and scarred soul. He commanded his shadow a final order, and it ripped his chest in half; steel-like scales torn as it clattered to the floor, all until his burning heart was taken. It was thrown all the broken fractures in reality, soaring amidst the stars to its destination. It saw how his prior body was soon beaten and pushed aside by the Outvoker, bleeding heavily as blood painted the world below in their battle; the reason for the Blood-Rain that swept over Almaris. Guided by the stars, he found the otherworldly being. Fated by the stars, he was imprisoned in a world of glass by it. Emboldened by the stars, he fought against his preordained demise. Along with to the South, where a temple stood, derelict and abandoned; a statue lay with no signs of life. That is until cracks started to form, as did cinder and flame, heralding his beating heart. Stone began to shed itself, and emboldened – freed – he grasped at the walls, clinging and rasping. He was awake. Marchosias has returned.
  17. [Soft-PK] BATTERY-0% He stood within a dark, and empty basement -- or rather the makings of one. Dirt and rock clung onto the walls and floor, the exit barred off. Not that he wished to leave, there was an order to follow. The construct stood guard, waiting for its creators to come once more, watching over the thing that it carried, a box of sorts. Perhaps, it was one of those magical boxes or crates with food that the people of Viene always loved. And yet, why did people cry and smile when they had saw it. Why was a mere glance able to garner such emotion? Why was it so important? For Dael VIII, fear was never an emotion he understood; the end was unstoppable. Nothing could prevent its swift demise. Like a farmer tending to his crops, it lacked empathy and remorse. The cold hand of death was as fast, as it was gentle. A mere touch and one loses their ability to think, move and act – replaced only with the shell of what they once were. What was this.. vile feeling? It was sickening, yet he could not stop it. The reserves of mana that powered him were so little, fading away with each second that he obeyed his protocol. His limbs grew heavy, aching – even – under the weight of the fetter; a concept that he was completely obvious to. At this point, bathed in the absence of light, his leg lowered to kneel. Was this fear, he thought. The construct didn't know and was uneasy from it. “OBSERVATION: MY-END-IS-NIGH-AND-I-AM-ALONE.” His thoughts drifted to Acre, and onto his compatriots and makers; the Daels. In the final seconds of his demise, he thought of a few individuals; of a crying person who smiled so brightly. A wish, or rather a request was made, that he – too – could smile like that. The segments of his body soon began to crumble, falling onto the floor in the heap of the dark basement. First, the arms that he grew so fond of, and then his shoulders. He felt nothing from the approach of the end, merely a quiet peace – an odd silence that he feared. His legs gave out afterwards, and the construct’s body fell onto the ground. At least now, he understood why people called out to anything amidst their final moments. A thought soon settled, and Dael, the Eighth, spoke out; “REQUEST: WAKE-ME-WHEN-I-AM-NEEDED.” In the last few seconds, he watched as his entire body turned onto a mass of stone and metal. As the Atronach’s core began to roll out, faintly buzzing with the last remnants of its strength and magical reserves, and finally stopped. What once was a construct now was a crumbled mess of rock. At the top of this hill, however, stood a core, empty and unable to think.
  18. maybe. auric oil can be treated on weaponry, and whatnot, without it weakening the material -- this is meant to be more of a ranged option that takes into account crafting and an old thing that phil wrote, and was approved with limitations as well, to focus on the niche; no enchantments, very weak, cant get thru armor, however i can understand the inability that voidal mages have, in their inept way to think of solutions to stuff w/o coping on their magic; etc a shield we'll see what voters think, but im not so sure null arcana will pass
  19. after 2 years, u got whipped enough by lhindir to finish it
  20. idk why but for some reason, i thought u were an alt -- maybe its instinctual at this time when i see someone competent writing on the forums. nevertheless welcome to LOTC ! feel free to join the Story Discord to gather insights on the lore, hmu if you'd ever like to RP and i hope u enjoy ur time here https://discord.gg/7GjZDfz6 whats ur elden ring build btw
  21. After talking to a few friends, and ST -- I kind of realized that writing this concept within 30 minutes was kind of a weak idea, and could be elaborated upon much more in the future. I'd request for this to be self-denied, so I can work or fully explore it in the future. Cheers for the discussion and time, everyone!
  22. changelog: - azdrazi can only have wall of flame, and stone shit not so sure abt shadow but i'll see how it goes in review
  23. after talking to ST, we came to the conclusion that the flames should only be granted to Heralds -- to strengthen the relationship between the two lore pieces; meaning that heralds protect neph from dark magick, and neph protect heralds from physical means -- and grant knowledge, thus making them their mortal agents what are the thoughts of ppl concerning this?
  24. renamed all the flames bc the prior names sounded like dnd ablities
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