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Everything posted by ronin_champloo

  1. Amongst the swaying waves, held within a port, a boat sailed in search of the alchemical legends of eld. The moments prior echoed in the man’s mind, and like the waves, they had continuously knocked and crashed on the borders of this thoughts — echoing what was to be done, and what was to follow; penance. He carried scorn within his closed off heart, guard and locked amidst a bastion of utter defence, made in deference to his duty — to uphold it onto its extremity. The Alchemist, however, knew that it wasn’t the full truth, merely a fragment of it. To those that knew him, they didn’t know the severity of his wroth towards creatures woven by the Dark Magi. Hate festered like the growing flames of obedience and order, and judgement was laid before those who were lost. He abhorred them for what they were, for what they represented, for what they reminded him of — the reason that he had originally taken the Sunlit Path; each beating, burning and conquest was made following this hateful view. No chances were given, for he deemed their souls stained beyond consideration of redemption. A pyre existed, and only to burn rather than offer warmth and company. “In your faith, you were compliant in subjugating others— all for your quest of hatred and judgement. You must make amends, and build a shrine of rememberence for what you’ve done; the sins that you’ve committed.” The Alchemist scowled, and dark thoughts settled within his head, directed at the shadow that followed him, reminding him of what he had done in his quest for the light. Time drifted and faded, and he would not let this deter his path. The faint scrunching of grass showed him that he let his mind wander once more, that the man was lost amidst a sea of this thoughts. He had sighed, and kneeled amidst the verdant forest. The humming of the birds, and the quiet swaying of the leaves that moved with the howling winds, offered him a quiet song to close his eyes too. This wouldn’t do. Far too secluded, too.. hidden, for how can the dead be remembered in a bygone shack, forgotten and unseen by all? He wandered once more, from one forgotten place to the next, searching for anything. With a few quiet moments, he had found himself in the emerald plains — mundane and peaceful, a contrast to the conflict of his mind. He did not like returning to those memories, even if they happened so long ago, the felt like burning hot knives that sought to pierce his skin. Those flashing thoughts were too painful, too vivid. The Alchemist did not like them. Once more he inhaled before closing his eyes, beginning to set his hands to work. It was rough and harsh, the various stones formed bruises and calluouses on his fingers and palm — yet, it didn’t deter him; the path of penance was long and arduous, each step aching on the bones. Yet it was for reason, to remind him of what he had done, and his sin. Survival dwelled in the hearts of all, weak or strong, the ability to act on it was what separated man from beast. The extent that they’d go to ensure living, backed and kicked into a cage, yet still breathing. Like those, he likened himself to an animal — one thrown onto the ball, obeying to survive in that damnable war. The physical scars grew smaller in time, yet the mental marks remained and lingered as the root of his wrath. Another breath drew him away from his thoughts, and he braved the depths of his rage once more. It quickened, and those memories turned into a flash. He repeated this many times amidst the construction of that shrine. After a few days, he laid the final pieces of the shrine with bandaged hands. The Alchemist didn’t speak, merely carrying on with the images within his mind. They didn’t hurt as much as they used to, thought those thoughts heralded a sting, along with the twitching of his fingers. Finally, the elf set to work — using a simple slate to etch words onto the shrine. It read, for all to see; ‘THOSE WHO FAIL TO STARE AT SORROW WITHOUT WAVERING, WILL FOREVER BE CONSUMED BY HATE.’ May the fallen of the Inferi Crisis find peace, and solace, knowing they fought for the betterment of all Descendants. He breathed once more, exhaling a relived state. The Alchemist stood, and gathered his things, soon moving to depart. He would clean this shrine many times amidst his trip, dedicating himself to caring for it for those that he failed. His sins were confronted, the life of suffering and struggling was left, offering him a peace of mind. The Elf was forever ready to die and to perish; either by another or the cold embrace of age. The terms of what he had done was accepted, and he moved onward with no hesitation. And upon the shrine was a letter, addressed and written to a certain person who had long left this realm; his estranged father. There, he had spoke with a quiet voice. A tone that could’ve been hidden amidst the howling winds. ”No longer do I wish to harm; I wish to protect, to heal and save — to be better.”
  2. I can’t believe it took Crines abusing and half-assing a system to massproduce paladins for activity to bring the problem to light ngl man churns out more paladins than slurs, it seems
  3. Unironically requiring (x) to progress only makes more problems — see necros needing dragon parts, from an event, to turn into a lich or the murderhoboing ways (30~ kills) of the Mystics to turn into a Wight. Imagine that for Paladins when they have to deal with spooks who either hide or don’t do anything, the ppl that do are often doing it to get killed or stupid as they get caught. It’s a stranglehold in progression that LOTS of magics face rn tbh Now direct that to a bloodthirsty playerbase, whom a few (not naming names, but you’re aware of my dislike of you :S) are rampant PGers and Metagamers when it comes to conflict that concerns their characters and the progression to get cool magics and spells. Forcing a playerbase to do conflict just to progress isn’t, and won’t be in good faith — as hopeful and chill as some of our lads can be — since it isn’t made through natural development of RP. It isn’t ‘they did (x), gotta go deal with them via words or blood’ it turns into ‘gosh, to get to T(x) I have to murder a spook. Who’s on that I can message, or even deal with right now?’. It isn’t dynamic at all, it feels forced even if the magic is directed towards the killing of darkspawn — well, more specifically dragonkin I know it’s not what you intend to do, but there’s a myriad of ways that you can take it, and a bunch of interesting stuff. Maybe they’re put into an arena with a chancery, and the golden mist comes out as a challenger in some manner of beast — this can be played by an ET or a Player as some Player-Ran event with a lot more freedom. Obviously, some ppl will try and say ‘I faced Azdromoth in the hyperbolic training chamber…’ but then they’ll get cockslapped by him or a level 1 mafia noob which will be hilarious as for the druid argument, no they aren’t seen as darkspawn however alien chin xan hates all of his siblings and anything that isn’t an untouched descendant. There’s a reason why Druids and paladins used to hate each other, and it took a druid making an character to become one to forcibly bridge the gap. I kind of like the idea that paladins are actual magic nazis who give no aid or support to anything that isn’t a mundane or untouched descendant, makes it more interesting than the generic white knights they are
  4. Anyone in the Philippines rn

    1. Islamadon


      i'll be there in 12 hours if you give me a headstart

    2. ronin_champloo


      Deal just had kbbq for $37

  5. "I can't believe Ferry'nor is actually a thing now. I was just joking!" REDMANE muttered.
  6. I thought the purpose was that it was to apply aesthetics onto metals? Regardless, following the acceptance of the prior write, I have not seen it used -- barring a few people -- that much, which is why I wrote this.
  7. WARFORGING Warforging stands as the alchemical method of creating specific concoctions to imbue metallic objects with the aesthetics of various elements. It was developed by the Dwarves of Eld many a century ago, with the primary intent of decorating their creations with something to showcase the heritage of their clan. The art is protected, with very few cases of it slipping out of the hands of Dwarves for centuries. It had once become a forgotten art, but some decades ago a dwarf by the name of Dormin had written detailed accounts of the ancient art, which had traveled through the hands of select dwarves for some time after. It was once assumed, by those who translated ancient accounts of these techniques, that a specific material was needed which could absorb these specially created Alchemicals. However, in recent years it has been discovered by one particularly devoted Doomforged that with special care, and a few extra steps to the techniques, these oils can be applied to almost any metal. The only exceptions, found through quite expensive bouts of experimentation were Carbarum, Azhl, Thanhium, and Lunarite. It would seem that the already extreme visual appearances, durability or strange conditions of these metals did not allow for the oils to create desirable effects upon them. - Warforging does not give any combative advantage at all, in any circumstance. - The process of applying the oil can be applied to existing items via re-heating and applying. - Should there be an aesthetic not seen yet, you are able to create a MArt of the rare recipe. - While the change is the same for all Open Materials, ST-Locked Metals have a different effect on them. They will be mentioned below. - To learn Warforging techniques, one must have an accepted Alchemy application, as well as be taught by someone who knows Warforging already. - All Warforging potions are Tier 2, and do not require an ST signature. - They are all considered rare potions and require being taught IRP. ________________________________________________________________ LAVAFORGING When the Lava-Forged Oil is applied to the metal once, it takes upon the visual appearance of hot, blazing metal as if it were freshly taken from a forge. It carries a warm touch to it, though nothing extreme. Should it be applied twice, cracks soon would form on the metal – bearing a kinetic flow to it, as if rivers of molten metal flowed upon the blade. Recipe: Base: Oilx1 Mundane: Impediment x4 Mundane: Lethargy x1 Fire: Heat x4 Mundane: Balance x2 - This cannot be applied to Thanhium, Ironwood, Lunarite or Rokodra. - This can be applied to Azhl, Carbarum, Lunarite, and Boomsteel. It retains physical tells to their composition; such as Azhl’s grey-ish hue, Carbarum’s oceanic colour, and Lunarite’s ability to glow. The application of the oil cannot obscure the identity of the metal. - The item must be let to rest in the sun for [1] narrative hour, allowing its effects to only appear on the material's surface. STARFORGING Should the Star-Forged oil be applied once, the metal soon takes on the characteristics of the shifting, night sky – mimicking it, though not fully comparing to the sights above. The metal soon becomes purple, with countless parks of light – akin to stars – held within it. Some may move, twinkle or even fade out in time with lights anew replacing them in white, yellow, and red colours of the treated metal. Recipe: Base: Oilx1 Mundane: Swiftness x1 Mundane: Endurance x2 Mundane: Light x4 Mundane: Clarity x2 - This cannot be applied to Ironwood. - This can be applied to Azhl, Carbarum, Lunarite, Thanhium and Boomsteel. It retains physical tells to their composition; such as Azhl’s grey-ish hue, Carbarum’s oceanic colour, Lunarite’s ability to glow, and Thanhium’s misty frost still lingers around the metal. The application of the oil cannot obscure the identity of the metal. - The item must be let to rest out in the night, where no clouds cover the sky, for [1] narrative hour, allowing its effects to only appear on the material's surface. STORMFORGING Should Storm-Forged oil be applied to a metal, it bares little change to the surface of it – more so creating thin, short arcs of ‘lightning’ that dance vehemently around the metal. On some occasions, the appearance of fog, resembling clouds, may surround the surface. Recipe: Base: Oilx1 Mundane: Life x2 Air: Swiftness x1 Mundane: Strength x2 Water: Peace x4 - This cannot be applied to Thanhium, Lunarite or Ironwood. - This can be applied to Azhl, Carbarum, Lunarite, and Boomsteel. It retains physical tells to their composition; such as Azhl’s grey-ish hue, Carbarum’s oceanic colour, and Lunarite’s ability to glow. The application of the oil cannot obscure the identity of the metal. - The item must be let to rest out in the rain, amidst storms and thunder, for [1] narrative hour, allowing its effects to only appear on the material's surface. ICEFORGING Ice-Forged concoctions bear the strongest illusion as when applied, the metal appears as if it has been thickly iced over. This is not translucent and takes on the colour of the metal that it was applied to. The item will bear a frosted-over aesthetic to it, as well as give off a rather gentle haze – along with a cool touch to it. Recipe: Base: Oilx1 Mundane: Slowness x3 Mundane: Strength x2 Mundane: Connection x1 Mundane: Freezing x2 - This cannot be applied to Boomsteel, Lunarite or Ironwood. - This can be applied to Azhl, Carbarum, Lunarite, and Thanhium. It retains physical tells to their composition; such as Azhl’s grey-ish hue, Carbarum’s oceanic colour, Lunarite’s ability to glow, and Thanhium’s misty frost still lingers around the metal. The application of the oil cannot obscure the identity of the metal. - The item must be let to rest out in the snow, in a cold environment, for [1] narrative hour, allowing its effects to only appear on the material's surface. LIGHTFORGING Light-Forged potions grant a glowing effect to an item, with the edges being brighter than the others – showcasing that it isn’t perfectly even. It carried a slight light-catching tint to it as if various gems were woven within the outer layer of the metal, hidden amidst the glowing hue. Recipe: Base: Oilx1 Mundane: Light x3 Mundane: Purity x2 Mundane: Vigour x1 Mundane: Endurance x4 Optional: Dyex1 - This cannot be applied to Ironwood, Lunarite or Rokodra. - This can be applied to Azhl, Carbarum, Lunarite, Boomsteel and Thanhium. It retains physical tells to their composition; such as Azhl’s grey-ish hue, Carbarum’s oceanic colour, Lunarite’s ability to glow, and Thanhium’s misty frost still lingers around the metal. The application of the oil cannot obscure the identity of the metal. - The item must be let to rest out in a dark room, only granted light by nearby flames, for [1] narrative hour, allowing its effects to only appear on the material's surface. SHADOWFORGING A human alchemist who was eager to invent and tinker found that although 'Warforging' had 'Lightforging' it did not have a counterpart. Basing that every symbol had an opposite, he started tinkering the way to deplete the light of a metal, and although he did not succeed in depleting a metal from any and all light, he made an oil that warped the light around the metal, darkening the metal and leaving an orange-ish aura around it. This aura moved as the metal did, the oily concoction being first made in Aevos. Recipe Base: Oil 1x Aether: Dark 3x Mundane: Purity 2x Mundane: Vigour 1x Mundane: Endurance 4x Optional: Dye 1x Creation To create the concoction the alchemist shall heat up the oil and immediately add the [Aether] Dark symbols, then mix thoroughly. Once the solution visibly darkens, the alchemist should add all three mundane symbols into the batch, the mixture starting to darken objects around it as if they were under a heavy shadow. During this stage, the mixture would start to release a few orange sparks, in which, if the alchemist prefers, can then add the dye into the mix and stir to finalize the concoction. Effects Applying this concoction/oil into a metallic weapon/armor will darken the area significantly, although not make it completely black. Light will wrap around its borders to make a small streak akin to an 'aura' surrounding the area (able to be dyed). Much like its counterpart 'Lightforging', the shadows are not perfectly even, the center of the sword being darker. This aura grows brighter the closer it is to the edges. This is purely aesthetic, and grants no advantage. -This Cannot be applied to Ironwood or Lunarite. -This can be applied to all other metals, they would retain their original color, although darkened as if in a deep shadow. - Upon being applied to significant lore metals like Carabrum, Thanhium, Boomsteel, Rokodra & Azhl, the aura will be given a secondary color in trace amounts depending on the material at play (deep blue for Carabrum, red for Azhl as examples). -This can NOT make invisible items, nor can darken already dark items past what it would under a shadow. -This cannot be used for CRP advantage, the weapon will always be visible to others. -This item would give off an aura, akin to the light warped off a black hole. -The item must be left to rest in a dark room, without any lightning whatsoever for [1] OOC day for it to retain the dark properties. -This potion is T2 and is considered ‘rare’ knowledge. -This potion does NOT require ST signing. ________________________________________________________________ GEMFORGING A unique feat of alchemical prowess that provides dwarven crafters and gemcutters great accentuations to their craft, as well as dwarven merchants a pretty object that serves for great bluffs; Gemforging is an additional step to Warforging that provides the ability to do warforging on gems and having the effects permeate the gems. In contrast to metallic Warforging, Gemforging gives the appearance of the gem at hand being permeated by the Warforging applied to it. A sapphire Gemforged and then Lavaforged twice allows for molten magma to seemingly flow within the gem, or a ruby Gemforged and then Stormforged will have lighting crackle within the red gem in heat-lighting formations. Recipe: Base: Oilx1 Mundane: Connection x4 Mundane: Balancex2 Mundane: Clarityx1 Method: The extra step of Gemforging must be done after all steps of the soon-to-be-applied Warforging are done. As the oil sits in whichever mixing container, one must add lard to the mix. The two materials then need to be set on a flame to heat it so that it becomes liquid and mixes naturally. With the ingredient of Connection sufficiently extracted and prepared, one may begin mixing the four measures into the liquid. With lard and oil being a thick substance, this must be thoroughly mixed, so that the Connection element of the oil may be mixed enough for the warforging to affect all of the gem. Once homogenous, the lard will agglomerate and pulse along with any other effects the Warforging already has such as arcs of lightning or molten rock, seemingly of a mind of its own, despite still being liquid. Next comes the introduction of Balance, which is put in by two measures, and once mixed, the lard and oil’s pulsing ceases, and one may stop heating. At the cooling of the mixture to room temperature, Clarity is added to the mix, turning the mixture into a more clear substance, and giving it less viscosity, for ease of application and less globules of material on the gemstone. One now has Gemforged oil, whichever base Warforging that was used is now able to be applied to a gemstone of the alchemist’s choice. Redlines: Gemforging does not have to be reapplied until after the covering Warforging wears off. Gemforging is an aesthetic alchemical method and is considered rare in RP. One must learn this recipe IRP. Items that are Gemforged do not require ST signature. Warforged does not seep into the crystalline material, but it visually appears to do so. All of the redlines of Warforging. Cracking open gems with this alchemy property does nothing volatile, but rather curiously only displays the fascinating view on the unbroken side-if split in half and viewed from the cleave, the alchemical oils are not spread on that surface and do not display the effect. This only applies to crystalline materials such as semi-precious and precious gemstones. Crystalline materials (not those metals of crystalline grain structure such as iron and steel) like anorum, refined anorum, and quartz work with this technique well. Gemforging does not work with ST materials, both noded, and open. Specific items from ST events that don't fall under these categories are up to the discretion of the ST overseeing the /sreq if one wishes to Gemforge the item. CHANGELOG:
  8. bring back freebuild if someone manages to dupe blocks and remake the ARCAS RESOURCE PITS YEAHHHHH in freebuild
  9. gotcha, so i could -- in theory -- raid. . . let's say norland while having 28 of my guys, and they'd only get 7 day cd ? just following along w/ the math
  10. just for clarification's sake does this mean that Raids are now completely uncapped, regardless if it's a lair, settlement, or nation? im guessing w/ the new plugin w/ raid ladders and explosive tnt, it'll be easier to get into said nations n stuff as well an interesting change if you concur !
  11. >all of this is fine save for explosive crates, they should only be usable in raids I'm not above going to PVP or deal with stuff, I'm on about people going into builds -- and places -- in off-times, breaking in via Raid Ladders and Explosive TNT. Someone with XRay could easily get in, and metagame various stuff. If you want to CRP, or PVP with someone. That's fine, and I don't really mind if people chose to fight or 'cower' in their settlements. All I want is actual RP rather than people staying up when there's only 20 on the server to commit villainry.
  12. >ppl will have to ugly-ify their builds as they'll have to build w/ these things (plugins, explosions, and raid ladders) in mind, rather than choosing to build smth that looks nice and is fun to rp in
  13. you miss the point entirely lmfao. he's saying to counter ppl going on off hours and using raid ladders, and explosive tnt crates, ppl will have to ugly-ify their builds as they'll have to build w/ these things in mind, rather than choosing to build smth that looks nice and is fun to rp in
  14. in japanese mythology, the soul is stored in the ass. the recovery phase should be horrible diorerria where u shit out the curse over 3 ooc days
  15. all of this is fine save for explosive crates, they should only be usable in raids
  16. not only do ST copy elden ring, now it's the CT . . . omg . . .
  17. THANK YOU SIR also everyone, u have to be on 1.17 for the map file to work properly
  18. the GALL of the ppl here. i can see that 17 ppl have downloaded this, and ONLY 7 rep.......
  19. let me know if there's any issues btw, fellas
  20. HELLO FOR ADDING MINIMAP WAYPOINTS -- you have to do this https://gyazo.com/0b2d15899ed2f0a4a20ae3a64c34ffdf Find our OLD waypoint file, and copy and paste it all HERE
  21. updated the post with pics to show how to do it
  22. https://www.mediafire.com/file/gidqaidvl25jb8q/PASTE_IN_MINECRAFT_FILES.rar/file 1. MAKE A FILE CALLED XaeroWorldMap in your Minecraft Files 1.5. If you already have a FILE -- change it's name to BACKUPXaeroWorldMAP just in case. 2. PASTE THESE IN Isn't it beautiful. . . . this took me 4-5 hours Let me know if there's any issues It should look like this: https://gyazo.com/7818b3e2cc686ea87a77da03e8a4512a
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