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Everything posted by ronin_champloo

  1. if someone gives me a profile big gundam gif to use as a new pfp pic, ill write smth for them. has to be smth good that ill actually use (the pfp)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MCVDK
    3. ronin_champloo


      has to be bigger than it is wider. im srry : (

    4. MCVDK












  2. IM NOT GAY also REMINDER i am SELF-DENYING this lore until everyone accepts that im straight bc I AM STRAIGHT, I LOVE WOMEN. I HATE MEN
  3. changelog: flame-shield stops voidal or dark spells up to t3 fixed a spelling error changed to supernatural later clarified that i mean schizofrenia i am SELF-DENYING this lore until everyone accepts that im straight bc I AM STRAIGHT, I LOVE WOMEN. I HATE MEN
  4. dude this is a lore post, not a kick down spoon post. stop it
  5. changelog: added 'The process of doing this consists of a burned mark onto the individual's body, and to utilize it, one must close their eyes; using the tattoo to peer within the dark.
  6. changelog: added '- The wielder’s eye is unable to translate any language made from Aenguldaemonica means. This ability lasts for [5] uses before ultimately fading out, with each use being overcome by magma and cinder; completely incomprehensible.
  7. NEPHILIM AMENDMENT + ADDITION Following the crusade against their kin and Azdromoth, the Nephilim have worked – and dedicated themselves to utilising the means of their Dragonsflame. This has surfaced in new spells and rituals to benefit their race. ________________________________________________________________________________ EMBOLDENED FLAMES ‘By Asioth is every world created, for this is the golden gift of eternities.’ [2 emotes: 1 connect + 1 cast] Seen in the advent of their creeds, and worship, the Nephilim have found ways to bestow maddening effects upon mortal ken; these benefit their worshippers, but at what cost? – the damning of their mortal body, the awakening of their sight of the end that’d soon occur. This is an extremely personal act to do for a Nephilim, as in essence, they are granting a part of themselves to another; trusting them to wield it with honour. - A Herald or a Nephilim can have a maximum of [2] flames beset upon specific body parts. This is listed on their CA, FA or MA. Duplicates of a 'Flame' counts as another. - Placement of the 'Flames' cannot be vague, etc their arms, it has to be specific, like a forearm. - These can only be granted by a Nephilim. - Granting a Flame upon a Descendant, or a Nephilim takes away [1] unit of dragonsflame permanently until it is willingly returned. In a sense, one can give as many as they want, but they’ll slowly begin to wither away due to the decreased amounts of dragonsflame within them. - Should one wish for a 'Flame' not elaborated upon within this post, they may submit an MArt. Below, are the current 'known flames'. FLAME OF SACRIFICE ‘Light is greater than darkness, but there is no light without darkness. There is no first without second.’ A Nephilim may grant a unit of Dragonsflame upon a Descendant, creating a bond between the two. The flame doesn’t burn out, persisting itself upon the specific body part intended. The boon granted is it acts as a shield against the mental influences of Dark Magick, be it Siliti Thralling, or the geists of Mystics. This effect, itself, is a passive and its true effect comes in the ability to protect the wielder from Dark Magick spells – as the flames would devour, and engulf it, should it touch the flame-enwreathed part. - This does not counter the illusions of Voidal Magick. - The Fervent Fire is painful, and cannot be hidden, for the flame will persist on the body part until it is willingly surrendered. - Curses and Mental Influences include that of the Naztherak, Frost-Witches and the Siliti. - This does not dispel any form of magical darkness and has the illuminance of a Redstone torch. - The flames cannot be hidden. - This can be applied to a person as many times as they so wish. - The Fervent Fire can devour one Dark Magick Spell per 1 OOC day. - This cannot be applied to a Nephilim. FLAME OF STRENGTH ‘Their souls: spectral branches hold these white-gold fires, and he is filled with mighty power over them.’ With the deaths of several Nephilim, their bodies succumbing to stone, others have fostered a means to harness and wield the preordained fate of their destined death; using it to accomplish feats that were dreamed of long ago, in the time where the Nephilim of eld stood in companionship with man. The boon granted is a slow transformation of their affected limb onto a stone-like talon. This painful procedure occurs during 3 OOC days, and multiple flames must be done separately. The Nephilim places their dragonsfire upon the intended spot, before effectively snuffling out the flame, only revealing stone. These can be moved, but all sense of touch is gone from it – barring pain, the weight and the creaking of their bones. This, however, grants a few uses as it provides itself as a blunt weapon to use on individuals, or talons to claw out at a person. Another effect is that people would find that Dark Magick cannot corrupt Nephilim, should it land on this stone-limb. - The Stone-Limb only grants a defence against Dark Magicks should it land on it. Otherwise, a Nephilim can still be corrupted. - The Stone Limb bears the strength of Ferrum, at best, but is incredibly blunt. Wielding weaponry, ranged or melee will be incredibly difficult as would more delicate tasks. It can, however, be broken with adequate force; etc, a warhammer or pickaxe. - Once bashed onto the ground, within a 2-meter radius of the wielder, casters and melee-compatriots may find themselves unable to focus, with their feet sightly stumbling. This requires [2] emotes. - The stone-limb cannot be hidden easily; a cloak, or something in that field, must be used. - This can be applied to a person as many times as they so wish. - This cannot replace lost limbs. - You may not have a stone ****. FLAME OF INSIGHT ‘His brothers hid at the edges of his vision; watching, they each lit their flames with his blazing eyes.’ The third eye dwells in all Nephilim, yet it is with An-Gho that was it fully realised and wielded. The Nephilim can grant the ability in their peers, or Heralds; bestowing upon them the ability of the awakened eye. This effectively allows one to see within the dark, and the temperatures of their being, as a passive. Most importantly, they will delve and peer into prophecies albeit in flame as their eyes began to leak cinders. Another ability of theirs is to translate any descendant language, barring ones created by Aenguldaemonica. With time, however, one may be unable to separate dreams from reality; a curse of the madness that comes with knowing the end. This can be termed as schizophrenia. The process of doing this consists of a burned mark onto the individual's body, and to utilize it, one must close their eyes; using the tattoo to peer within the dark. - The wielder’s eye is unable to translate any language made from supernatural means; deific languages, and whatnot.. This ability lasts for [5] uses before ultimately fading out, with each use being overcome by magma and cinder; completely incomprehensible. - This can be applied to a person as many times as they so wish. - The breaking of their mind comes from the descendant's inability to comprehend the thoughts of the future, showcasing the gap between the draconic and mortal mind. FLAME OF LOVE ‘Greater loves lesser; core loves periphery.’ Following the demise of their kin; their fleeting numbers and the hate of the Descendants, the Nephilim found that they could trust little, save for their own flames and people. From this, the conjurers of flame have devised a means of creating a ‘shadow’ of sorts; one woven by fire and brimstone. These creations, however, are fragments of the Nephilim’s prior life; of their memories when they were descendants. As such, they may speak or talk about what they once more, providing guidance and aid to the wielder like mortal agents – or lost souls, forgone long ago. They, however, do not grant aid in any combative purpose save for advice or even scathing remarks. - The wielder’s ‘Shadow’ cannot grant any metagamed information or specific segments of their life. If anything, they are like a companion that always stalks the Nephilim, or Herald, that take up the appearance of brimstone or ash. - They may be shadows, or more discretely hidden as ash-like segments that take up parts of their skin. - The 'Shadow' cannot interact with the world physically at all. - The Shadows, as stated prior, are fragments of the Nephilim’s old psyche, and may talk or give advice about what they once more, perhaps even disillusioned at times following the transcendence of their mortal coil. - This cannot be applied to a Nephilim. ________________________________________________________________________________ FLAME-BARRIER ‘Within, red-gold showed vigor in the darkest depths. First-born lapped up buoyant waters: vitality.’ [4 emotes: 1 connect + 2 connect + 1 cast] The Nephilim may harness their Dragonsflame in erecting a barrier woven out of Dragonsflame. While this cannot stop melee, or ranged equipment – it’d provide aid in defending one from Magick. It bares a range of four blocks maximum, with one block thickness, and can last [4] spells – dark or voidal of a T3 strength – before immediately burning onto ash. - Paladin spells count as [2] hits. - Casting this prohibits the Nephilim from moving at all. - Should one attempt to cross the shield without proper equipment, such as armor; they’d find themselves burning for [2] emotes. - This costs [1] unit of dragonsflame, and can only be used by a Nephilim. - This lasts for one combat scenario. ________________________________________________________________________________ AMENDMENT: A Nephilim is unable to use Voidal Enchantments, nor Voidal Creations, as their Draan would effectively burn out the body – or the magegold – within an item as it is too volatile and powerful.
  8. anyone excited for gundam evolution

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valannor
    3. wowj



    4. Jaelon


      yes I will be farming

  9. after seeing the changlog, snow's lithuanian brain could not handle it and outsourced to cheap asian labour instead i have added in a 'grandma view' for ppl who cant be bothered to read
  10. this is just naztherak cursed children but holy variant instead. nothing stopping u from already rping this, save for the special 'eye-glowing effects'. idk it feels weird and i dont rly vibe w/ it it rly rubs me the wrong way after experiencing lots of protag rp during my time on lotc, i feel that this would only reinforce it within holy magic groups
  11. keep your dirty hands away from deep cock galatic
  12. without [he who shall not be named], this has a chance of passing
  13. Great job, everyone. This looks very cool, I'm excited to see this lore-piece accepted and RP'd by people on the server !
  14. A man of knowledge peered onto the missive. His orange-tinted sight glanced away, looking towards the barren wasteland that was the frosted north. He spoke afterwards, voice muffled. "May your pursuit continue evermore. Knowledge is meant to be shared, lest it'd die in the minds of men."
  15. A huntsman of yore meandered around Almaris, his steel glinted like the moon, and a blade -- as long as him -- bore the trophy of a hunt beyond Almaris. He donned a sigil upon his tabard, one shrouded in wings; The Fourth Fleet. Around him were compatriots, garbed in similar attire. They stood in the very cave that the battle was fought; remnants of the charge littered around the dark cavern, and with a deep huff, the hunter spoke; "A Lesser Blue was hunted here, split apart from the main island. The trail grows, gentlemen. Our tracking continues."
  16. I will amend this to 'You have the chance of talking to an Elf'.
  17. If people seek out [x] just because they want to be stronger in combat, then that's the fault of the playerbase rather than the lore -- something that needs to be addressed. People shouldn't be participating in lore just because they want to be more powerful, but rather to add to the overarching RP environment as everyone else. Most instances of Atronach Limbs that I've seen are Telekinetic Limbs; people wanting to gain Orc-Like Strength, or Limbs laden with enchantments just to win CRP which is a gross mindset. As for the core part, as the lore states; - Such extensions are recharged like any regular enchantment. - While a typical atronach requires conjuration in order to grant them sentience from their core, atronach limbs are not so. As the wearer of an atronach limb already has sentience and animation, only the evocation of choice and transfiguration are required to make a limb in a freeform process. While the lore is rather vague, it talks about the absence of a core. The Limbs recharge from the Mana of the wielder, and they are operated like that. Like I've said before, this makes sense IRPly as the Void saps strength from the user -- etc, see Voidal Hollows. They ruin and plague life. I didn't full-on grant the complete voidal weakness onto a user, but rather a weaker variant of it; barring them from using two-handed weaponry such as Polearms, or Greatswords, and from wearing Full-Plate. They can still wear Half-Plate and Gambeson. As for this part, I'm genuinely confused why people keep bringing it up. An enchant is INERT until its activated, otherwise it's a mundane tool or weapon. An Atronach Limb is ALWAYS ACTIVE as the wielder is using it to operate. Thanks for the feedback! This is a take that I can agree with, actually.
  18. Personally, I don't believe Atronachs are Enchants, rather they are something that is forged. Even then, the main that that powers an Atronach is their Core -- something that isn't present in Prosthetic Limbs as the 'Core' would be the descendant themselves. As seen in the magic explanation, it doesn't mention enchanting at all, hence my explanation prior. Atronach forging is the art of creating elemental construct and bestowing upon them sentience. While primordial conjuration is no longer possible within the modern day, the art of binding an element to a sentient core. This allows for atronach forgers to create sentient, long-term elemental constructs that do not actively rely upon the mana pool of the caster. Furthermore, I'd prefer if we keep our discussion here on the forums as I like being transparent with others, and the community at hand.
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