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Posts posted by Shiredom

  1. Spoiler





    This has been two pathetic years of my time wasted, once I jointed this burning garbage pile of premium roleplay I was introduced to the horror's of Morsgrad Tomfuc*ery, and the joys of dealing with Helena's MOJ after you just stabbed a man for not giving you bread. I hardly remember people I met when I joined except for a few lucky individuals who are still here, and you get a mention! It's worthless, but who cares!



    @Qaz_The_Great Unironically what kept from me leaving in the first week.


    @LillyPapaya Been on LOTC longer than you by a week, cope. :3




    When should I go leave this server? Should've been a week after I joined. Would've been a year after I joined shortly after I made my first year AMA. Could've been yesterday, but who cares. I sold my soul to Tythus LTD and now I am stuck being a player retention slave. I can only leave if I am banned, and until then I will be spending the majority of my time complaining about why freebuild doesn't exist with @NotEvilAtAll.


    So go ahead, and ask me anything, mortal.


  2. Spoiler



    A Request

    Tenth of Sun’s Smile, 1866


    The Pinemaw Domain does not want to revolt against the Holy Orenian Empire, but we must do what we view as right. And with that we give the Holy Orenian Empire a request, accepting the request will make us lay down our arms, and continue following the ‘A Welcome Vassal’ Treaty to our fullest ability. 


    We wish for the Pinemaw Domain to be recategorized not as an Ebonwood Vassal, but as an Orenian Vassal, following Orenian Law. That is our only request, and we will gladly state the reasoning behind such a request.


    A Saint Day ago, the Ethereal Council of Ebonwood revoked my control on the Pinemaw Domain, with the reasoning being that I led a Raid against Vortice, which was at the time of the Raid a Protectorate of Urguan. We were granted additional permission by Minuvas himself to continue this, with the promise that no Religious Shrines would be harmed and no innocents would be injured or killed. And when Vortice left having the Protectorate Status under Urguan, we immediately ceased any attempt at Raiding them. No Shrines were damaged, and no Innocents were harmed in any way. 


    Is it right to revoke someone’s right to land that they controlled legally because they attacked a place that their nation was at war with? And what is even more disturbing is the fact that Minuvas’ selected replacement to control the Pinemaw Domain is an elf named Axilya, who is an active citizen of The Vale of Nevaehlen, which Oren is at war with, and has active connections with Urguan itself!


    The entire scenario leading up to this current moment is confusing and has several holes in it. I, Peralien Maelstorm, lead a raid against Vortice, which Oren was at war with by proxy, with additional permission from Minuvas under the condition that no Religious Shrines were damaged and no innocents were hurt. We followed these conditions as well. And after Vortice left the Protectorate Status of Urguan, therefore meaning we were no longer at war with them, I stopped any attempt at raiding them. And after this, I was immediately stripped of control of the Pinemaw Domain, without any previous notice or a trial. And my replacement is a citizen of a settlement Oren is at war with!


    Therefore I will restate myself. Recategorize the Pinemaw Domain as an Orenian Vassal, not an Ebonwood one, freeing ourselves from the Ethereal Council which is ripe with nepotism, where the majority of the people in said Council are related to Minuvas himself. And allow us to follow Orenian law, not Ebonwood law, which is confusing and changing without any notice. If this request is allowed, we will be willing to relocate outside of Ebonwood-Controlled Arentania, if so is requested.



    Peralien Maelstorm,

    Gwaithor of the Pinemaw Domain under Ebonwood.



    TL;DR, We want to be ruled under Orenian Law, not Ebonwood Law.


  3. Spoiler

    I'm sorry, Salmon.







    "Reclaim the Golden Throne, Restore Vortice!

    In Dissolution

    Maelstormic Society


    On the 17th of the First Seed, with the apparent death or inactivity of James Maelstorm, the successor to the Maelstormic Society, Peralien Maelstorm, hereby dissolves the Maelstormic Society. Any and all assets will be liquidated to cover for lossed income, and any people apart of the Maelstormic Society are now relieved of their positions. The Nightengale will be returned to its original owners. And any and all contracts signed by the Maelstormic Society are now considered null and void.


    This is what happens when you try to play God. Let this be a lesson for nobody to try what the Maelstormic Society and its founder have attempted. James Maelstorm is a criminal, and his legacy is now turned to ash and dust. Farewell.


    Peralien Maelstorm-Aurelius,

    Grandmaster of the Jackalope Order,

    Grand Martlett.

  4. brOnkiQarVpCyMIT-hjMRCPOzPKeyymVwo1uILjOuFMBLU5w_e9Oqr-0l6h0gkTUrT5_egxETC-eVCilpPyXRFcvciAXvGiScbVheL-nniIHPOmmLrLW-M6fEDBP1Xfad-dhO2jD


    "Reclaim the Golden Throne, Restore Vortice!

    A Ceasefire

    Maelstormic Society


    On the 14th of the First Seed, exactly one year since the Raid on Talons Port began, the Maelstormic Society issues a ceasefire. And all hostilities started by the Maelstormic Society are ordered to stop, effective immediately. 


    What has become of the Maelstormic Society was not the plan. We did not want to be a Warband being a fringe between war-criminal and evil. James Maelstorm is now listed as a war criminal by the Maelstormic Society itself. He was the one who fanned the flames to cause us to attempt to raid Vortice like savages. Boasted when they hid from us. And his end goal in this all is disturbing. His end goal was to usurp the Golden Throne without the support of the people, behead those he viewed as enemies, and impose authoritarianism and a state of autocracy. This was not the plan of hoping to restore Talons Grotto's glory. The Maelstormic Society shall forfeit any claim that exists onto usurping Vortice.


    James Maelstorm is sacked from his leadership of the Maelstormic Society by force, and should he be found anywhere outside of a nation’s borders, he will be forcefully kidnapped to face punishment one way or another. A ceasefire will be established, effective immediately, while the new leadership works on discussing peace talks with the Domain of Vortice. 


    Peralien Maelstorm-Aurelius,

    Grandmaster of the Jackalope Order,

    Grand Martlett.


  5. QdUdf9X70M0mFwEAmkxzwoKDqe0wWfd7XYaUoo8pvfd3OZEbUbBTlWg159ZH5fxKc49uCu3ZXdKUdpXTpBYOUv7e1BYencXih8mAJOoozsPVN801INbtGyIJzrq2VhvDZ0-Pq0KR-xb1n1yeWESQ4NGdxfrmZbsaeBeCYuLPGfvqla44Rm-GCr9qXXovctYHi3FzaEWdXzx2kpNXNqGWh6gMu7oJZAfJcE-SVpuOPFZ3xVDrDpTzQ6P-g35gtFEUQ_Bzu3HLtDXI6AUy


    12th of the Sun’s Smile


    A Modest Lend-Lease



    On the 12th of the Sun’s Smile, a contract is hereby signed and will be fulfilled by both parties, any misuse of the things involved against their strict purpose will see instant and immediate termination of this contract.


    Article 1

    The Pinemaw Domain will hereby lease the Nightingale, a naval vessel, to the Maelstormic Society for three years, upon expiration it will be returned to its harbor, in an undetermined location, should the Nightingale be damaged to the point that it is sunk, in an irreparable state, or scuttled, the Pinemaw Domain must be compensated.


    Article 2

    The Pinemaw Domain will lend-lease the Maelstormic Society an undetermined number of armor, and weaponry. The Maelstormic Society will not be required to pay back the materials given in any shape or form, nor return any materials given. These materials given will be used strictly to fight combatants. 


    Article 3

    The Maelstormic Society will refrain from harming Aer Majin-Maelstorm intentionally or unintentionally, if Aer Majin-Maelstorm is harmed, this contract will be immediately terminated, and the Nightingale will be seized by force. In addition, the Maelstormic Society will refrain from intentionally harming any descendent of Vivian Maelstorm, biological or adoptive, half-elf or full-blooded Elven.


    Article 4

    Extensive, unneeded damage towards the City of Talons Port will see the utter and bitter termination of this contract, the City is to be preserved and should not be harmed beyond what is the minimum necessary to achieve their goals.



    Peralien Maelstorm,

    Gwaithor of the Pinemaw Domain,

    Grandmaster of the Jackalope Order.



    James Maelstorm, 

    Rightful Monarch of Vortice,

    Founder of the Maelstormic Society.

  6. "THE ECONOMY'S FUCKIN' BROKEN YET ALL YOU WORRY ABOUT IS FIGHTING A WAR THAT'S BEEN GOING ON FOR A DECADE OR SO. THIS IS A PURE ******* BLOODY STANDSTILL." Peralien screams out, just wanting to focus on Vortice and not what just happened.

  7. Spoiler



    Rep Farm #3 




    "Reclaim the Golden Throne, Restore Vortice!"


    The War Code

    Maelstormic Society


    The Maelstormic Society issues a War Code, the Maelstormic Society will follow by it until the conflict has been resolved. Any Maelstormic Soldier is required to follow by it, except while under direct order.


    1. A war zone shall be established, which will encompass the area around the Vortisian Swamps and forests.  This will also encompass the Yong Ping-Vortisian Backroad. All fighting started by the Maelstormic Society must take place in said war-zone.


    2. Any citizen of a different nationality from the Domain of Vortice shall not be targeted in said war-zone, under the exception that if they aid in supporting the Vortisans in conflict, then they will be considered a combatant. 


    3. The harming, kidnapping or murdering of children is strictly forbidden. If a child for some reason harms a Maelstormic Soldier, they will be subdued, but not harmed beyond what is necessary. 


    4. Boomsteel is allowed to be used for any purpose and any reason.


    The Grand Martlett, 

    Former Princess of Vortice.

    Grandmaster of the Jackalope Order.



     Warlord Thomas Venice, 

    Professional Fisherman.






  8. 5 minutes ago, Bethinwonderland said:

    Lenora sat straight up in the Sovereign's Office in the center of Talon's Port, using her quill on the parchment she had pulled out with the light of the lantern she used burning brightly. The letter would be sent to the group she was told having been stationed in Pinemaw.

    "There is no honor in fighting a band of rebels, denounced by the true heir of the Maelstorm Family, who wish to overthrow the legitimate government of Vortice. There is no reason to bring conflict within the walls of Talon's Port when bloodshed could simply be avoided by laying these false claims on the throne to rest. An official reply from the council is coming soon"


    A letter would be in quick reply, by a independent courier of no loyalty to either party.


    "To the esteemed and highly honorable Monarch of Vortice, Lenora Jusmia. It is a band of raiders running your city, you dis-enlightened pirate."

    With warm and lovely regards.


    The Grand Martlett


  9. Spoiler

    Again, I would like to say that we do not have any OOC Dislike towards anyone in Vortice, and we do not want it to be seen that way. All of this is IRP.


    Rep Farm #2



    "Reclaim the Golden Throne, Restore Vortice!"


    Battle of Talons Port

    Or the lack of it.



    It was 14th of the First Seed, 1865 FE (69 SE) and a amalgamation of random people arrived to the gates of Talons Port. Perhaps an Olog, a few humans, and an elf. All of them were from different nationalities, with some of them sporting armor that is currently in use in Nations, and some from a place long dead. 


    Profanities were exchanged on both sides, and perhaps a few arrows exchanged. But the blasted Vortisians were too much of a coward to have one of their people to fight in a fair duel that would result in nobodies death, to decide who was right in the game of honor. They hid behind their gates.


    How can 600 Rapscallions (6 People OOCLY) against an highly fortified city make them call for help far and wide? Even though no blood was spilt, and the arrows inaccurate, this shows that the Vortisians are cowardly, and refuse to fight a outnumbered, outequipped foe, half of the Maelstormic Men walked on foot, too poor to afford horses, yet still Vortice feared them enough to hide behind their gates!


    Maelstormics 1 - Vortisians 0




    The Grand Martlett, 

    Former Princess of Vortice.

    Grandmaster of the Jackalope Order.



     Warlord Thomas Venice, 

    Professional Fisherman.



  10. Spoiler

    Posted on behalf of @Based1Salmon, as nobody trusts her to format this.


    Since we do not own any internal region in Vortice, nor do we have the ability to start a war since we are not a settlement, nation, or lair, this will be directed purely by Peacetime Raid Rules until further notice. We would like to say that this is not directed as an OOC Insult, we do not want it to be that, and if anyone views it as it, we apologize.



    "Reclaim the Golden Throne, Restore Vortice!"

    Maelstormic Society


    On the 16th of Malin’s Welcome, 1865 FE (69 SE) we announce the creation of the Maelstormic Society, a group that seeks to reclaim the Golden Throne of the Domain of Vortice and restore the Maelstormic Golden Age, with preferably peaceful means, although the actions of the stain of Vortice, the Jusmia may change our route to more violent actions to seize the Golden Throne.


    We understand that anyone without knowledge of our goals and reasoning shall assume us as a group of terror, or violence to oppress the people of the Domain of Vortice. We assure the citizens of the Domain of Vortice that we are not transpiring these cruel actions. And with that, we will grant three reasons to our claim to restore the Golden Throne and Maelstormic Golden Age.


    Reason I

    The failures of the Jusmia Administration are obvious, after Vivian Maelstorm perished and Athri Belrose went into the shadows, the Jusmia Administration has failed to properly administer the people of Vortice, several times have they fell to raids, becoming a near Tribute-State of the plagues of Thieves. Their attempts to reform their Militia have fallen to empty ears, and the Vortice Militia is now a shadow of its former self, cowering in fear when anything more than a pest roaming the streets is around.


    Reason II

    Failure to address the Protectorate Question. Is the Domain of Vortice still a Protectorate of Urguan? If this is true, how much has the Grand Kingdom of Urguan dared to bother to protect Vortice after Vivian Maelstorm and Athri Belrose signed the honor of Vortice to the short men? The fact that the Jusmia Administration has failed to address these issues, and how Urguan hasn’t bothered to help them from the start of the treaty, shows that they are weak, and fear the short men, whose armor dents by a stick. The Domain of Vortice should in all opportunity strive to seek true political independence, as the Protectorate Status has shackled them from doing their own external choices when Urguan has no claim to control Vortice in such a way, and Monarch Lenora Jusmia has allowed this. Vortice must break free!


    Reason III

    Honor used to be a major factor in Vortice. In its glory days, public duels were common to settle disputes. And now what has Vortice succumbed to? The occasional tavern fight, but now instead of issues, it has been filled and caused purely by the violence of Drunkards, who are not even citizens of our Domain! The Domain of Vortice must ensure that all disputes are settled fairly and easily because the crippled stage that this poor little Domain is in has caused all disputes to be settled by biased vigilantes and the loss of life, limb, and blood. The Justice system needs to be reformed, however, the Jusmia Administration has failed on this too! Ignoring the issue that Vortice faces, cowering their faces into the shadows, hoping that the crime that is happening behind the scenes will go away, it will not unless righteous action is taken to stop this!



    We invite the Jusmia Administration to criticize this however they want, however we will tell one thing to the citizens of Vortice. Keep a neutral stance at the very least, and we will ensure that nobody has to experience unnecessary pain and suffering, for we do not want any more loss to be caused in Vortice. All we seek is to restore a lost Golden Age, and to Reclaim the Golden Throne. 



    James Maelstorm, 

    Rightful Monarch of Vortice,

    Founder of the Maelstormic Society.



    The Grand Martlett, 

    Former Princess of Vortice.

    Grandmaster of the Jackalope Order.



     Warlord Thomas Venice, 

    Professional Fisherman.


  11. [!] This missive can be found anywhere around Almaris

    In Search for the Potion that cures, Lumine Mentis


    I, Peralien Maelstorm, make a request to any Alchemist that can produce the Potion that cures Madness, Lumine Mentis. I was given such a concoction of the potion years before, by my adoptive-father, it 'cured' or well diminished what my mind was experiencing for enough time until they could find another solution until I was mentally well again. 


    Unfortunately, what mental suffering I was experiencing years ago seems to be re-emerging, and I request that any Alchemist who can make Lumine Mentis to please do, for if I do not recieve it in able time I fear that my mental condition will be even worse. I need a therapy for my mind, and Lumine Mentis has been the only thing that has worked. 


    I understand the properties that this Potion can have on my mind, turning my mind blank, making all emotions that are not minor or personal vague and weak. Making me unable to be happy, but as well curing, however temporary, my madness and sadness. If anyone who can make Lumine Mentis or has it, please find me, I am usually in and around Ebonwood, the Imperial Elfdom. I will pay almost any price, in minae or with valuable objects.



    (OOC: Link to the forum that shows Lumine Mentis, if anyone is interested)




  12. Minecraft Username: LemonsMyth

    Full Roleplay Name / Alias: Peralien Maelstorm-Aurelius

    Discord (Optional): LemonsMyth#8586

    Timezone (Optional): EST

    Reason you would like to join: 7th Brigade hasn't done any separate conflicts and I'm bored.

  13. 30 minutes ago, Ziggitee said:


    Carlos Mendez wonders when the so-called 'Haense-man', Alister will attempt to break into his house again!

    Alister Decaden has learned his ways, and this time is breaking in Norland houses, as nobody even goes there anymore.

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