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Posts posted by HIGH_FIRE

  1. ssBd15BVx0yzTzgMIWY05QJRtdkbpb9TE0DYZOObH__yt3pSvonObaJ0J_Uh8E_tZNRyskR3sIZ22OpU9uSyi1rSrxsYKgWet8SHvvteLmrYsEeZuVsj6cgaGXmalJEkk-VNdfr8HnGQ7z2554GRLKo





    In the year of our Lord, 109. B.A



    Esteemed Citizens and Dignitaries,


    For years the Honourable Vivianna, a Dona of Vailo, worked as the Domus Minstri for our beloved Kingdom. During which we saw an advancement of Balian’s internal. Yet due to a lack of time and wishing to focus on familial matters, she has stepped down to her position in the Duana.


    As such we have sought to conduct interviews with several candidates, posing difficult questions to find a suitable replacement for the position of Domus Minstri. It is with these interviews that the Royal Duana of Balian has aided the Crown to decide upon the Domus Minstri: Segnor Solebron Dekach. We look forward to seeing the hard work and steadfast loyalty he shall provide.


    Such shall be affirmed by the first Senate of Balian upon their first convening.




    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia, Kositz and Barçevina, Viscountess of Renduzzo, Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.

  2. CndDnRA-vdUDhI6PafXoHEGhusYMrcsd25O1uuPAQNiZn9YyswlbzD-MPLrFdjgJGYSoKaxbFOs2y88y_razJw3zly3vhEGsUbvg12C5GZy3HgcpAlrpmXNbWz3tHiN5m_EQ0siP526qNqRoS_3L7MU

    The Search for a Domus Minstri

    The office of the Domus Minstri




    20th, of Lothar’s Gift of 110 B.A


    Following the voluntary stepping down of Her Excellency Dona Vivianna Vilac, the office of the Domus Minstri once again finds itself vacant, in need of a capable leader to guide our internal endeavours. In light of this, under the Marsana Administration and by the gracious decree of the Crown, an opportunity arises for the esteemed citizens of Balian to apply for the esteemed position of Domus Minstri within the Royal Duana.


    To apply, send a letter to the Queen, Sybille I. You must meet the following requirements:


    -Must be eighteen Summers old.

    -Must be a Balian citizen.

    -Must have financial prowess.



    [Spoilers] contact high_fire for more info



    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.

    HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Kristoff var Ruthern, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Royal Duana.

  3. MC Name: HIGH_TRANS


    Discord: high_fire




    Description of Image: Beautiful artistic rendition of the Balianese lands and surrounding lands by the great and powerful butterfield company


    Dimensions: 3 wide 2 high

  4. The Queen of Balian would sigh, truly she had wished for a granddaughter first so that there would be another Queen-Regnant to rule over Balian. Despite that light sigh, she smiled the brightest smile she had smiled since her last child was born, despite her wishes she was overjoyed with such a beautiful occasion for her son and family. As she looked towards her grand-heir she spoke a soft sentence down to him. "Yayha is going to spoil you John". As she said such, she would grin and give the boy his first gift, a large plushed whale that years back the boy's grandfather gave to her. "Your grandpater will always be with you, even if he never got to meet you dear"

  5. G8mF0pCRYlNqc13BJ70-BHKOK4HeTxPcFbnPYkqtOkyM2BXrrOHh1TQk0wv9_iYExMiCEX95ZeeMxm0smh0jDzOHJudBQDbhF2tvV133ceXYbR2gpBXkjo3MfWzsOq7UjtLoe1_wn7XJKUNiljweTTQ

    The Line of Novellen d’Atrus

    A Formal Document on the Royal Family of Balian




    20, of Godfrey’s Triumph of 108 B.A


    The Novellen name is a Heartlander familial name that is rife with success, failure and controversy, a name known throughout the varied realms of Aevos and those that have preceded them. It is a name that evokes feelings of patriotism, nostalgia and strength as well as hatred, fury and disappointment. A family descended from the Horenic line, formed by the unity of Helane and Sarkozy that has persisted for centuries as rulers of varied nations.


    In the modern era of Aevos, Novellen can be found in a few places, Novellen d’Atrus being the ruling family of the Balianese people and the Senior line of the Novellen family. Formed from the line of John Casimir, the Uncle of Peter ‘The Bald’, last Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire, John created his line and the Grand Duchy, Later Kingdom, of Balian in the refuge of the southern desert continent of Almaris. As a century of the Novellen d’Atrus rule of Balian approaches, the Crown has decided that it is a necessity for the people of the nation to understand the family that presides over them. 


    In this documentation we will explore the various aspects of the Novellen d’Atrus line, from the history since the Novellen founding and cultural influences to values and traditions.




    The Novellen family tapestry has been woven over centuries of history. It begins with Anne Augusta Helane, born in 1735 in the Orenian Capital of New Helena, and heir to the House of Helane through her father, and Cascadia through her mother. The Empire faced a crisis, with no clear heir Adrian Sarkozy was named Lord Protector. Anne was betrothed to Joseph de Sarkozy the son of Adrian de Sarkozy. Adrian plotted to see his son take the throne, but Adrian’s untimely death and the coronation of Anne’s father Peter III, as Holy Orenian Emperor seemingly ended the Lord Protector’s plot for a Sarkozy Empire. 

    Anne was placed as the de facto heir to the Empire, with her father having no trueborn sons. Despite her status, she was never proclaimed Crown Princess, using the title Princess Imperial. Anne’s betrothal to Joseph de Sarkozy was upheld, and they would be wed in 1753. Following their marriage the two would unite House Helane and House Sarkozy to form the Imperial House of Novellen, named after the Imperial Palace of Helena. 


    Ruling an Empire

    Following her father’s death in 1784, Anne ascended to the throne and was crowned Empress Anne I, the first empress-regnant in history. Anne’s husband was crowned beside her as Emperor Joseph II and they would rule together, leading the Empire into a new age.

    Anne and Joseph would preside over the Edict of Separation in 1786, which allowed Haenseni Independence from the Empire. They also faced the great Inferi invasion, where Anne I fought on the frontlines against the demonic horde. She refused the safety of behind the lines, seeing her duty to only Oren and not herself. The Inferi would be defeated, but not without the final siege destroying the Imperial capital of Helena, and Anne being trapped within the crumbling ruins until her son Peter Maximilian saved the Empress's life.


    After the destruction of Arcas, Anne and Joseph would lead Oren to a new continent, Almaris in 1796. After overseeing the construction of the new Imperial Capital, Providence Anne would retire from the public soon after and pass away from Breast Cancer in 1800. Emperor Joseph II was left to rule alone for fourteen years. 


    During Joseph’s reign, Oren faced the Sedan revolt in 1811. The House of de Joannes revolted against the crown after Emperor Joseph issued a proclamation stripping them of lands and titles and accusing them of multiple criminal offences, including sedition and treachery against the Crown. The rebellion was short-lived, after two Imperial victories on the field, and the Imperial State Army closing in House de Joannes abandoned their lands and fled, ending the conflict in 1813.

    Emperor Joseph II would die a year following the revolt, succeed by his son John VIII. Inheritng the throne at the age of  57, with no legitimate children he named his brother Philip his heir with the Edict of Renzfeld. His reign was marked by conflict. Revolutionary groups sprung up throughout the Empre, among them the  Mercatorii Revolutionary Army (MRA) and , Revolutionary Armed Forces (RAF). They achieved limit success in burning fire bombing attacks and rallies, but following a mass arrest by the Imperial State Army they were sent underground. Just four years following John VIII’s coronation conflicted broke out with the Kingdom of Norland. King Sven II of Norland declared war against Oren. The Tenth Nordling war would last five years, and despite some early Norland victories in the first year of the conflict, the Imperial forces would turn the tide, winning a string of victories. Building up to the Battle of Outer Arentania. An imperial host numbering nearly ten thousand surrounded and crushed the invading four thousand norlandic warriors. The war ended soon after with an Imperial victory in 1823.

    John VIII would pass away in 1837 and as per the Edict of Renzfeld, his brother would ascend to the throne as Philip II. Philip’s reign was marked by the growing tensions with the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and after a series of escalations the two nations would declare war upon one another. Phlip’s reign over this war would be short lived as his grandson, Philip Amadeus would return to Oren and lead the Aster Revolution in 1849, enacting a successful coup of Philip II. Philip II’s death would be unknown, though many suspect that his personal guards dumped the man in his wheelchair into the canals of New Providence. 


    The War of the Wigs

    Philip III and his wife Anastasia would quickly resume the War with Urguan, but it soon expanded as Norland, Haense and several anti-oren forces amassed in a Tripartite alliance against the Empire. The war lasted for nineteen years, with back and forth fighting laying waste to the heartlands. An initial victory by the Tripartite while invading and occupying the town of Southbridge and surrounding land was pushed back and southbridge retaken after a six year long campaign. The war would drag on for another seven years, leaving the exhausted Empire on the brink of ruin. Having weathered two excommuncations by the Church, and pushed back the Tripartite invasion Emperor Philip III would lead a devastating offensive campaign, becoming known as Philip’s Folly, where a nearly twelve thousand strong Imperial army was surrounded and wiped out nearly to a man. Following the defeat Emperor Philip III gave into the Tripartite’s demands, seceding lands to Urugan and Haense and paying heavy reparations the Empire was on the verge of collapse.


    Brothers' War

    Philip III, his wife Anastasia would fall prey to a fatal illness the same year the treaty was signed. The immediate power vacuum would spark civil war between the eldest son of Philip III, Peter Augustus and his younger brother Frederick Charles. Those who fought for Peter sought the Imperial tradition continued while those who fought for Frederick were Royalists, seeking to reform the Empire into a new Kingdom of Oren. The war was one of betrayal and backstabbing, families turning against themselves. Lasting around a year, the Imperialists would be driven out of the capital city and into the hinterlands. Peter August on the Sun's Smile of 1868 was captured at the Duchy of Reutov, and despite his uncle Prince John Casimir leading the Imperial forces against the capitol to free his nephew they would be soundly defeated at the  Battle for New Providence. Peter August alongside his wife pregnant consort were executed in the throne room.


    Founding of Balian

    After the conclusion of the Brother’s War, Prince John Casimir, a distinguished commander and uncle to Peter ‘The Bald’ and Frederick 'Fraticida,’ embarked on a journey with the Imperial diaspora to the southern continent of Almaris. Upon a lofty mountain, under the guidance of the St Lothar constellation, John ceremoniously embedded his sword into the rock and placed his helmet down, proclaiming the birth of The Grand Duchy of Balian, named in honour of the celestial guide. Leading a devoted council, John dedicated two decades to the establishment of this new nation, fostering robust diplomatic relations and crafting a resilient governmental framework that would endure the test of time. During this period, Balian faced challenges, including a collaborative war with Urguan and Haense against the orc threat and the Kingdom of Oren. After years of steadfast effort, Balian ascended to the status of a Kingdom, and John assumed the title of King John I, bestowed by Pontiff Pontian IV. In the concluding decade of his reign, King John I earnestly pursued peace with the emerging Kingdom of Aaun, alongside Haense and Petra. Simultaneously, he diligently settled his peers on the expanded lands of Balian. As his final years unfolded, King John I peacefully succumbed to illness, leaving behind a legacy of high esteem among his family, citizens, and allies.


    Novellen d’Atrus

    Upon the demise of King John ‘The Founder,’ his successor, Alexandros, ascended to the throne as King Alexander I. Alexander, a visionary leader, initiated diplomatic engagements with Ba’as, laying the foundation for the Rhenyari influence that would shape Balianese culture. He embarked on a transformative journey, overseeing the restructuring of the government in collaboration with his trusted Amiratus and Sarson al Granpaloma, resulting in the establishment of the Balianese Duana. However, Alexander’s reign faced a looming shadow with the emergence of an undead threat. Informed of the impending danger posed by the undead dragon Cloudbreaker and its accompanying horde, Balian seized the opportunity of preceding years to prepare for the imminent assault on the capital, Atrus. This involved mass production of essential weaponry, recruitment of formidable 'superweapons,' and an impressive display of diplomatic prowess. Guided by Alexander I and Ledicort Vuiller, Balian took a proactive stance by forming the Atrus Covenant—an alliance uniting all nations of Almaris against the forces of Iblees. The ensuing battle was prolonged and arduous, culminating in victory but at the cost of Atrus's destruction. Following reconstruction, Balian resumed its proactive efforts, collaborating with Haense and Aaun in the creation of the Canonist League to quell rebellious Adrians. In the twilight of King Alexander's rule, just moments before the birth of his granddaughter, he solidified the Sol Entente pact with the emerging southern nations of Aevos—a testament to his commitment to regional stability and cooperation.

    King Adrian would swiftly ascend to his throne after his father’s passing, enjoying a peace among Almaris that lasted but a few years. Soon into his reign, the Mori’Quessir would begin their attacks upon the varied nations of the continent, quickly making it apparent that they wished to take over the continent in full. Atrus would fall under a sandstorm that kept people in their homes, only for a flesh worm to force them out, leading to the city to be abandoned as the Balianese joined the rest of Almaris in the ruins of Savoy. Once Savoy was besieged by the Mori’Quessir en masse, the descendants left for the new continent of Aevos. With the new city of Portoregne built, King Adrian would engage in peace talks, finally finding an understanding between the Canonist League and Adria. Several reforms would be made in Balian, the founding of the City Commune by the King and Amiratus Gaius var Ruthern as well as the founding of the Armada by Fleet Admiral Dante. King Adrian’s first born, Princess of Monterosa Johanna Casimira, was an adventurous youth, however such would only spell tragedy for the girl. Upon a misguided adventure, she would not return, only to be found dead in the wreckage of her boat. Prince Alexandros would be made heir to the nation, though he’d eventually step down for his twin Princess Sibyl. Over a decade later, married and heavily pregnant with her own heir, Sibyl would be kidnapped by a group of the Ferrymen bandit, though she would be released in time, the attack by the Veletzians would not go unnoticed. About a year later, after further attacks, Balian would be a founding member of the Covenant of five (later eight) who declared war upon Veletz. The major battles would all be landslides, King Adrian quickly able to declare decisive victories for his Kingdom.


    Queen Sybille would take over in the middle of the war against Veletz, immediately setting to work continuing Balian’s continuous war machine, ensuring the surplus and training did not end. She would be crowned soon after her father’s burial so as to not waste time. Though she has not been Queen long, she has already worked to reform the nation’s nobility in a rather innovative way. The war raged on for quite some time including a failed invasion of Balian, known later as ‘The Battle of Hippose’s Gorge’. The Covenant wiped out the Stassion pretenders and pushed into Veletz, the pressure being such that Sir Gaspard fled his own nation, leading to Markus Sarkozic reforming Veletz into the Duchy of Adria and surrendering his forces. Almost five years later, muddied by a failed Rebellion, the Covenant would burn Winburgh, the capital of Veletz down, signifying the final victory. However fire soon became a double edged sword for Sybille, as soon after peace was assured the dragonkin assaulted the Balianese Cathedral. Trapped behind the bars of the gates, she watched as three dragonkin fought the Prince Consort Ezren of Tuvia, killing him in cold blood. Such a murder ignited a passion in the widowed Queen, who swore vengeance upon the Dragonkin menace. Soon after, the centennial celebrations of Balian would begin, of which took an entire year of festivities, including a grandiose ball and feasts. The biggest accomplishment came after as Sybille, alongside her allies in Haense, Petra and Aaun founded the Covenant of Man, a permanent Pan-Human alliance which has ensured the diplomatic integrity of Balian.




    The Novellen d’Atrus have several traditions both formed by the older Petrine-imperial heritage and influenced their new Balianese and Rhenyari influences. These come in varied forms such as naming conventions and major ceremonies.


    Since the arrival of King John I in the Southern continent of Almaris, the name Casimir and Casimira have been considered both important and integral to the ruling family. The convention of giving the firstborn male and female the middle name Casimir and Casimira has become tradition, which often ends with the heir having the name Casimir and the Princess Royal having the name Casimira. This has always been done as a tribute to King John I.


    Starting with the Coronation of John I, the founder of the nation, Balian holds a unique and elaborate coronation system that factors in several aspects of both ancient mythos and canon script. Adapted from the Imperial rite used by John VIII and his descendants, the official service often lasts several hours and culminates in the Monarch’s first addresses and Royal court. It is a momentous occasion that is meant to alleviate the people of Balian and bring a sense of patriotic justice. 


    Upon the announcement of the prior Princess Sibyl Gwyneth as the new heir to the throne, a new tradition was created to make Sibyl the official heir to the throne despite her not being first in line. The Monterosan Investiture was invented by a renowned scholar of the Royal Balianese Academy Caspian of Rhen, who also did the coronation, and it includes the participation of the Balianese public including three attestors who will publicly profess that the heir is worthy of such a role in the Kingdom. This is done alongside a church rite to make the heir official in both the eyes of Balian and the Mother Church. 


    The Novellen Household are considered a very scholarly and intellectual house, often engaging in lengthy and tense debates with their peers. Often such debates and discussions are had during a meal and a drink, such an event is often known as a ‘Symposium’ and is primarily for the adults of a scholarly reputation. While this is primarily for adults, the children are often enlisted in various classes, be it historical, scientific or religious in nature, they learn from a young age so that they can grow to be scholars in their own right.




    All families hold values close to their hearts and despite the difficulties of its history, Novellen d’Atrus is not different in this matter. The house has three tenants that they believe in, loyalty, piety and justice, of which have been major factors in their leadership of the Balianese people. 


    Loyalty is a primary value for the Royal Family of Balian and for good reason. With Balian being a nation born of betrayal from someone as close as a brother alongside a citizenry of family members betraying one another, the Novellen d’Atrus house have made it a priority to assure loyalties are kept. Whether it be loyalty to friends, allies or their own citizenry, the loyalty will be held in the highest possible regard to ensure no betrayal so destructive as the Brother’s War was, could be repeated. Any betrayal of this trust and loyalty is met with swift reproach.


    The Balianese are a pious people, holding true to the word of the scrolls with their lives. It was in the darkest hour that King John I opted to put his faith in the scrolls and GOD by following the light of Saint Lothar’s Star to the Red Mountain that became the capital city of Atrus. Since the fateful miracle given by GOD, the Novellen d’Atrus have always ensured their devotion to him to be a primary focus of their lives, acting with piety at every possible turn. 


    The second King of Balian, Alexander I was given the epithet ‘Just’ by his late friend and first Amiratus, Father Ledicort Vuiller. The choice was made due to Alexander’s predilection for mercy, sparing the young Baron of Acre and his mother after their failed assassination attempt on Baron Lucius Galbraith and later sparing the Viscountess of Renduzzo for her hiring of mercenaries who accosted the Princess Royal. King Adrian I was also a man who sought justice in all he did, such as the war against Veletz after they kidnapped his pregnant heir. All heads of the Novellen d’Atrus house are expected to lead their house and people with a similar just attitude.


    Cultural Influences


    Since arrival in the southern Almaris deserts, the Novellen d’Atrus family has undergone quite the change in their culture from three major sources of influence. Whether it be from an arranged marriage from a distant land, the discovery of an ancient civilisation or their Imperial heritage, the family has developed in a manner quite different from their imperial predecessors. 


    The original and primary influence upon the Novellen house was the Petrine Orenian of which originated from Peter III. According to Napier scholars, Peter III and the Petrine culture introduced nationalist pride, a sense of scholarly duty and unity. The scholarly nature of the petrine forebearers influenced the Novellen d’Atrus love of scholarship, be it for history, literature, art of music, the d’Atrus branch endeavour to learn more of their surroundings. In addition, a lot of the splendour of the Imperial family has been mirrored in what the Royal Family now displays from day to day.


    With the aid of Sir Sarson al Granpaloma of Ba’as in the leadership of Balian and the eventual marriage of Adrian I and Andromeda of Ba’as, the Rhenyari culture had a large effect upon the people of Balian, first and foremost the Royal Family. Andromeda, upon the building of Portoregne had a large part to play in the design of Palace, resulting in a clear Rhenyari influence on the building. Despite the eventual betrayal and departure of Andromeda, all her children with King Adrian were of Rhenyari descent, something they held faith in, more often dressed in clothing befitting this aspect of heritage and their older Balianese heritage. 


    The Lothar Stones, found throughout Almaris and the Ba’as continent, have given the scholars of Balian an introspective into the lives of the people in the Ancient Balthalite Empire. Led by Cardinal Teodosio, Father Ledicort and Princess Royal Elena, these tablets unveiled many things including the leaders of Emperor Balthier and his consort Empress Sybille. The language and naming conventions informed much of the Balianese language and more importantly the names of the Royal family. In addition, the first Lothar Stone informed the Balianese people of various religious traditions which have influenced the religious and traditions of the Novellen d’Atrus household.




    Cloudbreaker’s Fang-

    A blade forged from the bones of the undead dragon Cloudbreaker by an unknown dwarf, the longsword has been wielded by King Alexander I and his successors. It is held as a symbol of Balian’s strength and resilience against those which seek to destroy it. 


    The Throne of Unity-

    A throne placed within the maw of the undead dragon Cloudbreaker’s skull, it is an ode to what the denizens of a continent can do when united in a common goal. It is the throne that all reigning monarchs of Balian shall sit upon as their birthright. During the war against the Veletz menace, the throne was vandalised, being repaired by Alexandros Casimir who used molten gold to signify its prior damage.


    The Crown of Balian-

    A crown of pure aurum, with various inlaid gems, from both the local Balianese deserts of Almaris and the Holy Orenian Empire. Made by the first Royal Smith of Balian, Count Drako Darkwood and his friend Vicereine Laurelie de Pelear, it was a coronation gift to King John I. 


    The Crown of Monterosa-

    A crown of pure aurum, engraved with the skyline of the first Balianese capital of Atrus, created specifically for the investiture of the then Crown Princess Sibyl. It is passed down to every heir of the nation upon their own investitures and serves as a reminder of where Balian began.




    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Barçevina, Viscountess of Renduzzo, Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.






    Thank you to @Imperiumfor helping with the history portion and @Hanrahanfor the Petrine influence!


  6. upe2NO7y73myodD_Gmjny1-2BC6m3ktl8AZxwjz9uwnF2jvVXRKP5nGVFg_okAIXR2NIXNiFCx_MpT0viJmCZSMJRB1SXTclH6X0I1b2HpUfq81bWNzmrUQz62c_C_jnqw71scGahZ88w90-yC5kVYA
    To whom it may concern,

    I'm Queen Sybille of Balian and I approve of this treaty



    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Barçevina, Viscountess of Renduzzo, Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.

  7. 1 minute ago, Imperium said:

    Kristoff var Ruthern pop opens the newspaper, his eyes scanning it. “Very well done, though my names not Kristoffer.” He chuckled at the misprint before continuing reading.

    "Basically the same thing" Sybille called over to the Amiratus with a grin on her face as she read through her own copy of the newspaper, seemingly most interested in the mention of her children's party.

  8. "Not even a year and we have a copycat alliance" The Queen of Balian muses with a light laugh as she show her son @Haraldthe missive. She looked over it again for some moments "If only people had original thoughts, ah well nothing to worry about I shall say"

  9. TsXLfIxNRRCTRfqTB98OnCC_XI1P3A4p5UChHEdT_wWTarLQOjNmKpJCSdRqZqqOOX1erT1O1KnmQpl5ZArG-jWrdFFelxysk89GRUhJ9VoKWBGHC0BL76sWJ8phHdV6gzzDsWIQYMM98w9TIqzcUjE

    Edict of Malenos

    Renewed Standardisation of Land Taxes




    13th, of Peter’s Glory of 105 B.A


    Since the founding of the Kingdom of Balian and the landing of the ennobled peers of the land, the Noble families of Balian have paid a low tax of a single mina per the highest dimension of their land. 


    The Crown has decided that in consideration of the current cost of land upkeep, the unlanded citizen often ends up paying for part of ennobled territories. Such has been deemed as unacceptable as it should not be those unlanded who pay for those who have their own Villas, Forts or Villages outside the walls of Portoregne.


    The following changes are to be made in order to combat this unfair situation and ensure that those ennobled by the Crown pay a fair tithe for their land and status. This system will be tiered in order to ensure that those who garner the strongest privileges from their status offer up the most in terms of mina from those who are not ennobled to those of the Ducato status.



    • 75 Mina per Annum for a 50 by 50 land plot



    • 100 Mina per Annum for a 75 by 75 land plot



    • 120 Mina per Annum for a 100 by 100 land plot



    • 135 Mina per Annum for a 125 by 125 land plot



    • 150 Mina per Annum for a 150 by 150 land plot


    With the passing of this Edict, the Edict of Abretta shall be dismissed for the foreseeable. However, should the Kingdom of Balian be declared as in a state of war, the Edict of Abretta shall come back into effect alongside the Formal War Draft of Balian.



    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.


    His Excellency, CASIMIR MARIUS VILAC, 

    Baron of Valio, Patriarch of House Vilac, Gran Don of Balian, Lord Camareiro of the Palatio Arancione


    His Excellency, RHYS VAR RUTHERN

    Minister of Finances and Procurator of Balian, Medico Anziano of the Clinical Society of St. Julia

  10. 2 minutes ago, ECS1999 said:

    [!] A note would be sent to the Royal Family:


    Your Majesty Queen Sybille,

    While i appreciate your efforts in looking for a heir for Tuvia, it has reached my attention how between a Kervallen and a Novellen it passed to a Novellen. This unfortunate event makes me believe there is something wrong; as far as i know Princess Ariadne offered to take the role being 'one of the closest living relatives' to my son Ezequiel and not 'the title being passed to the crown'. How is then possible that she goes by Novellen-Tuvia and not Kervallen? Wouldn't it have been easier to either not apply or give my brother the chance first?


    Sir Ephrem Kervallen


    [!] A note would be responded


    Dear Sir Ephrem


    As the missive states, your brother stepped asides and decided not to pursue the leadership of the house. As she is born a Novellen, it has been decided she shall take Novellen-Tuvia to not distance herself from her family. She will still rule the house and endeavours to bring respect to the Kervallen tradition, however as no Kervallens presented themselves for the role, it is not possible to have one lead Tuvia.


    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.

  11. SS608zzwCdmdQOmSXOSoa-xqYDK5saB3jgAHoKaL1l-hVGHUQ30uLxpwOQDp_p_f6jOCwo49cSnw-t_P0LvH588gizyUUp96LbqExBEVHomQmSMa8B44FsBuV212henbw03c_EEu7zYj4pHy18SbzQc

    Edict of Porescorça

    Official and Unrepealable Edict on the Regulations regarding Preparation, Service, and Storage of Food and Beverages and Other Concerns of the Crown on the Balianese Cultural Traditions of Alchemical, Culinary, Brewing, and Food-Related Mercantile Pursuits.




    The 1st of Lothar’s Gift of 103 B.A


    Food and drink are the essence of life provided to us by Mighty God. It is therefore within the proper dispensation of regulation from the Crown to establish the best standards for this necessity in the lives of both commoners and nobles alike. Therefore, it is by this edict, our good judgment, and exceptional vigilance that we do decree the following:


    SECTION 1: Edible Substance Classification and Proper Handling and Preparation as Prescribed by the Crown


    (A) The proper categorization and classification of edible substances are hereby mandated for the sustenance of the Kingdom of Balian.


    (B) Those substances which are not expressly listed must abide by the handling and preparation standard of the listed item most closely associated with it unless special dispensation has been given by the Procurator, with confirmation found in a super majority from a national plebiscite.


    (C) The following are considered the broad categories of substances, both legal and illegal, within the Kingdom of Balian.


       (I) In the Classification of Flora


        (a) Common Herbaceous Vegetables


        (i) Dates of the Palm:


    Handling: Harvest dates when plump and slightly wrinkled. Avoid bruised ones.


    Preparation: Pit and chop dates. Stuffing must be pre-cooked before adding to dates.


        (ii) Cactus Pads:


    Handling: Choose young pads, free of blemishes. Remove spines carefully.


    Preparation: All grilled cactus pads must be sliced before serving. All raw pads must be coated in olive oil to reduce the probability of medical acidity issues.


        (iii) Amaranth Greens:


    Handling: Harvest young leaves for tenderness.


    Preparation: Cannot be served raw or used as garnish unless the establishment has obtained an Amaranth Green Card from the Procurator.


        (iii) Sea Asparagus:


    Handling: Pick young shoots to ensure tenderness.


    Preparation: Cannot be served alongside meat or stored within the same building as meat. Most establishments have a sea asparagus storage area outside the walls of their building.


      (iv) Samphire:


    Handling: Harvest young, crisp stems.


    Preparation: Must be cooked a minimum of one hour before service. Two hours is required if one or more of the guest(s) is of ducal status or higher.


      (v) Watercress:


    Handling: Select fresh, vibrant bunches.


    Preparation: Rinse thoroughly and clean using a brush of horse hair.


      (vi) Fennel:


    Handling: Opt for bulbs with no signs of wilting.


    Preparation: Oil used with fennel must come from a local sourced fennel farm. Imported fennel is not only dangerous to Balian stomachs but the cultural tradition of fennel farming.


      (vii) Chicory (Catalayna):


    Handling: Harvest young leaves for tenderness.


    Preparation: If blanched the water must be salted. The water can only be salted after having boiled.


      (viii) Artichokes:


    Handling: Pick tight, compact globes.


    Preparation: May only be served if steamed, grilled, or braised and tested for poison by a chef.


     (b) Common Arboreal Fruits


        (i) Olives:


    Handling: Select plump, firm olives, avoiding those with signs of fermentation.


    Preparation: Olives must undergo a minimum brining period of two weeks, adhering to daily saltings. Producers are required to monitor the skin color of the olives and report them to the Procurator once per annum in their Olive Production Quality Report (OPQR)


        (ii) Citrus Fruits (Oranges, Lemons, Limes):


    Handling: Choose fruits with vibrant colors and smooth skins.


    Preparation: Citrus fruits are subject to a standardized washing and must be coated in a thick coat of wax if not sold in seven days of picking. Citrus zest extraction must involve the use of approved zesting tools and an individual who has passed their Citrus Zest Extraction Certification Program (CZECP).


        (iii) Figs:


    Handling: Harvest ripe figs, ensuring they yield to gentle pressure.


    Preparation: Sun-drying or oven-drying figs must comply with regulated temperature and duration guidelines. Nets must be hung over any drying process to ward off insects.


        (iv) Pomegranate:


    Handling: Select heavy fruits with unblemished skins.


    Preparation: Seed extraction of seeds must come after washing but before blanching. All seeds must be blanched in a separate pot than other, whole, pomegranates.


        (v) Almonds:


    Handling: Harvest almonds when the outer hull splits naturally.


    Preparation: There are no preparation requirements for almonds, although complimentary salt is a standard amongst Balianese citizens when purchasing from a merchant.


        (vi) Chestnuts:


    Handling: Pick chestnuts with unbroken shells.


    Preparation: Handling chestnuts requires gloves made of calf or sow leather.


        (vii) Cherries:


    Handling: Pick cherries with stems intact and vibrant color.


    Preparation: Cherries must have their pits included when sold. Pre-pitted cherries are considered a form of fraud, subject to the standard legal penalties.


        (viii) Apples:


    Handling: Select apples with intact skins and vibrant colors.


    Preparation: Apples that are peeled must have their skins fed to pigs owned by the establishment or donated to a local orphanage within five days of their production.


        (ix) Plums:


    Handling: Pick plums when they yield slightly to pressure.


    Preparation: Plums must be pitted before being sold. Unpitted plums are considered a form of fraud, subject to the standard legal penalties.


        (x) Quinces:


    Handling: Harvest quinces when they attain a golden-yellow hue.


    Preparation: Quinces must be simmered once by the producer and twice by the establishment owner before being considered safe to eat. At least one bag of steam must be captured per dozen quinces, rounded up if less than a dozen. The steam must be released in a designated Quince Steam Release Area (QSRA) forty feet from any standing structure or domesticated crop growth.


     (c) Common Root Vegetables


        (i) Carrots:


    Handling: Harvest carrots when the tops are vibrant and the roots show a rich color.


    Preparation: Carrots must be washed in salted water (50-50 ratio) before being sold. They then must be washed a second time with water that is salted at a 75-25 salt to water ratio.


        (ii) Potatoes:


    Handling: Harvest potatoes once the plants have withered, ensuring proper curing.


    Preparation: The service or eating of a raw potato in the presence of nobility is considered an attempt on their life.


       (iii) Sweet Potatoes:


    Handling: Harvest sweet potatoes when the foliage begins to yellow, indicating maturity.


    Preparation: Producers must mark each sweet potato with a stamp bearing their visage and last name. These stamps can be purchased from the Procurator for 150 minas.


       (iv) Beetroots:


    Handling: Harvest beetroots when they reach the desired size, ensuring the removal of foliage.


    Preparation: Dull knives are required when peeling beetroots. Sharp knives should only be used to cut, not peel, this root.


       (v) Radishes:


    Handling: Harvest radishes when they reach the desired size, ensuring crispness.


    Preparation: Radishes must be marked as “IMPURE” if they have not been blessed by a Canonist priest. If they have been blessed they must be marked as “PURE.”


       (vi) Turnips:


    Handling: Harvest turnips when they reach a suitable size, ensuring the removal of foliage.


    Preparation: Turnips must be boiled in a pot that holds exactly two calves heads worth of water. If an inspector cannot put two legs into the pot, and the pot does not go to his knees, this is considered a violation.


       (vii) Garlic:


    Handling: Harvest garlic bulbs once the tops have dried, ensuring proper curing.


    Preparation: Garlic must be stored with other garlic. A single bulb of garlic is considered an offense to the Crown and is punishable by death.


       (viii) Onion:


    Handling: Harvest onions once the tops have withered and dried.


    Preparation: Onions must have their stems removed before the rest of the vegetable can be cut, diced, or chopped. The knife that is used to chop onions must have a red painted handle so workers are aware it is the Designated Onion Knife (DOK).


       (I) In the Classification of Fauna


        (a) Common Fowl and Poultry


        (i) Chicken:


    Handling: Select chickens based on feather color. This is what determines the taste of the meat. Store with salt if not used within seven days of slaughter.


    Preparation: Slaughtering and defeather must be conducted prior to sale. All chicken feathers must be surrendered to the Constable on the fourth day of every Saint’s Week. Meat should not bleed once cooked and should feel as dry and as hot as desert sand.


        (ii) Duck:


    Handling: Ducks who have eaten their own excrement should not be consumed. Those who have eaten excrement from another duck or animal are sanitary.


    Preparation: Duck should be cooked whole, without disembowelment. If disembowelment happens before the duck is cooked the establishment must denote the duck as “lesser duck.”


        (iii) Goose:


    Handling: Geese should always be imported, preferably from somewhere north of Balian. If they must be domestic geese they must be labeled as “Balianese Water Children.”


    Preparation: Balinese geese feathers cannot be exported beyond the borders of the Kingdom. Those caught smuggling these items will be subject to the loss of one year’s wealth. An exception for geese quills is  allowed but may not exceed 5 quills per person per Saint’s month of time abroad.


        (iv) Pheasant:


    Handling: Pheasants with even feather patterns should be sold for twice as much as pheasants that lack this trait.


    Preparation: Slaughtering, defeathering, and eviscerating of a pheasant must take place ten paces from food preparation areas. The Designated Onion Knife (DOK) can be used for this process but must be washed in ale before being used on other products.


        (v) Quail:


    Handling: Producers of quail cannot raise any four-legged animals on their property. Guts from a quail may be resold and labeled as “QUAIL SCRAP.” The price of quail scrap cannot exceed 3 minas.


    Preparation: Butter or oil can be used to fry quail but the two may never be combined.


        (vi) Fowl:


    Handling: Fowl must have their head attached to the body by a string when sold. Breeders may not mix feather patterns.


    Preparation: Cooked fowl may not be sold by street vendors after nightfall. Raw fowl may only be sold between the high noon and nightfall.


        (vii) Partridge:


    Handling: All partridges must be raised on a farm with exactly one pear tree, or be labeled as “LESSER PARTRIDGE.” Producers must only feed partridges nut or nut grinds or their product be labeled as “ZERO-NUT PARTRIDGE.”


    Preparation: The grease from a partridge may not be discarded within the city walls.


        (viii) Squab:


    Handling: Wild squab is the only permissible type of squab that can be eaten or sold.


    Preparation: Squab caught via a trap must be lightly fried. Squab shot with an arrow must be deep fried. The depth of the oil in the latter case must be two thumb-lengths deep and the oil must be palm or olive.


        (ix) Grouse:


    Handling: The selling of grouse is illegal.


    Preparation: The eating of grouse is punishable by a three year exile.


        (x) Poussin:


    Handling: Poussin should be purchased from a producer who can count on the number of fingers how many weeks the bird was alive for before being slaughtered. If the producer has less than ten fingers he can ask for another’s hands to continue the counting process up to ten.


    Preparation: Poussin must be boiled from the sunrise to sunset before it is edible. Establishments who cook the bird for less than this time are subject to a fine of 100 minas.


        (xi) Silkie Chicken:


    Handling: Silkie chickens may only be slaughtered when the bird’s top feathers have raised one thumb length above its skull. It must be defeathered by the purchaser.


    Preparation: All silkie chicken must be served with the accompanying head feathers somewhere on the plate. Failure to do so is fraud as the chicken could be of any origin without the feathered proof.


        (xii) Game Hen:


    Handling: Hens that are caught on a hunt must be registered with the Constable before entering into the city.


    Preparation: Slaughtering and defeather must be conducted prior to sale. Meat should not bleed once cooked and should feel as dry and as hot as desert sand.


        (xiii) Ostrich and Emu:


    Handling: Farfolk descendants are the only descendants who can produce, slaughter, and distribute this poultry. All others will forfeit a foot, to be fed to an ostrich.


    Preparation: Both are to be cooked until the inside is easily cut with a dull knife. If dried, salt may not be included.


     (b) Common Four-Legged Beasts


      (i) The Crown magnanimously places no limitations on the production, sale, distribution, preparation, consumption, or defecation of products derived from or exclusively made from four-legged beasts unless otherwise specified in this document.


     (c) Common Aquatic Life


        (i) Salmon:


    Handling: Select salmon by gently stroking their scales to assess freshness.


    Preparation: Salmon must be danced upon by at least three skilled chefs before fileting. Cook it until the flesh is no longer pink but yellow.


        (ii) Prawn:


    Handling: A producer who cannot hold a conversation with a purchaser for at least one hundred heartbeats should be considered unsociable and receive half of the pay they desire for this product.


    Preparation: Singing when cooking prawn is tradition, but not required. If a chef is angry the prawn should be cooked until the top touches the tail. If the chef is happy the product must be cooked to a perfect “C” shape.


        (iii) Clams:


    Handling: A clam that cannot be dropped on the floor is to be considered unbuyable. Salt should be provided upon purchase unless the producer has a relative within the Armada.


    Preparation: Steaming clams is the only method which can be conducted on the streets. All other methods require a kitchen with at least two chefs.


        (iv) Octopus:


    Handling: Octopus that has been brought to shore must be sold for ten mina the first day with a reduction of two mina per succeeding day.


    Preparation: Seaweed must be used to wrap octopus unless it is being placed into a stew or cooked with a method that cannot be reasonably used alongside seaweed wrap.


        (v) Mussels:


    Handling: Mussels which have under 40 rings to their shell cannot be eaten and must be returned to the ocean.


    Preparation: Cooking mussels over fire requires the fire to be made of imported Haeseni redwood or otherwise they must be sold as “LESSER MUSSELS.”


        (vi) Lobster:


    Handling: Lobsters which are caught at sea are allowed to be sold within the city walls. Lobsters that are raised must be sold outside the city walls.


    Preparation: Lobsters may only be killed if they have first been soothed to sleep. If they remain unsoothed by music or rocking one must pluck out their eyes and garnish the final product with them. There is no specified time for an individual to attempt to sooth a lobster, so as long as some effort has been made to put a lobster to sleep the individual is devoid of all personal responsibility seen within this code.


        (vii) Sea Urchin:


    Handling: Sea urchin cannot be consumed or sold within the confines of the city.


    Preparation: Nobles may not be served or consume sea urchin. To do so results in their immediate abdication.


        (viii) Eel:


    Handling: Eels whose eyes have turned milky white after being pulled from the ocean are to be discarded and not sold.


    Preparation: Fresh eel must be sold within five days of arrival on shore. Dried eel is allowed to be sold for seven saint’s months as long as the producer included spices during its curing process. Otherwise, the number of saint’s months is reduced to three.


        (ix) Squid:


    Handling: Squid ink must be sold at a separate stall from the edible flesh of a squid.


    Preparation: Squid ink may not be sold as writing ink. Squid ink may be used in Illatian pasta but can only be sold as street food is drink is offered, free of charge, with the purchase of the dish.


       (II) In the Consideration of Unconventional Edible Substances


       (a) Common Fungi and Foraged Herbs


        (i) Truffles and other Unspecified Forest Fungi:


    Handling: Harvest carefully, using specialized tools to avoid damaging the delicate mycelium.


    Preparation: These products must undergo cleaning and brushing to remove half of the soil. The remaining half is considered food safe dirt as long as it is dampened.


        (ii) Oregano:


    Handling: Harvest oregano by snipping the stems, leaving enough for regrowth.


    Preparation: Oregano must be air-dried by a body of water if sold to an establishment. Private consumers may buy fresh oregano in any condition. Storage of oregano must be near the serving area and not by the preparation stations.


        (iii) Rosemary:


    Handling: Damaging the main stem of a rosemary plant that is owned by a noble or his close relatives is considered battery on the personage of the noble. If a rosemary is growing on another noble’s land but claimed by someone else the guilt for the battery lies with the plant owner.


    Preparation: Rosemary that is stored near heat must be in a clay pot. Rosemary that is stored away from heat must be stored in a metal pot. Rosemary that is stored at room temperature must be discarded every two saint’s weeks.


        (iv) Thyme:


    Handling: Harvest thyme by cutting sprigs, leaving enough foliage for regrowth. Balinese thyme must be labeled as “GREATER THYME” and imported thyme as “LESSER THYME.”


    Preparation: Burning thyme for non-culinary uses is considered an example of witchcraft and is banned by the law. Exemption can be sought from local canonist priests.


        (v) Sage:


    Handling: Sage must be sold in bundles no bigger than a man’s clenched fist and no smaller than a babe’s clenched fist.


    Preparation: Fresh sage should always be shredded, not chopped. Any use of sage in cooking must be expressly stated on a sign outside the establishment. Private consumers need not abide by any of the preparation rules for sage.


       (a) Edible Insects


        (i) Crickets:


    Handling: Collect crickets in their adult stage, ensuring they are free from diseases or abnormalities. Crickets must be air dried before being sold.


    Preparation: Crickets may be dipped in chocolate but then must bear the label of “CHOCORICKETS.”


        (ii) Grasshoppers:


    Handling: The production of grasshoppers for sale is forbidden.


    Preparation: The only part of a grasshopper which may be eaten, after being caught in the wild, is the legs. All other parts must be discarded.


        (iii) Ants:


    Handling: Black ants must be harvested at night and cannot be harvested within the walls of the city.


    Preparation: Ant must undergo cleaning and brushing to remove half of the soil. The remaining half is considered food safe dirt as long as it is dampened.


        (iv) Cricket Flour:


    Handling: Collect crickets in their adult stage, ensuring they are raised in an area with readily available meat. Grinding of crickets into flour may not take place on an odd number day of the year. Cricket flour must be triple milled, each milling being two days apart. Cricket flour cannot be sold to private consumers.


    Preparation: Products containing cricket flour may not be sold on any holy day or day of celebration. Merchants caught breaking this shall be subject to paying a fine of 100 mina to the bishop nearest their residence.


    SECTION 2: Preservation Protocols


    (1) Approved Methods of Prolongation and Preservation


    (A) Any method listed henceforth in this section does not apply to any substance, both legal and illegal, listed in Section 1 of the Edict of Porescorça.


    (B) Approved Methods of Prolongation and Preservation


       (I) Salting


       (a) Salt used in the preservation of food must be from official producers of salt, approved by the Procurator of Balian.


       (b) Salt from the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska is approved if it tastes similar enough for at least seven of ten people to not notice the difference.


       (II) Smoking


       (a) Meat smoked must be smoked using the smoke produced by a hookah.


       (a) Other edible products that are smoked must be smoked using birch or cedar wood. Oak wood in the preservation of food is strictly forbidden as it offends the refined tastes of the Balianese.


       (III) Drying


       (a) Drying must be done via direct exposure to sunlight, otherwise the product must be marked as “ARTIFICIALLY DRIED” and described with the adjective “FAKE” in any advertisements.


       (III) Fermenting


       (a) Fermentation of beverages is not, and will not, ever be the prerogative of the Crown.


       (b) Fermentation of food requires the building in which the preservation takes place to be far enough away from all cities and urban centers that it would take a refined gentleman of the Crownlands five to seven hours to ride on the back of a donkey.


       (c) Failure to abide by the previous prevision is subject to the removal of all hair from a person's body, at the expense of the violator.


    (B) Illicit Methods of Prolongation and Preservation


       (I) Pickling


       (a) Pickling is expressly forbidden as it is a foreign practice.


       (b) Expecting mothers are allowed to purchase pickled products but must produce a prescription for such products from an apothecary with at least four years experience or a midwife with two years of experience.


       (c) All royals are allowed to sell, produce, consume, and purchased pickled products without being in violation of this law.


       (d) Violation of the previous provision will result in neutering of a minimum of five goats from the violator’s property. If no goats are present or available, payment can be made in the form of the second-born son or third-born daughter.


    SECTION 3: Additional Guidelines


    (1) Alchemical Endeavors


    (a) The Magistrate of Balian shall be responsible for all Alchemical licenses issued by the Crown.


    (b) Alchemical licenses shall only be required for alchemists practicing within the city walls.


    (c) Alchemical licenses shall only be required for alchemists who have at least one parent not born in Balian


    (d) Alchemical licenses shall only be required for alchemists who do not serve the state or the crown.


    (e) Alchemical licenses shall only be required for alchemical workshops, facilities, or stores that can fit more than twenty people comfortably inside its walls.


    (f) If the alchemical workshop, facility, or store lacks four walls it is exempt from the requirement of a license.


    (2) Culinary Endeavors


    (a) Culinary facilities or services must have at least one basin for washing dishes. This basin must be the same used for hand washing. Raw chicken can be added to this basin if the facility has been officially established and registered with the Crown for at least thirteen years.


    (b) The Culinary Guild of Balian shall be responsible for the preservation, certification, recording, administration, and defining of culinary practices, dishes, and traditions of the Balianese people.


    (c) The Culinary Guild of Balian shall be patronized by the most senior male line of the Novellen family, even if they are in exile.


    (d) The Culinary Guild of Balian shall be led by the Goramunda, who shall attend to the needs of the Royal Family of Balian.


    (e) The Goramunda must not leave the Kingdom of Balian under the penalty of death, unless in case of service alongside the ruler, armies, navies, or forces of the Kingdom of Balian.


    (3) Brewed Endeavors


    (a) The Crown shall not endeavor to restrict brewing endeavors within the walls of a city.


    (b) The Crown shall endeavor to restrict brewing endeavors owned by foreigners.


    (c) The Crown shall not endeavor to restrict brewing endeavors from family businesses, with at least one generation of ownership being deceased.


    SECTION 4: Storage and Lagering Procedures


    (1) Surterranean Storage


    (a) Storage of foods above ground is permitted for common households, not to exceed ten residents within a single building.


    (2) Subterranean Storage


    (a) Storage of foods below ground is permitted for all nobility.


    (b) Storage of foods below ground is permitted for households exceeding ten residents within a single building.


    (b) Subterranean storage must separate grains from vegetables by at least ten paces, meats from flour by at least fifteen paces, and beverages and water from any form of foodstuff by at least five paces.


    (3) Communal Storage


    (a) Communal granaries may not be constructed without permission from the Crown or the Crown’s ministers.


    (b) Communal storage may not be violated or abused by persons, under penalty of exile.


    (c) Communal storage must employ around the granary at least one cat for every twenty people depositing. Failure to abide by this provision makes the administrator of the facility guilty of fraud.


    SECTION 5: Handling of Exotic Spices


    (1) Procurement and Importation


    (a) Most spices can be procured by Balianese from Balianese vendors, as the climate of Our land often lends itself to the production of such luxuries.


    (b) For spices that cannot be bought from Balianese vendors a tax of 7.6392% will be applied and rounded up, never down, to the nearest multiple of fifty.


    (c) Tea and coffee are exempt from all duties and taxes, so long as they are not imported from a nation beyond a traveling distance of thirty five days.


    (d) Foreign vendors selling spices in the Kingdom of Balian must denote their status as a foreign merchant by painting the letter “F” on their face. The letter must be the size of the vendor’s hand. If the vendor has no hands or is missing at least one arm they are exempt from this law.


    (e) Sauces, syrups, and soups that contain exotic spices in their ingredients shall still be treated, taxed, and restricted in accordance with this section.


    (f) The following is the list of spices the Crown deems to be “exotic” and hence falling within this category


    (i) Cardamom

    (ii) Cinnamon

    (iii) Products or Parts of the Cinnamon Flower

    (iv) Clove

    (v) Cubeb

    (vi) Galangal (taxed doubly if grains are exceptionally colorful)

    (vii) Ginger

    (viii) Grains of Paradisio

    (ix) Mastic

    (x) Nard

    (xi) Nutmeg

    (xii) Mace

    (xiii) Pepper (in all variants - white, black, long, etc)

    (xiv) Saffron

    (xv) Non-Cane Sugar

    (xvi) Sumac

    (xvii) Spikenard

    (xviii) Coriander (and all relatives of the parsley leaf, to include parsley)

    (xix) Bulbs of Garlic (excluding loose cloves)

    (xx) Anise

    (xxi) Caraway

    (xxii) Mustard (excluding seeds)

    (xxiii) Turmeric

    (xxiv) Zedoary

    (xxv) Hyssop

    (xxvi) Saunders

    (xxvii) Calendula

    (xxviii) Dandelion

    (xxix) Hairy Bittercress (those with all hair removed shall be doubly taxed)

    (xxx) Plantain

    (xxxi) Purslane

    (xxxii) Wood Sorrel (selling in more than a handful is attempted murder)

    (xxxiii) Ambergris (for non-perfume purposes)


    (2) Utilization


    (a) Dishes that contain more than a thumb’s worth of exotic spices must declare that to the customer before service. This rule is exempt for chefs in service to a household.


    (b) Dishes deemed to be extravagant (those which contain more than seven thumb’s worth) during a time when the Kingdom of Balian is in a declared state of war shall be forbidden to be made, under penalty of a fine equivalent to one year’s wage of a modest merchant.


    (c) All dishes served to nobility while dining with royalty must have one less thumb’s worth of spice included. If the spice is overall less than one thumb’s worth, the provider of the food shall reduce the noble’s spice by one-third that of the royal dish.


    (d) Feasts, royally hosted events, or affairs where more than five people are served are exempt from the previous law (Section 5 - Subsection 2 - Provision C).


    (e) Spices used in medicinal practices are exempt from duties and tax. However, an apothecary, medicineman, medicine woman, or otherwise entitled healer must provide proof of necessity to the Procurator if purchasing more than two stone bags worth of exotic spices from foreign merchants per annum.


    (3) Quality Control


    (a) Exotic spices are only deemed acceptable for sale if they possess less than four bugs per two stone bag worth of spice. If the total weight of the products lies below two stones, the spices may only contain two or less bugs.


    (b) All spice deemed to be infested, as per Section 5 - Subsection 3 - Provision A, shall be confiscated by the Crown and destroyed.


    (c) All domestic merchants who are found to have attempted to sell tainted exotic spices (containing more than four bugs per two stone bag-worth of product or two bugs if the total product weight is below two stones) shall be guilty of fraud.


    (d) All foreign merchants who are found to have attempted to sell tainted exotic spices (containing more than four bugs per two stone bag-worth of product or two bugs if the total product weight is below two stones) shall be guilty of impugning the cuisine and culinary culture of Balian, and shall be banished for a year’s time.


    SECTION 6: Clerical, Cultural, or Guild-Based Dietary Restrictions


    (1) Clerical Restrictions


    (a) The Crown differs to the Church of the Canon and His Holiness, the High Pontiff, in determining all clerical restrictions.


    (b) Members of the clergy are not required to follow any of the laws set forth in this Edict, though they may not perpetuate, aid, or encourage illicit activities as defined by this Edict.


    (2) Cultural Restrictions


    (a) Qalasheen who are unknowingly served pork products or food containing pork shall reserve the right to sue the provider for a maximum monetary value equivalent to a week’s wages.


    (b) Illatians and their familiar businesses are the sole producer of wheat-based pasta products that may label those products as “authentic.” Violators of this provision are to be fined the monetary value equivalent to two week’s wages. All fines shall be donated by the Crown to the Illatian community to support after-school bucketball athletic programs.


    (c) Preserved products produced in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska or any land in which snow lies consistently on the ground are to be labeled as “NORD.” Failure to abide by this provision will result in the exile of the merchant from the Kingdom of Balian for a year, under penalty of amputation of one limb. If the merchant is debt-free, he may choose the limb. If not, the debtors may choose.


    (d) Products from Savoy, Savoyards, or any reformed nation which bears the mantle, symbol, or styles of the Principality of Savoy shall be labeled as “CONTAMINATED.” Violators of this provision will be executed by being drowned in honey.


    (e) Culinary products from the families or nations descended from the Li-Ren people must be sold for a rate set by the Procurator.


    (f) Any culinary good, food, food-related product, or otherwise mentioned item in this Edict that is labeled in Flexio will be taxed an additional 3.9862% and can only be sold in the third and seventh month of every year.


    (g) Any culinary good, food, food-related product, or otherwise mentioned item in this Edict that is labeled in Balinese will result in a tax rebate of 0.0147%.


    (h) Any culinary good, food, food-related product, or otherwise mentioned item in this Edict that is not labeled in Flexio or Balianese (all other languages) will be taxed an additional 3.47111%.


    (3) Guild-Based Restrictions


    (a) In accordance with the Bakers Guild of Portoregne, all food that is described as “sweets,” “desserts,” “pastries,” or otherwise recognized variants, according to a judge who has a beard, must ensure that pure Balianese sugar is the sole sweetener used during production.


    (b) In accordance with the Butchers Guild of Portoregne, all mea that is described as “quality,” “superior,” “excellent,” “well-bred,” or otherwise recognized variants, according to a judge who has a beard, must ensure the originating animal was only fed with Balianese grass.


    SECTION 7: Repeal and Implementation


    (1) Implementation


    (a) All rules, laws, provisions, and stipulations set forth in this document are to take effect immediately, even if otherwise indicated within that provision.


    (b) Those found in violation of these laws are expressly forbidden from using a lack of time or notice to correct the issue, as the Crown deems these practices to be customary and should have been followed before the publication of this Edict.


    (c) Those who use the defense written above shall forfeit their right to a trial and pay the Crown a minimum amount in equivalency to a year’s wage of a public servant, as to be determined by the Procurator, in excess of any punishment prescribed in the violated provisions.


    (2) Repeal


    (a) This law shall only be repealable after Our death, explicitly the death of Queen Sybille I of Balian.


    (b) This law shall only be repealed by the hand and seal of a future reigning Queen of Balian who has golden hair, blue eyes, a club foot, and exactly seven teeth remaining in their mouth.


    (c) Any of Our descendants or subjects who violate this provision (Section 7, Subsection 2) or attempt, in any way, to repeal this Edict shall be immediately guilty of treason and shall be sentenced to death by starvation.


    (d) Any of Our descendants or subjects who violate this provision (Section 7, Subsection 2) or attempt, in any way, to repeal this Edict shall immediately forfeit and vacate the Throne, Crown, and Scepter of Balian or any claim they hold on the Throne, Crown, Scepter, Title, Lands, or Subjects of Balian.


    (e) Any of Our descendants or subjects who violate this provision (Section 7, Subsection 2), or attempt, in any way, to repeal this Edict shall immediately be removed from all lines of succession to this Throne.


    (f) Any of Our descendants or subjects who violate this provision (Section 7, Subsection 2), or attempt, in any way, to repeal this Edict and shall claim the Throne, Crown, Scepter, Title, Lands, or Subjects of Balian shall be known as a “PRETENDER” and “USURPER” in perpetuity.



    Ad Gloriam Dei

    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Rensfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.

  12. His Holiness, Pontiff Sixtus,


    House Novellen d'Atrus submits a vote for House Barbanov-Bihar to assure that the remnants of the Veletzian menace remains gone as it should be.


    Ad Gloriam Dei

    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfield, Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.



    ELECTOR NAME: Sybille I
    ELECTOR HOUSE: Novellen d'Atrus

    VOTE CAST: Ivan VIII/Barbanov-Bihar


  13. f_gv7Qk1ECqub0DaysIFxvPX8o-AF2O9zsPKJX1AyNTK3Ypa2QeVYmQE0kjqnaG5YTLpGRMKh2D0tHuneCuV9mjAbuXLt3FTa_vKHSeklwk_Nf3Q6Q5a0AEwhtsE_zAfeNquxluy-WMls_Ihk1_3O8s




    Issued on

     5th of Sun’s Smile, 100 BA

     Atstana de Regne Petrère 112







    The Kingdom of Balian and the Commonwealth of Petra, or henceforth ‘the signatories’, recognise each other’s sovereignty and the rule of their domains, and their respective monarchs. 



    The signatories pledge to each other to adhere to principles of peace between each other, they shall not wage war upon one another, nor shall they raise arms against one another, or try to bring harm to the integrity of one another’s realms.



    The signatories pledge to themselves to a defensive alliance between their States, and shall not incite conflict between each other. They furthermore agree that an attack on one signatory shall be treated as an attack on both. 



    The signatories agree to engage in military companionship, hosting joint trainings and expeditions along with mock scrimmages in order to bolster international engagement from either nation’s people. 




    The signatories agree to criminal extradition between each nation; should a citizen of either side commit a crime in the other nation, an agreement of transportation and extradition will be enforced in order to honor the agreement of full nonaggression. 





    This treaty shall be in effect for a period of sixteen years, after which the realms shall convene once again for renegotiation.



    HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera

    Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Eagles Peak, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty

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