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Status Replies posted by xMuted

  1. How is everyone doing?


    Remember to have a daily cookie to keep the doctor away! 🍪

  2. What benefits (if any) do dwarves have on LOTC? Comment Below!

  3. what are some quirks, fun facts, or other things your character has/can do that you never get to share or emote in rp? 

    1. xMuted


      fear of not being the best in the room (he is always the best)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. What does a “heroic character” look like to you?

  5. Who is the most accomplished player-created protagonist in LOTC history and why? 

  6. do any NL kings or queens on the server have court jesters, have you guys considered getting court jesters, I realized I've never seen one ever

  7. it'd be really cool if we got a plugin that made keys to doors a physical MC object that could be destroyed, stolen, sold, etc. this way it's not isolated to a singular command or the whim of whoever owns the door if they decide they want to remove you, and they'd need to actually do the RP of taking it from you. only issue is I think it'd be a rather convoluted system and I can't really think of any efficient way to make something like this work mechanically, but I'm also not on tech so maybe it's really simple and I'm just overthinking it. but I think it'd lead to fun niche RP and allow people more opportunities to bypass security illegally rather than just hoping someone willingly lets u inside an area. imagine holding a guy at sword point and demanding he gives you access to a special room, or robbing someone for their citizen door keys, etc

    1. xMuted


      This is one of those fun in theory complete hassle in practice and it sucks for anyone community leader to have to deal with

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. anyone have any good 1.18 texture pack reccs

    1. xMuted


      Shorter tools and headless horse for pvp!!!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. can I play azdrazi woman

  10. taking a shot for every 

    'DM me for Ghoul'


  11. If anyone has a world-download/save of Asulon that isn't rendered unusable by corrupt chunks OR just generally has a save of Arethor, please shoot me a DM on discord @ shmeepicus :D

  12. i know what you are... check your blood sugar.

  13. guys squak said he'd talk to me about the round aevos theory in a private discord do I go ??

    1. xMuted


      6 hours ago, DahStalker said:

      make sure u bring @xMutedjust incase


      I will protect Jentos at all costs. (:3)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. GUYS i need to know whos your favorite philosopher/thinker and if anyone says machiavelli i will block you

    1. xMuted


      3 hours ago, Borin said:

      sean dyche

      Sean dyche masterclass against city incoming

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. been playing on 60hz for 2 years just found out how to make it 144hz


  16. Hellos from a Returning Player.

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