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Everything posted by RandomRhunes

  1. Welcome to LotC, I hope you enjoy your time here o7
  2. [!] A letter is sent to Miss Osser via a rather confused looking raven. ”Mam, ( and please do pardon the inadequacy of this letter for such,) but I’d like to request the creation of an atronach limb. If you will, send back a missive via the bird which has delivered this very note to you; that we might discuss pricing and details. If it’s of any importance to you, I am also a practitioner of the arcane arts. -Thank you for your time, Mauvine Ed Borr” @Liv
  3. just let them have this. They’ll never stop trying, and quite frankly, they deserve to have it
  4. Splendid! Do you mind if send said info via discord?
  5. Are you able to do kharajyr, or wonk-like people?
  6. Test. This is a fake message. No, your lying you sleep deprived potatoe.

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