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Everything posted by KudosMetro

  1. on that note, there are already Shaman Cursed Children. I don't know if there are druid ones, nor templars—but all other deific magics seem right in their alley. Seers and Heralds. Locking them out of deific magic just seems kind of bland. I know this has been addressed though, matching their compatibility to their lore pieces, but wanted to point it out!
  2. He remembered the gifts he once bore, a reminder within every waking day and every, ever, slow hour. To hear the song of the spirits, to know each chant, each call, and now feel none. The great channel of memories—that once he could've lived this vision, and yet no longer. The omen would set his heart aflame. The grand trident a sign of his goddess—confusion. Each word of this prayer would invade his mind in a plague all so familiar, and yet so foreign. A familiar chant, yet all so new. Fear would cloud his mind. Confusion invading his form. Sickening to his being. Things were going on—a call to the Moon Mother would never not stir him— And so this Kharajyr woke, amidst the overgrowth of a grove. He felt the silence of wind, his hand pressed against his chest as his cold-sweat subsided. He saw nothing, heard nothing. And yet something in him stirred. Was it but a nightmare that so desperately wanted to be held? Was it a feeling in his figure? Did it tell him to move? To run? To chase? He was no Farseer anymore, and yet his blood boiled all the same. He would never know what stirred him within the night, his path no longer one with the spirits. . . but worry filled his mind. Whether it was his blood that boiled, as Kharajyr, or if it was a calling from the blood he once bore in the past that stirred him now— Something felt wrong.
  3.   THIS is for Irene, thee rotund, white-fleshed, putrid smelling bacon-did-feed wench, why thee TOOK mine beloved's eyes out and flayed them, beat them to nigh death whilst their back was turned, thy TRIFLING, FILTHY, LARGE, ‘oompa loompa’, corse-haired rampallian WENCH! I'm coming up thither and I shall beat the ALAS out of thee, wench, and don’t rally your darkspawn-filth comrades, I shall cometh up thither unexpected and wail on thee rampallian wench arse; I KNOW OF THE FETID CARRIAGE THOU DRIVE and thou raggedy arsed steeds and ratty cloth. Damned tattered shoes, thin-haired, stenched dog, arsed wench! I'm telling thee, WENCH, I'm coming to beat thou for thou foul-mouthed, trifling-arsed attitude. WENCH!!!

  4. I love eating rocks /*\^o w o^/*\

    1. femurlord


      You're not Ropceek.



  9. el poopie uwu

  10. I don't understand WHY they were written out of lore then? I know they're suppose to be a test on how beastmen race turn out—BUT THAT FEELS LIKE EVEN MORE REASON FOR THEM TO HAVE DRUIDISM??? Hou-zi have HAD access to druidism, they're BUILT like Descendants albeit without the same soul, and being the "test run" for Beast Races SHOULD MEAN THAT IT SHOULD ALSO STUDY HOW THEY INTERACT WITH MAGIC??? Thank you for the insight though! I just think the decision to remove a race from a magic is wonky in general—I understand it's definitely not new, but for Druidism it just feels wrong? Of course, no race should have to rely on magic for players to be interested—but the INTEREST that Beast Races get is by how creative you can be with your character! That, and I feel like if a Beast Race could use any magic, it'd definitely be druidism. Hou-zi were brought back, had one sub-race replaced, and availability for magics taken. I'd love to talk more about this—I'm not sure if talking here is really appropriate, but I do believe this should defintely be up for discussion and thought! And definitely no disrespect to the Lore Team! Can't believe this is a Musin Posting—but GIVE US DRUII RAT TOO!
  11. I do think it should PROBS be put on the list of compatibility, just so it's easier to find o_o but yeah! Np! Just want to make sure it's out there that Hou-zi can be druids, so why not Musin? I understand, maybe, not having the full capacity for it as a Descendant, but that shouldn't BAR THEM from being able to attune and at least be able to accomplish something with it! Musin players at least deserve a lil something something, and the ability for them to further engage with the druid community would be GREAT! I'd love to see what Musin come to do with a deific magic that kind of fits them? They're FULL ON mousefolk, they're probably really close to nature and it'd be nice to see how druidism works with them and what comes about from it! It wouldn't hurt anything besides a logistical side, and even then, just make it so that they can't use it to the same degree—but still use it! DRUII RAT MUST RISE.
  12. There's currently a Hou-zi druid, actually! They're a gorilla hou-zi I think, but also HERE'S THE SCREENSHOT! It's taken from the "Nature Infusion" — "Attunement" section of the Communion post!
  13. To my knowledge, despite the new rewrite of Hou-Zhi listing it can only learn certain magic with the disclaimer of "if a magic says they can, they can—" Hou-Zhi CAN become druids! I'm pretty sure at least. I do think Musin deserve a chance at druids though! +1. <3
  14. I like rocks mmmmmm delicious rock

  15. A Kharajyr clung to his shield as he came to what remained, far into the night and alone. A home he grew fondly of, a place where he first came to know the world of Descendants—whether it was under the name Nor'asath or Nor-Velyth. The churning winds, the effortless flow of time, had finally caught up to their olden home. He allowed himself a moment to think, to reminisce, and to grieve for what community he once knew. Then, so he went. No longer bound. A home loss, so that more homes are to come. For the Kharajyr, for his pride, and for many of the people he'd come to know. Verachone Khyal taking his shield, his banner, and his life for himself again. And whether or not he'd visit—that was for another day as he came to view Sakuragakure in the distance. The Shugo and his people, among all the people of Nor-Velyth's home, deserved the best.
  16. So'Verachone, after struggling with the forums for a good 30 minutes, reaches for his mina pouch. . . "Time to pay taxes—" The tears welped in his eyes as he got ready for next Braevos tax season.
  17. ☾༻———— The —⸻༺☽ Moonlit Sanctuary of Ettitica ༻———————⸻༺ v A Letter is Pinned to the Notice Boards of The Moonlit Lands v ☾༻———————⸻༺☽ I, Yhl’Verachone Khyal, step down from my position as Aelkos Tlamatini—Aelkos of Mind. This one has talked with my fellow Aelkos, and while I have served for many years since our time in Aevos, I am still willing to serve this home—though, I put aside my title to resume life as a regular Denizen of our Sanctuary. I am proud to have seen our home grow to what it is now, and that our Beastfolk have found a place to call home—that our Sanctuary is given life once more. I will, despite my resignation, continue to nurture the next generation of Kharajyr as So’Verachone and Ittaconetl of the Sanctuary. A quiet life, once more, as a Caretaker of the Sanctuary. If any of Nor-Velyth or my fellow Kharajyr have any inquiries, you are free to come to me. I would be glad to offer clarity, and past that, I am still an Elder. My role, even as a Denizen, is to offer my insight and knowledge. Forever am I bound to that. Though, a small retirement is looking nice while I am still ahead. Be well, Metzli nequitlanequiliztli. Yhl’Verachone Khyal, Previous Aelkos of MIND (Year 164 S.A), Chief of the Khyal Pride
  18. eat pebbles for fun please

    1. ThatFunkyBunch
    2. Turbo_Dog


      Barbecue bacon burger

  19. It was actually going on really well! And while they've both stepped down to pursue THIS, Nor-Velyth is thriving! Even then, before they stepped down—Nor-Velyth was still hosting events and having a marginal, but present presence. The work they put into getting Nor-Velyth to what it IS was by their work and their work alone, solo carrying the entirety of the nation for a year straight since Almaris without the help of much anyone! The aim now is to have a space for MORE EVENTS but more specialized ones for THIS PARTICULAR COMMUNITY and their respective characters :3 ——— edit: Of course, not to demean the work of vassals! Just that the individuals here had contributed to all of Nor-Velyth's growth almost single-handedly at the beginning and nearing the end of their time in the nation! It's only now that they're separating, but I know for a fact that they're greatful for everything that has become of the nation—along with the relations they've made in the past. It was fun!
  20. MC Name: Kudos_Metro RP Name: Yhl'Verachone Khyal Persona ID: 81198
  22. Yhl’Verachone Khyal’s Farseer Pact Lesser of Dazkur - Smaohtrankarparg, Spirit of Vigilant Protection. ——————————— —————————— POUND after POUND the realm rumbled. Awakened. Obsidian walls, a darkened sky. . . and an ‘o so eerie staircase that’s end was too far to see. The howl of the winds above deafening, then silence. Dust and earthen sands blown over the edges of the walls in puffs of dirt, coating the obsidian mounds layer after layer in itself—a land in darkness and left in silence. And yet eyes watched. The shallow thoughts rippling as he woke, pushing himself off the grounds as another shake of the earth scattered below. The man’s ears twitching, pointing out to the depths of the surroundings walls that reflected his image. . . and so he climbed the stairs ahead of him. Beckoned to movement, and to the stories laid within the abyss. “Honlat.” The voice boomed, vibrating throughout the earth, verberating inside his mind. (( “ You see. “ )) Kharajyr faced to the walls then, drifting within the abyssal mirror, greeted to himself. And then others. Memories rippling in the stone, deep within the play of the darkened mirror as he watched himself—shield in hand as he tensed. Himself faced against a mighty minotaur, pressed ahead of his party, his eyes filled with determination— a flame. “Honlat.” The voice boomed. (( “ You see. “ )) The man pushed forward, eyes focusing back to the stairs—still walking. Another memory. Another day. The mori’s invasion pressing against his mind as he looked, himself at the front, gripping a cannon as he steadied himself amidst the kinship of his allies around him. The scene blurry. Orcs once. Humans another. Kharajyr— and the elves. Focus on them all as the familiar scenes played. Verachone arming himself, shield still kept upon him as he pressed himself alongside those he fought with. . . “Honlat.” (( “ You see. “ )) He woke, paw against the obsidian wall as it ended. A cliffside viewing the rest of the realm. A blackened sun with flares of galaxy flame, stars unseen in the dusk of this eternal night sky. The end. “Amat lat tul. . ?” (( “ Why [ are ] you here. . ? “ )) A giant hand rose, colliding against the obsidian mound’s side as it gripped the stone. Rising. “AMAT LAT TUL. . ?!” (( “ WHY [ ARE ] YOU HERE. . ?! “ )) The voice boomed, deafening as it rose. The spirit rising from the depths of the chasm before the cliff’s edge, body taking over the horizon as it blocked out the sun—shifting the realm as that same sun warped and rose—placing itself before them all. A halo of swirling flame around its head. Its armored visage expelling the galaxy flame as he finally stopped within its rise, shifting the terrain as it pulled the platform wider. . . “I am honored to be before you.” The man began his words. “To honor my promise.” He looked up to the spirit, a hand lofted to his chest. “A promise to my loyalty and sworn protection.” The man’s tail wafted. “I have come to serve the spirits as I’ve promised myself to, and that I give my protection to those I am loyal to. My oath to serve.” “Amolub lat gundul. . ?” (( “ How will you guard them. . ? “ )) “. . .” The man softened his poise, offering a nod. “By being with them, as I have. And as I will do— As I wish to do for you—to serve you.” “Ghaak.” It spoke, blowing a ghastly flame. “Draaghlatub za frûm mohkum naadar brunlab.” (( “ Let it be. “ )) — (( “ You will build this spirit [ a ] home among your people. ” )) . . . The words seemed to flow in his own mind as the spirit spoke it. “Lup’Smaohtrankarparg.” ——————————— —————————
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