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Status Replies posted by shiftnative

  1. I'm waiting until LoTC is worth getting back on again. I really felt like it was going back to good conditions a few weeks ago. Looks like I'll be waiting much longer than I thought then.

  2. I think all of the races need to take a dose of fantasy rather than raids, y'all are forgetting the main point of this. It's to have fun, not just kill players.

  3. After reading the most recent news, my fears are confirmed, the higher members of the staff rarely listen to the people on the server, and are slowly becoming idiots.

  4. Gone is the time of compassion and friendship. Mindless spite and mindless words are the order of the day.

  5. Alright, I'll admit it, the donator changes were pretty sweet. If anyone wants to bump me up to diamond before I message an Admin, I'd appreciate it, because I just slapped down another 50$.

  6. Alright, I'll admit it, the donator changes were pretty sweet. If anyone wants to bump me up to diamond before I message an Admin, I'd appreciate it, because I just slapped down another 50$.

  7. What are the most memorable games you have ever played?

  8. I wonder... once 4.0 is released in the dim and distant future, what will the Developers do?

  9. Prebuilding in 4.0 seems to have messed up all the current political RP, because people already know where they'll end up and won't deviate from it even if it would make sense in the present...

  10. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: How many players would have represented the server at the Minecraft Olympiad?

  11. Is there a map drawn, like of the entire world showing where Aegis, Asulon, Anthos, and .5 maps are? A world map of all countries would be cool!

  12. 4.0 update #3 later today, this third post will have lots more information about changes and the theory behind them - woot woot!

  13. Anyone know if Anthos will be released for download in the future?

  14. For those who haven't seen this, i've been working with the media team to recap the servers lore for 4.0 http://i.imgur.com/0Xwo0Bs.jpg

  15. My Faith in this server has just plumeted

  16. Just got kicked for an hour for saying whatever to a warning, I apologize for hurting the feeling of the poor person on the internet, lame

  17. Perhaps the reason PVP-default gets so much support is because there are so many villains. Villains want loot, and the fastest way to get the loot is through PVP. Not a very RP reason to want it, but they will come up with convincing reasons ;)

  18. according to the fm team it is actually NOT world autism day my apologies

  19. Can I have a GM or whomever applicable confirm my measly donations on both accounts? Would be much appreciated.

  20. How long has it been since server launch in human years?

  21. How long has it been since server launch in human years?

  22. After what's happened, I don't think I'm going to donate anymore.

  23. Why did they make everything so much more difficult and complicated to use? *groan*

  24. ... Quick question - are the staff looking for any more donation perk suggestions...?

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