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Status Updates posted by TheWhiteWolf

  1. Come Participate in the Zombie FRP!

    1. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us.

    2. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      One of us, one of us.

    3. Lykos


      twenty of us, twenty of us

  2. Wooo! Just Graduated! Been a long night.

  3. I have just begun my adventure into Dark Souls. syoto

    1. Lykos


      I gotcha bruv!

  4. Wish more people played Stellar Impact =/

  5. Being a detached gamer on this server is fantastic.

  6. Wolves are amazing.

  7. Half life 3...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Varstivus
    3. 3VN



      Half Life 3 confirmed

    4. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      Half Life must be the ammount of time we have to wait...

  8. Path of the Exile is an exceptional game so far.

  9. Time to restart the FOA i think... who was the original founder? I can't remember and need to get their permission.

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Original founder is gone I do so believe. And don't restart them. pls.

    2. Raptorious
    3. TheWhiteWolf
  10. How does one go about getting a few Tent Blocks?

    1. Jistuma


      You have to be a donator to receive a tent.

    2. TheWhiteWolf


      I am, and i have done some experimentation with a tent. Thankyou to Ever for the help in setting up my tent.

    3. Mining


      any particular donator rank? Or does any VIP cut it?

  11. How often to E-team members get accepted?

    1. Lago


      When they need them.

    2. Αμφίονας


      It's not the e-team they deserve but the one they need

  12. *stuck in ground after SS... won't fix itself after relog.. waiting for Mod..*

  13. To the North! Expedition Advance!

  14. Applications are now Open for the new Warhammer 40k themed FRP, The Death March.

  15. *seems to be lurking in the FRP Forum, who knows what he is up to? His hand hovers over the 'Start new topic' button.. he fades away back into the darkness, leaving only one symbol behind*

  16. X-Rebirth looks quite cool.

  17. To the North! Expedition Advance!

  18. Any VAT members online that could hop into Ts for a moment? I just have a few questions.

  19. Lesson Learned...do not go afk in the witches woods..

  20. Woo first time rping as the Spectral Bard, this is gonna be fun !

  21. The Spectral Bard will be playing tonight in a forest near you! XD

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      And he'll steal your soul..........:P

    2. TheWhiteWolf


      >:D..no just your songs.

    3. TheWhiteWolf


      Maybe cause you to go insane...

  22. So i am making a Graven Character, but the idea i had was bluntly put boring.. so i would like to know what sort of Graven character you would like to see?

    1. The Fact Core
    2. IrishPerson


      One that is not always in Abersi.

    3. zanesim123


      A ghost pirate

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