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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Onslaughted

  1. It's not illegal until you get caught.

  2. https://soundcloud.com/onslaughted/grommash Need opinions, trying somethings out (And yes, its voiced by me)
    1. BartOhYeah


      No effects whatsoever?

  3. It's okay, father bitchtitties will come to save the day!

  4. lol when to a party last night, had a drink and it was drugged. I don't remember anything from that night, ****.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. oblivionsbane


      And you'll never know if it was or not.

    3. Onslaughted


      *Shrugs* Sex, is sex. I didn't remember it so meh. Idc

    4. Netphreak


      . . . THIS is why you NEVER trust women with your drinks! (Or men for that matter)

  5. "We got lot's of dope boi"-Love Sosa

  6. I like my women the way I like my wine, 13 years old and in the cellar.

  7. "We got lot's of dope boi"-Love Sosa

  8. "We got lot's dope boi." -Love Sosa.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pureimp10


      report that s***

    3. Aislin


      you did not keep this conversation confidential. allah will never forget your treachery.

    4. Onslaughted


      goodness gracious

  9. That moment where you win a 1v5 o.O

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. nordicg_d


      aint nothing to brag about winning a 1v5 with a str pot tbh since them bastards can 1-2 hit iron

    3. Lefty


      all those beaners hack

    4. empirerebel
  10. I'm sorry menarra, but you admins are here to please the community, make them happy. Even though lotc is not a democracy which is fine in my opinion. But, dont be a tyrant, a dictatorship isn't always bad.

  11. Sky for head GM

    1. Aislin


      stroking the cock doesn't usually get you GM m8

    2. Onslaughted


      I aint stroking the cock, just stating an opinion.

    3. Aislin



  12. No my Epidermis is showing

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