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Status Replies posted by Dalek348

  1. am I the only one who notices Dalek still has a christmas hat on his mountain?

  2. Very fun battle! (Except for the GM using invisibility and damage potions.))

  3. Here's a hard question to answer: Who do you think is the best villain on the server?

  4. Just a note from the ET, you should NOT be going into the North, it is for EVENTS ONLY. If you find a way into, modreq it and a GM will come to fix it.

  5. Anyone think it would be smart to do an advertising spree tonight, to attract more people for 3.0?

  6. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: How many nations were there in Asulon when it was first settled by the Aegis survivors?

  7. http://i.imgur.com/8ky1G7Y.jpg Bili Hollowmead taking a stroll through a 3.0 canyon
  8. Anyone have screenshots of the old Kal'Urguan throne/throneroom?

  9. Would anyone like to help me think up some lore for a new Magic type I plan to write about?

  10. When I joined this server one year ago. It was just plain awsome. Now? The first thing I read when I go on to the Forum it is always some new bureaucratic bullshit going on..

  11. It's a proven fact that Halflings have the sweetest flesh and are the best Noble Race to put in stews.

  12. What a silly strike report.

  13. Oh, Dalek, what have you done?

  14. Happy New Year from Germany, friends.

  15. People have been making statuses about people needing to respect villains more... Perhaps the villains should earn that respect instead of demanding it.

  16. Well, that took a long time to put together.

  17. If you really want to attack me, get a VA for it >:I Too many no-VA attacks in one day for my liking.

  18. Going to work, wonder what will be here when I return, lol

  19. looks like we will need lore for fireworks then

  20. So guys, what do you think? Is writing a Villain application guide worth writing? Now that VAs have become easier now, just been thinking a lot.

  21. Now you've had that, I can..

  22. If a villain loses a lot more than he should, does his intimidation and value towards other players decrease? What do you think?

  23. I need an Evil Name starting with an F - Any suggestions? ( don't troll :

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