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Status Replies posted by Dalek348

  1. Why do people call NonRP kills pugsying?

  2. Can someone explain to me why this was implemented if the majority of the server voted against it? Just, you know... if GMs are here to do serve and moderate the players... and the majority of players wanted RP default to continue... just... I must have missed something, otherwise this decision would defy logic. And I know our GMs are smarter than that.

  3. i was banned from the rp googledoc for spamming Holden_McGroin : - ((((

  4. i was banned from the rp googledoc for spamming Holden_McGroin : - ((((

  5. GMT is the worst timezone to be in in LOTC. No staff, no events, no RP. . . makes you feel like you want to quite LOTC at times.

  6. the name of that antag is racist and i think ford is upset by it

  7. What if we went back to a ruined version of Aegis? If somebody has the map we can get started.

  8. What if we went back to a ruined version of Aegis? If somebody has the map we can get started.

  9. Why does cakeman appear to be mentioned in every single debate

  10. The next person to misuse the word nostalgia and somehow try to twist the whole concept of the word into some meaningless misguided thought of the past, WILL feel my wrath.

  11. You know, I don't get why people want the undead back other then purely nostalgia. From what I've heard, they are everything people complain about the current antag being, whether founded or not. OP? Very. Spam Magic? Yup. Victories and Losses scripted by the staff? All the time. How is that fun?

  12. I think this is the second time that Dalek has gotten in trouble for Rping something oddly creative.... Can't people just go along with the giant slime and the squid-man? It's so much fun, lore be damned.

  13. Cakeman? Really? If it is true maybe I have lost hope...

  14. Can't believe being a Cakeman is worthy of a ban.

  15. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which settlement was destroyed by both the Undead and a snowstorm?

  16. Playing M&B Napoleonic Wars as a musician when 3 guys gang up on me. Where's the honor these days?

  17. The vote count doesn't so much matter to me as does the strength of the arguments presented. I suggest focusing on reason over sheer numbers.

  18. Interested in public opinions. What do you think is the best nation all around? RP, scenery, playerbase, etc.

  19. I can just see it now. Every peasent magically being able to get war horses in 1.6

  20. I guess I'll never understand why Halflings stopped being a Subrace of Humans, why High Elves stopped being a subrace of Elves, and why Goblins stopped being a subrace of Orcs (or at least assumed to be such) :(

  21. This was asked on the Facebook and got many responses, so it'll be asked here as well. If you could give one piece of advice to other roleplayers, what would it be?

  22. Anyone know how halfling weddings work?

  23. Please demote Zezimus ASAP. He's the most corrupt, biased, and unwanted GMs I've ever seen promoted. He spawns diamonds for the halflings all the time, and no RP kills me everyday.

  24. Feel free to ask for help on lore!

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