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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by chaotikal

  1. I think I just watched Dota die in front of my eyes.

  2. Are you interested in helping the server? Perhaps you want to get more involved with LotC staff? If so, apply for GM today! Applicants will be reviewed at the end of the month.

  3. What are the most active nobility houses?

  4. Time to skin.




  5. Could someone link me to dragon lore? Or explain any differences LotC dragons have from regular mythological dragons?

  6. Could someone link me to dragon lore? Or explain any differences LotC dragons have from regular mythological dragons?

  7. f06ddd4ef6339d859724ca35d2a6da3f.png

    Who owns this book? We got it from the warclaim and I

  8. say mean things about me, it turns me on

  9. say mean things about me, it turns me on

  10. Drove past this sign today and did a double take. If you can't read the small letters, it says "A place for geeks and gamers." 


  11. if im friends with gms and i pugsy i only get 5 day ban, cool

  12. How do you like your eggs?

  13. so many cybering bans, where do i get the virtual booty

  14. the irony of the situation is a bit sad :(

  15. so me and my girl are havin an intimate night right, and i asked her to say somethin sexy. literally i **** you not, she leans in and whispers to me "garlic bread"


    i never busted so fast in all my life

  16. The new update in a nutshell

  17. Looks like I have attracted a lot of people on my profile - wassup 

  18. messy medieval sucks. come at me

  19. All of the descendant races have a stereotype, can someone give us halflings a stereotype? :(

  20. RIP- Super A Awesome, 2016-2016. I may not know you and I may have not gotten a chance to rp with you, but I am sure you and Millosm would have gotten along. Possibly. Anyway, see you in 5 months if you come back! The Nortruppen will be here to welcome you back!

  21. A New dwarf looking for a clan?

    Check out the Ireheart Clan Thread you might be interested.



  24. wow the lore team is officially saying that the aspects dont care about us??????? :(

  25. Hey friends, guess what! We're looking for more GM's soon! Apply today if interested, because we want you!

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