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Status Updates posted by Nononymous

  1. Boo yah! I got 62 seconds on the 400 meters run at my track meet! :D

  2. See ya guys! I love you all!

  3. That awkward moment when you try to sell iron armor but people don't buy because you have a VA. GRR!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thu'um


      Wow, serious metagaming..

    3. Cresaran


      I'd buy it but I'm banned :(

    4. Cresaran


      I'd buy it but I'm banned :(

  4. Rooster Teeth Fans and Mass Effect Fans... Watchi this video:

    1. andyboy124


      Lol, I love Rooster Teeth.

    2. MediocreGamer
  5. That awkward moment when you have the entire police and fire department at your house only to realize it was burnt plastic... True story...

  6. Took a muffin before dinner. Sister tried to tell on me. Ate it before she could. I get away with the muffin in my belly. Like a boss :D

  7. NOOOO! ROBIN! But, we need you! You're one of the best guys on this server! Don't leave! Please! Your trolling right!?

    1. Lykos


      Gawd he has already said he is trolling, ev'ry one calm teh f*** down.

    2. Robin Drake
  8. *Cracks his fingers and prepares himself to work on his mini VA*

  9. Fall in abyss at Renatus attack.... LIKE A BAWS! :D Optimism FTW! lol

    1. Ibn Khaldun
    2. Braxis


      lag out in the battle and can't come on till 20misn after the battle! :s

    3. Nononymous


      Lol, that explains why you wouldn't respond when I shouted for help. You know, being surrounded by Lava and warriors. No biggy. XD

  10. Killed an enderman! EXCITED! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      * got killed by an endermen! :D

    3. danic


      I've kill 4, wut you talkin' about

    4. Raptorious


      :O last time I fought one, i was in full diamond and got slaughtered in 2 hits....

  11. Could an FM please ban Brewsascerb and rdrpxlnlne, they are those annoying spammer guys.

  12. Somebody ban this guy, he is a spammer.

  13. *Is beginning to create a story about (Name WItheld)!* Be excited! :D

  14. Congrats on becoming an Admin! Can't wait to bother you with... *pauses to think of how to reword it.* I mean send you modreqs! I know you'll be good! See ya' online!

  15. Just finished watching "Cinderalle Man." It's my new fav movie, and it is inspiring me to do something on LoTC... MUA HA HA!

  16. I just watched the Vow, and I sobbed. I sobbed bad...

  17. Almost afraid to be a villain, so many VA's are being revoked...

    1. Ever


      Then be a good villain :3

    2. danic


      Don't suck at RP, and you'll be fine:)

    3. Nononymous


      ^_^ I'm trying. :D

  18. [3:06:39] bilal al khouli: Srsly ben? [3:06:45] bilal al khouli: I thought you went to do something... [3:06:47] bilal al khouli: Dirty... [3:06:51] bilal al khouli: Your done fast [3:06:53] *** Ben Powell has left ***

    1. danic


      I did not understand that at all...

    2. Nononymous


      Basically, Recklez was bein' nasty... :D

  19. [3:06:39] bilal al khouli: Srsly ben? [3:06:45] bilal al khouli: I thought you went to do something... [3:06:47] bilal al khouli: Dirty... [3:06:51] bilal al khouli: Your done fast [3:06:53] *** Ben Powell has left ***

  20. Just finished writing a menu for Spanish class. THE MENU WAS IN SPANISH! I deserve Kudos for that...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lykos



    3. Dun_Irongut


      El cereal, la pizza.. Easy stuff brah.

    4. nachotp


      Easy Huevos rancheros acompañados con salsa marinara y un poco de tocino bien frito con unas papas

      y de postre fruta de la estacion

  21. And up come the Merry Men!

  22. Tip to all Bandits: Don't rob Native, or even try. He will mess you up lmao.

    1. V0idsoldier


      Been there done that, he charged me, I almost killed him, he ran away, this was way back in my Jack Nimble days XD

    2. Arkelos


      I nearly killed him off in RP on time, stabbed him in the chest.

      Fun times.

    3. Arkelos
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