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Status Updates posted by Redbaron™

    1. Jarkarll


      You forgot getting your manhood stuck on the teeth of a zipper. Lego's don't even slightly amass to that!

    2. Redbaron™
  1. http://tinychat.com/96ds14 Come party with the Hightowers
    1. Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Hell no, come and party with the Amadors

    2. A Spooky Witch

      A Spooky Witch

      I partied with the Hightowers once, it ended with a giant bursting out of their basement... unless that was the Horens... PARTY AT THEIR HOUSE!

  2. http://www.livestream.com/everard Watch it if you want to learn the true meaning of bunga
  3. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/81723-lotc-twitter-facebook/page-?mode=show In case you didn't see this last night. Please take a look :) It'll really help the media team.
    1. Lirinya


      I like how it localizes your time...(Sheffield time)..WE HAVE OUR OWN TIME NOW.

    2. steelersfan1221


      thats real cute and all, but yolo

  4. https://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft 27-30 ? Unacceptable, please vote if you want this server to stay healthy!
  5. https://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft Good job people :) All the way to 15! Keeep voting!
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