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Everything posted by Redbaron™

  1. (( Name is highly susceptible to change, only getting the foundations done and needed to put something there to get the core recruits. ))
  2. Company of the Sandborn History; The company started a few years back with the failure of Sand’s attempts of creating a military, he was raised as a knight and learned the skills of riding and the art of blade. His strive of creating a respectable military only resulted in multiple reformations and a military that for ever will be a disgrace to the lands they came from. In his time away from the failed military he began to recruit sellswords behind closed curtains to help secure to future of his city yet as he was beginning this process, the great exodus caused much strife in his life, later he was exiled from his lands for a peace that did not last. He took his small brigade of sellswords and made for the south, to the edge of the orcish desert. There is where he trained his men to be battle ready. For many years the once noble, now mercenary, camped there with his men, training low born and knights alike. This is how the Company of the Sandborn first began their contracting days. Payment from the company; The payment of all contracts is split between officers, sellswords, and the company vault. The split goes as follows. Officers - 25% Sellswords - 65% Vault - 10% This is split either in minas, or whatever material the contract is being paid in. The sellswords numbers are counted and divided by the amount of minas/materials that the payment is and then handed out immediately after payment. Contracts; There is no set payment the company charges, many factors are involved in deciding if a contract is accepted or not. The danger of the contract, the amount of time the contract is accountable for, and the actual task at hand. The company then judges how many men it need send, unless a specific number is requested. The company must be paid in advance 25% in all contracts. No matter what the contract task is. Application;
  3. Mercenary company RP seems so interesting but daunting from how many times I've seen players fail miserably at it.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      ^^^ Better idea. Doing it naturally is more fun!

    3. Redbaron™
    4. seannie


      you've got to be persistent to make a merc group, can't wait for fancy nobles to come to you

  4. Tonight is apparently LoTC's venting night

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Redbaron™
    3. Will (TauFirewarrior)
    4. Redbaron™


      I'm gonna take out your airforce single handedly now.

  5. Oh ****, called out.

    1. Tethras


      To quote the mighty Sheldon " Would you like some aloe vera? You just got burned!"

    2. Redbaron™
  6. Oh ****, called out

  7. Lol the Shields winning

    1. aron.


      Believe it, baby!

  8. First day of university tomorrow ._.

    1. EmeraldStag


      First day of senior year for me tomorrow .___.

    2. Redbaron™


      Senior year was awesome, you'll enjoy it. Not sure what traditions you guys got but make sure you take part in all of them! So many good memories.

    3. EmeraldStag


      I know ^-^. I've heard a lot of stuff from my graduated friends and my older siblings.

  9. For how cute puppies are, they are the most annoying things on this planet.

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Speaking of which, I was told that when a dog's head comes to a point on their head, they are not very intelligent because it's usually the case (as they said), and I was told REALLY unintelligent. Do you think that is true?

  10. People are highly misunderstanding what PVP default means, no you can't just go clicking people to death ._.

  11. How do you people figure Nexus is coming out tomorrow if beta testing hasn't even begun? :x

    1. V0idsoldier


      Because the only info we have gotten is "soon". Of course with that little amount of info on a projects release, you're going to find assumptions being made. Look at Half Life 3.

    2. Redbaron™


      True enough, but soon should be taken a bit more extendly since it's one person coding it the entire thing! With all these updates it should be expected awhile ^^

  12. Sweet, accepted for Magic plugin beta testing ^^

  13. Dark Souls is frustrating

  14. Dark Souls is frustrating

  15. Put in your AT apps! And while you're clicking links, vote :)

  16. Gratz Rhia ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      What did you do, Rhia? :)

    3. Haelphon



    4. Redbaron™


      She is Application team GM leader!

  17. I wonder if scum bag steve is a popular kid

    1. Jchizz


      ... He's actually from my home town. Wellesley, MA. He's not a total scumbag, but he's a bit of a ******.

  18. I miss the simplicity of Hawk's modpack :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gingernut97


      I miss Hawk, he was nice to me :|

    3. Wretched


      I miss turkey twizzlers :c

    4. Samoblivion



  19. Facebook fights are best fights.

    1. Mucky


      ***** fights

  20. Anyone down for Sharknado FRP?

    1. Redbaron™
    2. SparehoeCakes


      Look in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's-- *loud scream* SHARRKKKKK

  21. #SharknadoMasterRace

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