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Everything posted by MartinDaMartian

  1. Waiting for my flight back home, So bored! Time to forum browse like a madman

  2. Great getting attached to my Alt-Char who is supposed to only be temp :(

    1. 0000


      That's what happens. Keep him.

    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      The Subudai is attractive aye? :lol:

    3. Urahra


      I know that feel.

  3. Is it just me who cant log onto LOTC?

    1. everblue2er101


      Me neither. Connection lost message?

  4. Man feeling really depressed today :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eyrev


      YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE DEPRESSED OVER! YOU HAVE IT EASY! STOP CRYING. I HAVE TO DO 213 push ups in a row tomorow! Do you know how hard that is?

      Man up.

    3. Raptorious


      Wow....that was...blunt. What if he's not a fan of the tough love?! Huh?!! Be ashamed!! :P

    4. Eyrev


      marinio msg me with your height, weight, gender, aif you wanna workout.

  5. Is it just me or is minestatus not letting anyone vote?

  6. I will be rping on lotc once again by tomorrow!

    1. MartinDaMartian


      I missed you guiz <3

  7. More and more Martin is turning slightly into an engineer

  8. I'm scared all my wins against my mom in her arguments is gonna get me banned from lotc

    1. Lykos


      The look on their face when their entire argument collapses on itself...

    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Whenever I argued in my youth, the belt always won.

  9. What's better fraps or bandicam

    1. Taiga
    2. BannanaToYou


      Fraps , it's a no brainer.

    3. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      Fraps and I haven't even used bandicam (I'm biased)

  10. Getting a new beastly laptop soon!

  11. If one was to upgrade to the next donation package, would they receive another stat/race reset?

  12. Browsed 9gag out of boredom and found what I believe is ShadowGun's show yourself pic......

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MediocreGamer


      reverse image search shadows picture he posted on the show yourself thread for more information.

    3. Rilath


      Way to ruin the fun Syrio~

    4. Ursolon



      When does the narwhal bacon?

      You wouldn't know!

      9gag sucks!

  13. ( well forgive me for being in the US to not be in Skype conversations!(in a Howard tone,if you watch big bang theory you should know this) Or we talked on this while I was listening to music again,)
  14. *looks at Delthor, "what ever happened to that lovely little war claim again?"*
  15. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s
  16. Could go on lotc but server is still 1.2.3 yet my cousin's pc is 1.2.4 :(

    1. zimzam97


      Just backdate it with vaq's backdater :)

    2. 154684321654951


      Yup, there was a post on it on the main page. Have a poke around there.

  17. Not sure if something in my sig got ninjaed out or I did by accident

  18. After who nows how long on a plane finally in the US for vacation

    1. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      Yay! The US is pretty great depending on where you are. ;P

    2. VonEbs


      If you do not mind crazies,

      this is the place for you!

  19. Leaving soon for my flight to the US so hello major timezone adjustments

    1. Rilath


      Hopefully you won't notice me.. I will be the one following your every move..

    2. MartinDaMartian


      I'll keep that in mind.....

    3. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
  20. Finally done with all of Raptor's Wolfpack skins, now to go and try and set up a tailor/skin shop :D

    1. problematic z

      problematic z

      Martin, lethal killer, bearded detective...

      Awesome tailor

  21. Finally found a suiting theme for my character that fits perfectly

  22. For the sake of curiosity is the soul stone bug still around?

    1. MartinDaMartian


      nvm its still there...

  23. (( To all members of the Wolf Pack, since Raptor has given me orders to make your skin(s) have a Wolf Pack sense to it for the sake not having the same bloody uniform basically just give me either your skin and tell me what you might want changed and such or if you want a totally different skin sure just give me full details also a reference pic if any. So ya thats about it))
  24. I feel like making a skin shop, but scared of being judged....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mrgeriki
    3. Wobbajack


      Do it! Do not be afraid! (even though I never saw your work..)

    4. Raptorious


      he made my skin which I must say is....SEXY!!

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