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Status Replies posted by Viscen

  1. He stitched. my kidney. He stitched. An organ. -facepalm-

  2. Am I the only one that cooks low-maintence food? Like boiled eggs and popcorn...

  3. The people of Oren are so upset by the nobles but they don't stage a revolution? I question these peasants ;-;

    1. Viscen


      Except for all the military orders which are comprised of 90% peasants.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. The people of Oren are so upset by the nobles but they don't stage a revolution? I question these peasants ;-;

    1. Viscen


      The nobles are slowly going extinct from inbreeding and duels, actually.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. What to do when a friend rages at you because you won't let there character (your child) become 20 even though they are meant to be 5.

  6. I hate you all, bye. Completely serious, by the way. I really am leaving. Bye. Serious.

  7. Anybody trying for a big game of CK2 tomorrow afternoon? [uS EST]

  8. META! I am calling META! Now...where is that blue haired freak? jkjk I love you meta, now no metaing meta.

  9. mommy look at me im using /pol/ terms on lotc!!!!11 xxDDDD

  10. In other news, North Korea has deployed their beserkers in Alaska. Will this mysterious band of red-avatared men be able to stop them?

  11. mommy look at me im using /pol/ terms on lotc!!!!11 xxDDDD


  13. Hey, guess what. No one is more or less important than you. So don't be afraid to RP with other people, other than those in your little clique. We're a roleplaying community, not a highschool.

  14. Indian food > Chinese Food

  15. My guild topic is finally up, thanks for the support LotC! And remember; Valden Company, the most efficient in its class.

  16. Next time you point a finger I might have to bend it backwards or break it break it off...Next time you point a finger I'll point you to the mirror.

  17. Really dissapointed by the RP from a certain racist militant organization today.

  18. Loose lips sink ships.

    1. Viscen


      Keep her in the dark about military secrets!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. Spring Break. WOOOO!

  20. LoTC has Space Marines, The Four Races, Deities, and Talking Cats, but no Chosens? ((Warhammer Medieval))

  21. :U So. What do you guys think of Lamias?

  22. Rhodirs making a comeback soon, babies.

  23. My goodness, so many applicants for the next Babby Blackmont. I have some hard choices to make.

  24. What worth is a giant gem in LOTC when Mina's are useless.

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