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Status Replies posted by Viscen

  1. Plot Twist: After Emperor Godfrey dies, different powers attempt to sieze leadership, leaving Oren in chaos. Then the Mage's Guild seizes power over Oren.

  2. So the New League Meta is freaking terrible. Seriously, Tanky DPS everywhere.


  4. Today was the Ides of March. RIP, true to Caesar.

  5. The Elves should use tiny trees as currency.

  6. People signing up for LotC... The word Khel in elven is not an adjective... Stop using it as an adjective.

  7. Solid time as an Orc, thanks guys.

  8. Nienna has found her new super power: Getting the lower council to get off their bums and do something.

  9. "Seneschal Lucien" by Jonas Walkingsnake http://bit.ly/129PgDd

  10. Getting fps lag again.This is not good....

  11. Sometimes I wish something bad happen to my mother. I hate her so much.

  12. I might write lore for guns, since they were invented in medieval times, however, I might make it so that bows are the better choices in most cases.

  13. And So is the Golden City blackened With each step you take in my Hall. Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting. You have brought Sin to Heaven And doom upon all the world.

  14. Are we keeping minas in 3.0? I've heard different things from different players/GMs.

  15. Please, stop telling me how amazing Aegis was. We get it, the server was better before we joined.

  16. Wait so... you dont need a confirmation on both parties to PvP in the badlands?

  17. It's been 26 hours since my application was posted, and 4 since it was accepted. Waiting for white-list.

  18. Anybody got a way to speed my Laptop up

  19. *begins smacking unborn baby orc in stomach*

  20. Why do I feel like I am the only one actually voting.....

  21. My character's dream home would be a massive plantation with a big house and fields for miles.

  22. I've decided to start moderating differently. Even when being stern or strict, I will be sure to always make you feel like you are going to have just a great day! So! You guys have a wonderful rest, I hope to see you all tomorrow!

  23. If a sign has RP signs saying it's locked though no LWC does that mean I'd still need the assistance of a GM to picklock it?

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