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Status Replies posted by Viscen

  1. Don't worry, be happy!

  2. *calls a White Rose member a monster* *tons of people show up* Where'd ya'll even come from? o-O

  3. Stop RUINING MY FUN!!


  5. Damn these engravings look nice, the language might be a bit confusing to those unfortunate not to learn ;)

  6. "So 'e sticks the pig's eye... up 'is buttocks."

  7. Just a thought but, in the website's lore, High Elves are known for their magic, so why do they have to apply to be magical? I know that it is unfair to give one race advantages, but originally when I was reading this, I thought that you could be magical just being a High Elf. Just input from a severely bored person.

  8. Lawl people are silly

  9. Who knows how to build arabesque?

  10. Magic lore incoming. :3

  11. Anyone want to play GW2 with me on Piken Square? .w.

  12. Time.......Time to.... BE RUSTLED

  13. Time.......Time to.... BE RUSTLED

  14. Going away again for like 3 days to visit family. Then Ill be back on all the time and all day.

  15. Where can I find some good Rp? :]

  16. Would you like some cheese with that wine?

  17. Ron Paul 2012. Swag On, Sexbod On, even for a 67 year old man!

  18. I should make a feral child character, that runs the streets naked and acting like, you know, a wild child

  19. Rina: Almost died by dancing to death.

  20. Secret attack supposed to happen in Arethor= Dozen men fully armor standing around a closed gate acting nonchalant for no reason -.-

  21. I'm done with this server bai

  22. Need to take my anti-depressants more often....already on two of them really and I'm only 16

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