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Status Updates posted by Tethras

  1. And my status was deleted.... That's a bit harsh. Locking it would have been fair but deleting it?

    1. VonEbs
    2. Tethras


      At any rate, Von write that article for the war :P It's gonna be a joy to read it.

    3. Telanir


      Hmm, may have been the new FM newbies hehe. We'll give em a talk or something, sorry it happened to you Dave. ^-^

  2. And so the Empire of Anthos shall rise. Kal' Mew Oren. The Dwarves shall ride forth with their Khar mounts.

  3. That moment when you get stuck in another world...

    1. craotor


      Shut up Dave

  4. I'm back,,,

    1. marimbamonk


      Awwwww yeah.

    2. Lefty



  5. Dwarven Battle Plan: Launch Blundermores tower at Abresi.

    1. Fid


      Sounds like a good idea. Who knows what the hell he keeps in there.

    2. Proddy


      Seems legit.

    3. Aengoth


      Fill it with bottles of alchemist fire to give it a good bang

  6. Stuck in a soulstone piller.... ;-;

  7. So you have a question about Dwarves? From out accents to our stubby heights. Ask away in our Q&A~ http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/89102-dwarven-qa/

  8. Will reply to things tomorrow... For now sleep....

  9. Oh god... Here I go >.

    1. Kaun


      You did brilliant Dave.

  10. Anyone one go through that phase when you re watch all those classic Disney movies? Damn.... Can't get Hakuna Matata out of my head.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tethras


      :O Heresy! All shall bow down to those classic Disney movie songs!

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Not Heresy, I'm teaching the truth so in fact, you're the heretic.

    4. Tethras


      That's it. There shall be a proving to decide this!

  11. So I was working on shrinking down the druid logo and seeing how big it was in creative.... I think it's a little big.... http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=if7ink&s=6

  12. Ah the wonders of having a blind character. When people ask you "what direction?" and "Have you seen ***?"

  13. Edited my post on the Mages Guild Tower thread with my MC and IC name. I'll put it here though just in case. Mc Name: AfroDave IC Name: Dedicant_David

  14. J-J-J-J-Just s-so g-g-good.... http://tinyurl.com/bthm6yx

  15. Happy Birthday NekoDanie and Tigergamer!

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