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Everything posted by JordMafia

  1. I used to be a adventurer like you...until i\I retired

  2. 30 day straight upload spree, whew, im getting good at this :D

  3. **** Nature, you scary....

  4. Is there a problem with me?

    1. Swgrclan


      I don't believe so, why

      do you ask?

  5. My friend just raged at me for calling a hacked client he has stupid. Wtf, lol he removed me from skype. Awesome

  6. Thinking of making a lotc animation, then submitting it to teh lotc youtubes

    1. no longer active
    2. Admiral_Ackbarf


      Mke it. Get more people on this server :)

    3. Dukester


      Yeah make it. Good publicity ;)

  7. LIRI, look at my "Ban" appeal!!

  8. God Dammit, I got banned for almost having the same name as a friend (JoeqMafia)He was lagging and I got accused of fly hacking... F***

  9. Wtf I get on after a few weeks and it says, "Disconnected by Server, FlyHacking" Dude.. wtf

  10. ANyone else notice that the new Happy wheels character is voiced by Uberhaxornova?

  11. Just drew a amazing representation on a orc.. in my mind...

    1. Nononymous


      Wait, wait, WAIT! You drew an amazing representation ON an Orc? AMAZING!!

    2. JordMafia


      Wait, DAM grammar is horrid... must have edit feature....

  12. I just made a review for a cool minecraft server you should ALL check out.

    1. Trouvo


      no advertising of other servers!!!

    2. Trouvo


      oh that lol...nvm continue

    3. JordMafia
  13. The Statue is for the Statue. My freinds

    1. KarmaDelta


      Statues? I thought it was status....

    2. JordMafia


      That is the Trolling point, my friend

  14. New Backround, UR ALLLL JELLYYYYYY

    1. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      *Sees me gusta face. Insta jelly*

    2. JordMafia


      *See comment from Robin* *Instantly knows that background is Boss*

  15. Someone Recently told me I have been missing quite alot in LOTC, I know I am. Im playing other games, managing a youtube channel (Fo Realz) and I am seriously gonna starrt trying to create a game soon. I will probably come back after the Kittys come out (Im gonna apply to be one! YaY)

    1. Gorum©


      I wouldn't. I have a kitty shack in the Himalayan Mountains. So if you plan on being a kitty, then get comfortable in the big boy shack.

    2. JordMafia
  16. JMafiaTV is getting revamped... (My youtube channel if you dont know what I mean...

  17. Borderlands 7.30$ Bioshock 7.50$ Mafia II 7.50$ Blocks that matter 1.50$ Mind=Blown

  18. So when the Applications for the Kittys opening up?

    1. Alan


      After 1.2.2 opens up for LotC

    2. JordMafia
  19. Le friend satys home froom school to play lotc. Says he is smarter then all my friends... *laughs*

    1. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      Bad spelling there dude ;)

    2. JordMafia



  20. Dat Skywalker turning to the dark side

  21. Its that time again. Im heading away from lotc to play other games. I havent been active recently... I will come back in a few weeks or so but until then Goodbye~

  22. Thanks to the new profile pic update, I HAS A AVATAR I MADEZ!!!11!

  23. I ahve the best background, ever.

    1. Ever


      nice background, jord.

    2. atticusmas


      Mine is better.

    3. Rhogar


      Whats a backround? Derp.. ((Joke.))

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