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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Thrym

  1. So how is everyone else's slow and painful death via boredom?

  2. Anyone have a wish to jsut scream, sometimes? O_O

  3. Best quotes anyone....?!

  4. There really ought to be a blacksmithing roleplay guide.

  5. 999 posts.. what to do with my 1000?

  6. *insert where I am from* Can I be cool too guise?

  7. Was thinking of putting Telrenya in the wiki...

  8. Don't know what to do for CHARACTER

  9. Don't know what to do for CHARACTER

  10. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: In what year was Holm founded?

  11. I love you all so you should all be Druids.

  12. Woah, just noticed I have a butt-load of profile views. Hey there you creepers.

  13. Server is down. WoW subscription ran out last night with a mother that refuses to pay it. Outside; y'all crazy? WUT GEO GONNA DOOOO D:

  14. Lumberjacks, why u leave floating trees?!?!

  15. Ugh....skin broken...either DDoS..........or Mojang =_="

  16. 2 rep away from having 111. Want to reach it so bad!

  17. Don't post a ban report before talking to the person you're reporting. Try to resolve it before posting.

  18. So, anyone notice anything new :D?

  19. I'm thinking about some Elven events, any ideas?

  20. In America | Europe, do you guys have koalas?

  21. Lagged in a chair, ported under ground. Relog, TP'd to the co-ords 0, 0 .... what a joke :(

  22. LaTerre did a pugsy. Y?!

  23. Should I make a dwarf character, Hobokin the Wizard?

  24. There are no VAs left to review. Maybe I should try joining the App Team <_>

  25. Lord, does -anybody- else RP Blacksmithing?

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