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Status Updates posted by Appeals.

  1. That was SO freaking stupid. A bunch of Mori come to the elf capital, and start speaking a odd language, then just attack us all, kill me, I had all my life work in my inventory, everything I ever owned, and they just attack, we cant even understand them. It was majorly absurd, and a terrible rp event. I thought they would bring good rp, instead they just bring bad rp and minecraft combat.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Praetor


      No....I don't get pissed about Item loss or needing to walk...I think you'r mostly just annoyed by that. Anyway, my char would have quietly departed when it started getting rough, if he saw he din't hvae a chance ((And take his friends with him))

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      I remember this! After killing you all, I took to the trees and got Liri and Ellser too ^_^

    4. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      I remember this! After killing you all, I took to the trees and got Liri and Ellser too ^_^

  2. Finally gets to log in, only to find his home griefed and his hidden chest, placed under planks of wood, open and stolen from. I lost everything over night.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 0000


      Happened to everyone. I logged in to see Laurelin = Gone

    3. Redbaron™


      Not to big of a deal, everyone is getting reset

    4. Appeals.


      Alkenaar. This was in the verge, after the event, in my cozy little home. The chest was hidden under wood and dirt, and my home was griefed. To Redbaron, tht is why I am not modreqing it.

  3. Is watching some of the best anime ever, doubts anyone has heard of it, but it is called Darker Than Black. I am loving it so far.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Faeyin


      Heard of it, haven't had time to watch it yet. :3

    3. Appeals.


      Get time mate, it is worth it, very very interesting.

    4. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      I'm not a huge fan of anime, but watched that a few years back, good stuff.

  4. I didn't think I could be possibly dissapointed, I was wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ≧◡≦The Orchid Druid≧◡≦
    3. Alec


      Give it time. Server is crazy laggy because of all the new people logging on. You haven't seen anything yet. :)

    4. Appeals.


      Give it time? You gotta be kidding me. They took EVERYTHING, they gave us NO CLUE of where to go, how do we live with NO FOOD, NO TOOLS, nothing. I cant break wood with my hands to get the wood I need, and even if I could, everything is protected.

  5. My life sucks, spend 1000 minas on fire, the item fire, then use it on wood to see if it has unlimited uses =( =( =(.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Isn't that illegal to own anyway?

    3. Appeals.


      Asked brett, he said I could buy it =)

    4. Appeals.


      Then he laughed at me when I lost it =(

  6. No...NO...NOOOOO I saw a app just now, and guess what the person called role playing... roll playing... oh god the world is going to end. P.S I hate rolling.

    1. atticusmas
    2. blindmind


      Roll playing make blindmind sad. *draws a barbaric grimace*

      Fight the dice, man!

    3. Bastion


      ^^ I want a t-shirt with that quote. "Fight the dice, man!"

  7. Gone till 4:40, 8 hours, hope I dont miss the event...

    1. Volutional


      In GMT time, that is 10PM, you'll most likely be there for the end.

    2. CloakandDagger


      Wait, so if the event

      starts at 5:00 PM EST.

      What happens after?

      Does it immediately go

      into world transfer?

    3. CloakandDagger


      Wait, so if the event

      starts at 5:00 PM EST.

      What happens after?

      Does it immediately go

      into world transfer?


    1. Wolf Druid Ouity
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity
    3. Appeals.


      log back in finally, COMPLETELY lost, im so pissed.

  9. kicked, but I dont even freaking care anymore, after getting ZERO rp because of all the spamming trolls and little kids, and having 4 fps for 2 hours, it isnt worth it.

    1. nachotp


      Ship rp is the worst I've seen

    2. Praetor


      That's why me and Jena isolated ourselves in the bottom of the ship to RP.

  10. I am seriously about to have a nergasm all over the place. So far, nothing has gone good for me in this huge event, but it will all be worth it when Asulon comes.

    1. Antharin


      Maybe you will be disappointed.

    2. Appeals.


      I wont be, my expectations are literally incredibly low, because so far all of the event has dissapointed me, now no matter wat it is, will excite me.

  11. kicked, right about to trade...

    1. Volutional


      They shall remove the VIP kick in the very near future

    2. Braxis


      Hope they do it has ruined some Rp i tried to do :/

  12. is it just me, or is it not coming back up... after the restart...

  13. Second time today I have seen a under 15 year old HALFLING wearing full armor... it is so unreasonable, they are weighing 230 lb armor, that is like 6 times their weight.

    1. nppeck


      Most armor at the time was only 45-60 pounds not 230

  14. spent the better half of 3 hours building my home next to the ships with lykos, he is awesome, and now my home is XD

    1. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      Lykos is one of my fav people on this server.

  15. log on, get black screen.

    1. Lugmak


      thats what i got O.o

  16. Great, just freaking GREAT! Not only has my home been griefed like 5 times, I have had EVERYTHING stolen from me, twice, AND, wait for it, now my iron block is gone too! Best day ever. I am not going to modreq it because it is just items, but where is the limit...

    1. Lugmak


      its only like 2 hours till new world,

      also the worlds ending so whats the point?

      i just say leave everything

      behind and run away.

  17. Omfg, we were supposed to have updated like 4 hours ago...

    1. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      Patience, grasshopper.

  18. Still trying to get on =(

    1. joeboy56


      do vips chose who to kick ?

  19. Tired of seeing people complain, but what I am more tired of, is seeing people who ARE IN GAME comlaining about lag, and other stupid things, at least you get in game, sheesh.

    1. blindmind


      the only thing i complain about is not being omnipotent so I can see everything everywhere.

  20. TO ALL THE COMPLAINERS!: Get ready to enter, this is your only shot.



      press Refresh ALL the times!

  21. stats back... please....now....

    1. Lykos


      stats are back, though i have to re-train my swords back to 100.

  22. wow, about 5 straight days without 30 seconds of dipping below the cap, we are the best.

    1. Dante


      It's been 3 I think...

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