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Status Updates posted by mdhegs

    1. Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Wow well now i know what Titania has been doing since she is no longer an elf.

  1. [ O .__. O ]

  2. -Just got ran over by large amounts of armored humans-

    1. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      Terribly sorry, primary objective seemed to lend itself to that. .>.

    2. ~≈Panda≈~



    3. Guest
  3. :D, Dray is safe with me!!!

  4. .....Who stole the rp name "Boney".....?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mdhegs


      I'm Boney... :'(

    3. Raptorious


      You scared the crap outta me the other day. It was like the Jynx effect. You were just standing there, I turned around and nearly fell off my chair.

    4. mdhegs
  5. "My Sun...is setting... It's dark.....so dark." -Solaire

  6. Am I the only one who can't change their skin right now???

    1. Hobolympic


      Same issue here :/

    2. mdhegs


      *sighs* I need my rp skin :(

  7. Ended up finishing the drawing early... Think I'm gonna make an art page soon... http://gyazo.com/eca150a3b3502d6c154466ee9a32b998

    1. Supah


      Ooooh, impressive~ Nice.

  8. Enough world edit...It's crashing my mc -_-

  9. First practice drawing with my new tablet! http://gyazo.com/4af1f391bf2e154745ff3abf3e36869e

    1. Desires


      LOL looks better than my hentai pics. Way to go Heggys!

    2. Hanrahan


      ...Wat Desires

    3. cruzazul
  10. Good to be back.

  11. Hey you. Yeah you!

  12. How do I add spoilers to my post?

  13. I am really getting sick of all these power gamers....

    1. Skippy


      I can't tell you how many times I've seen statuses like this, but the complainer doesn't do anything. BAN REPORT / STRIKE REPORT. Got it? Do it.

    2. cometking123


      I didn't power game :3

  14. I hate being sick...

    1. Kaiser


      diddo, I got a killer sore throat :(

  15. I have no idea what to rp as now that Boney is dead. ;-;

  16. I'm probably killing Boney off. It was good while it lasted...

    1. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      If you are killing him off can Markus finally get his vengeance?

  17. I've got a question. How do you become a lich?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dalek348


      Brevias and I made the first Lich in Aegis, and that was Cataris, who we used necromancy on to resurrect him from his grave just next to Winterfell. The way people have twisted it kind of annoys me.

    3. Dante


      I believe Cataris is the only one left who can make liches if I'm not mistaken. He's permanently left the server.

    4. Raptorious


      And his character is dead.

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