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Everything posted by Braxis

  1. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/72583-skin-competition-for-a-new-character/ Due date will be announced soon, so if you are a skinner and you are bored take a chance to earn 2k minas ;D rp reasoning can be set up to fit char as well when paied
  2. You Peasants are all Peasants, we called people Peasants before you Peasants deemed it as "Cool" Silly Peasants

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. danic


      You begone you silly peasant. I have peasants to call peasants, peasant.

    3. Raptorious


      Divinus made calling people peasants cool. Lets be honest here.

    4. Braxis


      That I argee to

  3. *The War Cleric Raises a brow and motions with his staff a few Brothers follow Fengric to aid him. He sighs as he faces Baldwin* "They want to meet, yet when they are summoned none show? None respond to training and none come to the order when needed...I ponder if they do this for the sake of our ways? Or for Themselfs... Come Baldwin lets head to the center of the fort undergrounds we can speak on the subject there.:
  4. Meh, Bored, Grounded from Games but not Laptop, so Writing& forum work here I come!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anthrowolfgirl


      Aw does Braxy want a hug?

    3. Austin


      u got cawt cyburren

    4. Braxis


      Says the one who rolled a 2/20 for ya Pregnacy chance

  5. I think there is a Gm Q & A Session or Seventh is a fibber

    1. Scipp3r


      seventh is a fbber

  6. -Accepted- "Seek Knight Commander Mizu, to be given yer duties as a Lance, and Seek Grand Knight Uthor for yer bunk 'n chain."
  7. The Day somone broke Oren law 31..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Watyll


      What is Oren law 41?

    3. Braxis


      41- o not, beyond your right reason, wend yourself to people who are unwise and

      unrighteous in their wishes, when they speak and cry out — nor to the learning of the

      most unwise! Do not permit them!"

      31- "Let him who has intercourse with cattle, die

    4. Anthrowolfgirl
  8. Hey can ya Pm me on Forums or on ts the list of your Knights, Squires, Man At Arms, And Conscripts? Etc? Doing a massive rolecall Doc.

  9. I have Special Eyes
  10. *The Posters that once were plentiful Around the Empire. Are seen again in Arethor, Salvus, Ildon and Ager. After a long period of time has collapsed young conscripts are seen posting the fliers with the Information [[info on main post]] in the said towns.* "The Oren lances are once again recruiting, if the wish to join the lances send an application to Arethor to be judge, once ye fill it. If the do well enough in the Lances ye may become squire to a noble knight, and possibly one day a Knight yourself. If you wish to join the Empire's Military the Lances are seeking men, Basic armor, and gear is given out along with bunks and chest space." *You see the Holy Orders seal at the bottem*
  11. Grats newb .w. jk Grats Buds

  12. That moment when your 2000th post is a Ban report...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zarsies


      I was going to comment on your profile about that... x3 Wuv woo Braxy.

    3. SteelTemplar


      I find it funny that underneath all his cursing is the title: "I am an angel"

    4. Merkaken
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      I will post on every ban appeal.

    3. Aislin


      You're never going to hit puberty.

    4. Braehn Elendil An'Hiraeth

      Braehn Elendil An'Hiraeth

      Your mother was a hamster, and your father smealt of elderburries!

  13. Sorry I havent been able to pay you still :/ havent been able to log on for more then 4 seconds without crashing...for last two days >_

  14. Log in, 2 mins later Crash and cant log back in :

    1. Goldd


      you just have to wait for the freeze screen to go away.

  15. Took me 12 mins to log on...Then When I log in MC freeze then I die ;-; then crash

    1. Raptorious


      I had the exact same experience, though Im not sure if I died or not. Or if it was me that took damage. :/

    2. Nethrel


      You were spamming meh

  16. Sorry about the story time, Crashed 7 times and cant log back on Ill return the mug when I can get back on w/o crashing >_>

  17. Apprently, Cheap Homes, Lowest Taxes ,and free food is evil xP

    1. Aryon



    2. Austin



    3. Braxis



  18. Well.. Server down...Gw2 Account Got hacked... Meh, good way to start a saturday :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Praetor


      How about a nice hug then?

    3. tnoy23


      aryon, I just WOKE UP. there are different timezones :3

    4. Nononymous


      Meh, better way than me. My dad put an ornate looking box on my bedside table while I was asleep. I saw the movie "The Possession" the night before. I screamed, not gonna' lie xD

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