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Song Druid

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Everything posted by Song Druid

  1. Stop the GOT spoilers. Only warning. Love you!

  2. Isn't there currently a "shape circle"? Comprised entirely of shapeshifters that determine who gets the book with much prejudice? As for accessibility, the book is a big problem imo. I'd rather the book be RPly tranformed into a ritual at a special altar that can be built. It'd have to meet certain requirements. Like, have some form of animal hide, blood, etc. Ritualistic stuff.
  3. I like a majority of these changes but I do not stand by losing the ability to communicate with people change. What possible reason would they lose their ability to understand common tongue yet regain the rest of their senses? I don't like that one bit. Everything else seems peachy though. Also I'm obliged to say we should incorporate a change on how the tome is necessary to facilitate the completion of the trial, and instead create something less.....hoardable?
  4. Updated with suggested edits of limbs and non druids.
  5. Hello! Today I bring before you a revision of a branch of Druidic magic, which has been revised in the past but many have asked me about reverting it and so here I am with the proposal. I wish to change Druidic healing to bring it back to the key themes of the Druids. So let's look into the existing lore, shall we? Now, let's highlight some points here. Druids use herbalism and their powers to create interesting remedies unlike other races. Druids can replace limbs with wooden appendages at certain levels of power. Druids, at certain levels, can directly heal wounds without the aid of herbs and such, just heal wounds with their own energy. Druids should not be able to direct heal. I've been against this for a long time and was against it when they changed it before, and then they changed it back, then they changed it back again, and now I'm looking to revise it once more. So let's discuss which parts we should remove. Replacement limbs: Replacing limbs for Druids to control shouldn't be a part of healing. This doesn't take any knowledge or skill with healing, simply a proficiency with Control of Nature. Thus any Druid who has trained in that department could create and use these limbs, even the "peglegs", as they would simply grow them around the affected area. Certainly treating the wound would require knowledge, but nothing related to the replacement limb itself. This should be moved over entirely to the Control of Nature department. Direct healing: Direct healing should be removed in favor of the herbal route Druids have traditionally gone. Druids have a unique opportunity to provide interesting RP that other groups can't do. It's very rare for somebody to suffer an injury that can't be healed totally by a magic of some kind. And if somebody is RPing an injury they have to RP it for a good while to properly feel it. However with the Druid's herbal augmentation players can seek first aid from druids in wounds that they can RP out over a couple IRL days and then be healed from, thus being able to feel the inconvenience of being wounded or crippled without having to permanently feel it, or be healed instantaneously of it. Also, the flavor from this type of healing is all but incomparable, with different acts such as scabbing over wounds with bark or sowing seeds into an arm wound to have grass grow from it when it has healed. Really interesting and quirky ties to the overall flavor of Druidism. With the new version, I wanted to emphasize that Druids can leave a legacy with their healing. The better the Druid is, the more powerful the remedies they can create and any Druid with knowledge on how to apply the bandages and such created are able to do so without performing magic. Although, there are actions that a Druid can do on the spot at higher levels, such as closing wounds with wood and such, but there are still ways to pass on the power and effectiveness to others in a tangible way. So, let's post the edited, proposed version, shall we? Striking away "Nature's Healing", we shamelessly present "Herblore"!
  6. 14hvi8.jpg

    1. Space


      haha fun police what a sick meme haha

    2. Heero
  7. Creative Cafe prizes have been distributed with the exception of Wolf, I need your MCname in order to give you your prize.

    1. Ayevia


      wolfkite1 ~

  8. Sorry on the delay getting the voting up for CC.

    1. Space


      too bad nobody cares in the first place :S

  9. Expect voting to be up soon for Creative Cafe!

  10. Creative Cafe is going on RIGHT NOW!!

    Come listen!

  11. Creative Cafe in 40 minutes! Still time to sign up!

    1. Space


      I have a comic routine, is that alright?


      It's entitled 'Your Life'

    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      yeah su-.........=(

  12. Last chance to sign up for the Creative Cafe!

    1. cj_scout


      You can take me off the performing list, by the way. I'm still suffering from the flu, unfortunately.

    2. Mrlollytime


      Same, I have to work now tomorrow :(


  14. 40 people on the server, looks like a majority of them are in Felsen, gates are locked.

    1. AGiantPie


      The struggle.

    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      My character screamed and yelled at the mayor and got in successfully!

    3. BrandNewKitten


      Run. They will eat you.

  15. Travista you fiend

    1. Travista


      i like to swamp

  16. Feelings on the LT is a talk for another time, another thread. Ouity may have made the post but it is on behalf of the order and to deny it based off of those reasons would be in extremely bad taste. I personally know Ouity very well and when he's provoked or even angry he acts out more than even I can and I'm not saying that's okay but you can't just force him to like the LT and hold the lore over our head in order for him to do so. I would venture to say that's one of the things that causes his distaste to start with. So please reconsider holding this over our heads. It's been a rather long debate here on the forums and everyone's getting kindof tired of explaining the same things over and over when people aren't reading the thread. You can't blame us for being agitated.
  17. Wow. First off, I wasn't snarky to you. Your entire post was tilted in a very negative and ignorant light and appeared uneducated because you stated things that were already refuted in the thread. Now you blatantly admit to having read them and still persisting with your incorrect assumption even though we have stated many times that this is not the case. As for the thread itself I can't control Ouity and I wish this lore was better structured in his post and hopefully in the morning he will do so. If not, I will. That said nobody here is throwing a tantrum, though some of us are very disappointed and there are inflamed passions, but I would suggest that if you have nothing constructive or educated to say you simply not speak at all. I already have to contend with those who unwillingly don't know what they are talking about, I shouldn't have to deal with people who continue speaking even when they know they're wrong.
  18. I don't have to rationalize that to you. Furthermore and this is the last time I or anyone else should have to say this, but this has absolutely ZERO combat utility. At all. This is a flavor ability and as far as why the Aspects would grant it you can plainly read on Cernunnos that one of his token things is the "wrath" of nature including things such as large storms and tsunamis and the such. We aren't even asking for that. We just want the weather. As far as the cycle of nature malarkey that's entirely subjective and I hate this argument almost as much as the balance one. Objectively speaking the entire art of druidism would be unnatural.
  19. I'm sorry but it is as if you didn't read the post at all. You are wrong. Druids have controlled weather several times in the past and this was from the start an intended aspect of the magic. Somehow over time as I and other heads of the lore left or went inactive this didn't get communicated down. I take responsibility for this. In recent revisions this was red-lined and we simply wish to revise it to its previous state. This was not taken from shamanism at all. I respect shamans and I wouldn't try to steal their lore or their mythos. I wish you would read what other people have said in this thread before posting exactly what has been refuted several times over already.
  20. You'll all have to excuse my friend Ouity here. He's quite salty about some LT interactions and he can't quite come back down to earth. It's like he's trying to come out of orbit but keeps hitting the horizon so his periapsis is just high enough (about 70,000 meters) to maintain orbit.
  21. I will say this once, I will say this a million times. I DON'T CARE ABOUT BALANCE. For heaven's sake. This is not an MMO.
  22. Evidence of this? That's some serious stuff to throw around and I'd like to follow up on this.
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