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Song Druid

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Status Updates posted by Song Druid

  1. Okies taking one nao

  2. O.o *checks to see if he's warned Uracow or something*

  3. Not true. I had 2 steaks this evening for dinner.


  5. The angel thing :x

  6. Great application-I hope to see you around the Grove sometime. I'll be on the server later today, have some errands to run, but our characters will DEFINITELY encounter. Cheers!

  7. Been missing dat Jena drooood D:

  8. That was an interesting encounter.

    More to come.

  9. I am quite enjoying that Forum RP. xD

  10. Hey can you add me on skype? I'd like to help you build the swamps on 3.0.


  11. Hello everyone! Time for work-be sure to follow our forum rules and guidelines while I am away! Have a great day!

  12. Still thinking about making a lost son of Urir who starts an Ireheart church to worship the Champion. Badass.

  13. I play with Void on a regular basis, as long as he's in a good mood it's fine.

    Lamaenic is my LoL name, I'll get on now.

  14. Make me a skin for your son.

    And what the fudge is this "Doomforged" ****.

    I ain't into that.

  15. Don't try my patience with semantics. The joke was racist, and I frankly don't care how you meant it don't do it again. It shouldn't be so difficult to understand that some people are offended by things like that.

  16. You can't say racist =/= offensive. Racist is offensive, regardless of intent. This is the last thing I will say on the subject. Don't do it again.

  17. Yeah, it changed, none of us were particularly happy about it either (apparently an FM leaked something? If that makes sense?)

    Anyways not finger pointing as much as saying "don't cause a scene, if its a misunderstanding appeal first."

  18. "It's not like Arik could easily access the server ban section, show the player some proof so he could write a proper appeal without having to defend himself against "baseless" claims either."

    If you can't take me seriously please butt out with stupid comments you are ignorant of.

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