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Song Druid

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Status Updates posted by Song Druid

  1. *stalks Alys nonthreateningly

  2. *Yawn* It's morning...and I have to work today D:

    1. Slic3man


      Run, run away!

    2. Wavejammers


      Yes, work as a FM >:D

    3. Wavejammers


      Yes, work as a FM >:D

  3. *Yawn* Nigh nigh...

  4. A cleansed Arik? Is that even possible?

  5. A full rewrite of lyrics to Maeghan's song has yielded an almost perfect song...Contemplating posting...

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      I think everyone would be appreciative of it.

    2. Aislin


      LotC has a hard on for your voice. You could sing a phonebook and they'd +1 it. Let's hear it!

    3. Song Druid
  6. A great way to improve war problems is to stop attacking back those who are angry. If they accuse you of hacks, don't taunt them and call them butthurt. Say "I'm sorry you feel that way but I did not hack" and go on about your day. It's called being the bigger man, and it does wonders! Try it!

  7. A great way to improve war problems is to stop attacking back those who are angry. If they accuse you of hacks, don't taunt them and call them butthurt. Say "I'm sorry you feel that way but I did not hack" and go on about your day. It's called being the bigger man, and it does wonders! Try it!

    1. Mirtok


      Top kek, except people are hacking. http://i.imgur.com/SFZo5tM.png

  8. A preview of a new character...;)

    1. Swgrclan


      What a nice skin.. >.>

    2. Kaiser


      oh could you make me a skin :o I dont have the skill to make one like that

  9. A quick note on ban reports: You cannot simply put "Anybody who saw or was there". Either list them or they will not be eligible to post.

  10. A week off of work...RP here I come

  11. A whole lot has changed in 2 years. *Shakes his head*

  12. Add me to Elandriel's perms please :p

    MC name: YifengZhong

  13. After talking on Skype with Tythus, we have discovered the nature of the new antagonist: IT'S CYBERMEN!!!

    1. Kaun


      The final war has begun..

    2. JtPv


      Hail to you, the Song Druid! Saviour of the Cybermen!

  14. Agitation level-FM

  15. Ah so THIS is how you make a status update xD

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