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Status Updates posted by VonEbs

  1. "OCC" - LotC word of the day. ~Mogroka

    1. Temp


      Petty - Better word of the day.

  2. @Alec, since my thread was locked, I will deign to make the comment the only thing I criticezed is the total lack of uniqueness.

  3. *begins to write loremaster app.

  4. *coughs up a furball.

  5. *is interviewing the dwarf king, server crashes.

    1. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      I was telling stories as Kais ;-;

  6. *is out to get you!



  7. *is posting way to much in the Kharajyr subforum.

  8. *ninja hugs Liri

  9. *starts chant* 2.0! 2.0!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      *The roar gets loader as James Joines in 2.0 2.0 2.0

    3. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      *The roar gets loader as James Joines in 2.0 2.0 2.0

    4. atticusmas
  10. *vomits everywhere.

  11. *yawns.

    1. Baconthief


      NO SLEEP *Khel cracks his wip*

  12. /delevel Excavation

    1. Antharin


      Excavation sucks. Do you get the levels back by any chance?

  13. #everforking2013

    1. Nolan_


      7 years in the making and you didn't realise the plural of sky is skies 

    2. VonEbs


      Do you even lore?

  14. 15 years old..... living in St. Louis.... Sounds like me..... public or Catholic school?

  15. 20 minas to whoever can guess the identity of the interviewee(s) in the cover story of tomorrow's Flagship.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. VonEbs


      The Interview is titled "The New Leaf" Keep guessing. Prize is now 100 minas.

    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Is it the druids or the high elves?

    4. Mithradites


      Obviously the big ol' Ent! And how it's going to pound us into the dirt!

  16. 5 classes until spring break. *dies*

    1. LPT


      5... 0_o?

    2. Amorphbutt
    3. VonEbs


      They are only 45 minutes. /Catholic High School

  17. 500 Reputation. Wow.

    1. BrandNewKitten


      I made it 501 :3

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