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Status Updates posted by MarioMixer

  1. Well i still cant log into my MC account after 2 years lmao, crazy ****

  2. "yo bro, your boi is in alkhazar, you came back from the elf place yet?"

    1. ScreamingDingo


      i think he's in jail for sexual harassment



    2. MarioMixer


      I dont know if thats actually a meme or not, is he actually?

  3. Ah Yes DarkJames We Meet again! 

  4. Can someone please tell me how i am able to recover a minecraft account bought in 2011, cause i have no ******* clue where and how to

    1. J


      If you have access to the email you used for it, I believe you can recover it through that.


      However, if you don't, try and find some sort of documentation or proof of purchase of the account, and send an email to Mojang's help desk to explain the situation and provide proof of purchase.

    2. MarioMixer


      I've just sent that now actually, it kinda sucks though cause that account is 2011, so coming up to 7 years old etc, so if i have proof it will of probably been lost/gone regardless


  5. Damn dude didnt know you still played

  6. Hey All,

    just realised its been 12 years since i joined the server, 

    havent been on the server in like 4/5 years, mainly due to real life, i was just wondering how the server runs now adays, whats its player base like, if old players still play etc, 

    hope everyone is well! :) 

    Many thanks,


    Edited by MarioMixer
    1. Juvens


      Another August joiner, heck yeah!

    2. MarioMixer


      best way to be straight after the summer holidays hahah

  7. i think your name was Jroy96 right ? 

    1. Braxis
    2. MarioMixer


      you and burkester man, i remember seeing you guys on raidcraft too if you remember 

  8. I've had 12000 people look at my profile for whatever reason? 

    Im lost 

  9. It has been a while LOTC, Wish I had free time so that i could play again, probably would get lost with all the new law, island, people etc

  10. Just looking at the wikipedia page for notable people and the wandering man wasnt even on there, Robbed me so many times on that road

    1. BrandNewKitten


      The only glory the wandering man needs is the fear instilled into your mind that one day.... he may rob yet again. 

  11. Lmao been an industrial conveyor engineer for 2 years now, and would acc be so cool if i saw one in minecraft

    1. FlemishSupremacy


      aren't they in tekkit? idk, i might be wrong

    2. MarioMixer


      i dont know mate, havent dabbled in mods since i was 14 hahah, 


  12. Nearly 6 years on this server and even though i dont play anymore, i appreciate every single one of you for the memories you've given me over the years, Thanks again LOTC


    1. excited


      we miss u dude, do well in life



  13. Oi Oi Bossman, Asif you still play

    1. Onslaughted


      i dont 


      i only come on the forums :)

  14. Okay finding my signs and my original buildings on the aegis map download has brought some seriously good memories back,

    Shout out to you guys if you made my list: Jroy96, Burkester, Ilumtaris,RHCrow,Visualjaw, Snazzy_englishman, Pilotace1812, Luiginova, mririshboys, Dark_james, Gaius Marius, EmpireRebel, Onslaughted, James_tanner, Dalek, Shiftnative, jistuma, mightve forgotten a few¬

    Hope youre doing well if your still playing or not! 

  15. Reading the Wiki about Aegis and notable people, and i remember back in my day Who frequented the server and who didnt, and jesus the fact some people are on there with maybe 10 minutes playtime per month is beyond a joke, Notable people belong to those who put in a shift every hour of every day making it fun for the RP'ers of yesteryear, 

  16. the frogs turned the map gay

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Okay, this is epic.

  17. Thought I'd write a quick summary as i'm on my work break,

    But would like to thank you to the staff, players, banned players, contacts, acquaintances etc, for the experience i had in my rough 4-5 years on and off playing, as we can say we are not all kids anymore and don't have the allocated time now to put into this game (Or even remember my details for my account lmao), but having reminisced about my time here with my real life friends and my girlfriend, i just want to solemnly thank the people who continue to dedicate their time to keeping this great idea alive,



    1. Telanir


      Thank you, it's not an easy path. Everyone plays their part.

    2. MarioMixer


      Well done man!, still vaguely remember your name!, nice to see people are still making it what it was/is

  18. visualjaw u lad

  19. Was just looking back at some random team AVO vids and **** myself seeing this hahah https://imgur.com/a/tOpxSJe 


    Minecraft royalty my man

    Edited by Outcasted. {Mario}
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MarioMixer


      Dude i totally know the feels, how amazingly coincidental is that though, 

    3. Onslaughted


      I know hahah, a lot of people on here came to me about that video xD at the time I didnt even know what team AVo was

    4. MarioMixer


      Thats mad! hahah still engrained forever man!, right place right time


  20. Well god damn its been a while

  21. Well lads. its been 3 years since i had my MC account, and i really cannot find anyway to get it back, its been fun lads!,

    Enjoy your christmas, New Year, Etc

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