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Status Updates posted by Harold

  1. watch me whip whip

  2. here we go here we go again

  3. chaos

    1. UnbanCharlesTheBald2021


      I used to think that creating chaos was funny but in reality it isn't, way too many people get inflicted by it. It is clear that for some people, even if it's "roleplay", chaos affects their lifestyle enough to be a disturbance.


      But here we are today, almost on our 11th anniversary and chaos is an important of the roleplay on LotC. Even if I get banned 13 more times, there will always be chaos created by members of the community.


      Trolls have evolved through the years, they aren't as blatant as me. They sneak their way into inner circles and community leadership position and love to make some people lives' hell but in a sneakier way. 


      There's a few name of people that while their roleplay quality is great, do no thing but complain and never improve things. When given a position, they never do the work promised but work on undermining others. 


      Those are the new age trolls creating chaos.

    2. Harold


      Good luck on your appeal charles

  4. I loved that house

  5. free james2k

    1. Nug


      why is he banned !!!

    2. 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍
  6. all my enemies are dead

    1. rukio


      I'm still alive somehow

  7. the staff get away with a lot more these days than in the days of old

  8. We say merry Christmas in this house, as it should be 

    1. L0rdLawyer


      Harold. What time is dinner at. 

    2. Harold


      After queens speech, before we break out the sherry and port 

  9. red tag masochist


    1. HogoBojo


      Thank you for the congratulations. :)

  10. war must be before Christmas, Urguan wants it Oren is stalling 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      admins forgot how to set up warclaims so they have to give Oren their stalling desires as a result

    3. Harold


      That’s pretty sus


      just like Orens new forts 

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Oren has new forts? Ik they did stuff near southbridge so you can't ride a horse from the hub to city as easily but what else they do

  11. Add me to the Skype warchat

  12. I am very disappointed in the calibre of individuals from a certain nation and it has changed a lot since my day

    1. itdontmatta


      That's more like it.

    2. Legoboy7984
    3. Harold


      You’re targeting me because I’m Scottish 

  13. smells like teen spirit 

  14. Have you been praying?

  15. Dingo hates basketballl because he was always picked last

    1. Qctho


      He's a halfling IRL, and he was turned away from his childhood dream of playing when he was young

  16. some people really deserve to be rooty tooty point and shooty victims

  17. 2am **** posting, my favourite

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