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Status Updates posted by JCQuiinn

  1. PLaying LotC with the Deep Space Turtle Chase texture pack... yeaaaah

  2. Playing X3: Abilon Prelude... Yeah, just spent 20 minutes in a massive dogfight. Then I accidentally used one of my anti-capitol ship missiles from my fighter... Er... heh. So I had a thermonuclear explosion occur about fifty meters in front of me. That ended 'well'.

  3. Posted a Catch-22 quote earlier... nobody notices it.



      was playing metro LL sorry bubby

    2. JCQuiinn


      :(... Is Metro good?

  4. Query: How good is Total War: Shogun 2 with all of its expansions?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      It's a good game, although it's even better with Darthmod. You won't be disappointed, more so if you're interested in the time period.



      As for which one I'd recommend? It depends on the time period you want. There really is no bad Total War Game, though every TW has a mod made to "Improve" the game called Darthmod. So unless you get Rome II which doesn't have that mod, get Darthmod. It improves the game ten fold.



      td;lr Pick one that takes place in a time period you find intresting, screw anyone elses opinion. If you want Rome but are afraid of all the hate for Rome II (I still think rome 2 is a good game) try Rome 1, it's cheap as dirt last I checked.

  5. Query: Is Bastion a game worth paying 15 US dollars for?

  6. Query. If there is an item that is named, or (legally) enchanted within a chest, is someone with a VA for theft allowed to take it? And, if so, are we allowed to put something in our chest politely requesting they do not, due to its important RP significance?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      If it can possibly be stolen in RP, why shouldn't they be allowed?

    3. JCQuiinn


      Because, if my magic, enchanted staff, which is bound to my character, suddenly disappeared without any pre-planning, I'd be pissed, not amused. I am fine RPing an item like that being stolen, but I'd rather it not just happen out of nowhere.

    4. argonian


      That makes sense then,

  7. Quintessence is now accepting applications! Check out this awesome epic fantasy forum RP right here: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/92543-quintessence-oocinterest/

  8. Quintessence is now accepting applications! Check out this awesome epic fantasy forum RP right here: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/92543-quintessence-oocinterest/

  9. Quintessence: Fallen Star. The Ironlands RP will be up in roughly a half hour!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JCQuiinn
    3. EmeraldStag


      Hmm....not sure how to start off a post for what you have given :P

    4. JCQuiinn


      Something draws you to the Inn.

  10. Quitnessence: Lustra's Sins- THe Clockwork storyline is up. It probably has a bunch of errors, which I'll fix later.

  11. Really, what woman has money on her in the bath? Villains and their ridiculous expectations.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      Ya. Monks rebuilt her better tho-.

    3. Frigated


      Tricia has a bath full of money.

    4. K00l


      Frigated you're you, you don't count.

  12. Ruby Rose was... awesome. A very good start to a good series I believe.

  13. Selina Demones: "I had your step-son, Horen, come himself and buy some."-- Empress Rose Horen "... Horen... bought... toys?"

    1. TornadoWatch


      Even psychotic future Emperors need toys

  14. Selina needs to learn to stop taking drinks from mysterious, dangerous people.

    1. Agnub


      Keep a thumb over your beverages at the pub as well.

  15. Selina's a Queen.... Interesting.

  16. Side character idea: A Mage who is attempting to bring about the Human Instrumentality Project.

  17. Since alot of the commands went down, including Modlist... I have to ask. Which mods are currently on?

  18. So Anya just became an old woman. Yay.

  19. So apparently IC knowledge of The Chain of Souls/ Aeriel's Necklace is semi-wellknown. When did THAt happen?

    1. Swgrclan
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Meta things are the hardest to deal with. Panda hopes it doesn't ruin your lovely face with worry.

  20. So, according to Oren. Once again, I'm a heretic. Awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. blindmind


      I'm not sure how Selena rolls, but that's allowed so long as the Creator is chief in that worship. If not, then I'm afraid that many (though not all) won't be friendly.

      Have you considered trying Malinor? Nobody could deny her there.

    3. JCQuiinn


      They can't execute me. I'm special. But, yeah, Selina thinks the creator doesn't really care, and just worships Aeriel.

    4. blindmind


      That might be more along the lines of blasphemy, but yeah, that's gonna put her in some hot water. She would generally have to contend with mob rule when good and/or better versed people aren't around.

      At least you have one friend in the Clergy?

  21. So, aside from pissing off the clerics this Manor is turning out epicly.

    1. Nug


      u rustled our jimmies

  22. So, EA is apparently being investigated by a law firm for misleading investors. Cool.

  23. So, finally, I have beaten Deus Ex: Human Revolution. That was a brilliant, amazing game, and I plan to replay it several times.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Augor


      I bought that game some time ago. I do not know how far I am through the game now. Last I remember like Ch. 10? I need to pick it up and play it again.

    3. blindmind


      Don't forget to check out the original Deus Ex! A lot of HR's flair comes from that game. Really enjoyed HR, though.

    4. JCQuiinn


      Aye, I have the original Deus Ex sitting on my steam account. Gonna play it after I finish The Missing Link.

  24. So, for the first time in over a year, Selina has died in RP. Guess she's gonna be using that sling and splint for a week or so.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. PH4NT0M


      Hah, that was the first time Darius has died, that was a heck of a fight.

    3. JCQuiinn


      Oh, I got tossed off the mountain, yeah, point. Fine, 'sides that.

    4. JCQuiinn


      Still, I'd forgotten how much fun it was to use Selina's magic girl powers.

  25. So, for whatever reason my Gov teacher decided to have us do team debates. So, while he was taking down the names of the different teams we decided to call ourselves Team O (Teemo)... We spent a half hour after class discussion LoL strategies.

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