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Queen of Aegis

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Status Updates posted by Queen of Aegis

  1. NO! You basterds! where did the funny adblock memes go! I hate all of you!

    1. JtPv


      They replaced the images....with Ads. Nice.

    2. MrSyth


      They replaced the ads... with ads...

  2. Sometimes some people on here truly disappoint me....

    1. Minea


      I agree although maybe not with what you mean. Banning someone before their side of the story is given is terribly disapointing, definitely a downer to this great server.

    2. Lvke
  3. I just got friendzoned so hard tat I'm gonna spend a week in an army base...... Cya all in a week!

  4. "bob: You where in the app team, you know how to talk to the ladies"

    1. mmat


      We App Teamers are hits with the ladies, as you well know Boombox.

    2. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      yeah I noticed a drop in ladies I got when I left the app team. It went from 0 to -1 Q.Q

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      something that doesn't happen anymore unless there is a war... sad

    2. Rassidic


      Even when wars happen , the limit is far from reached.

  5. I found gold

    1. monkeypoacher


      can I have it?

    2. cj_scout



      -goes to check his front door-

  6. back from work...so tired..but can't sleep...

    1. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      -hugs boom.... And gives a cheering smile....-

  7. Farewell and thanks for the cake

    1. Lym


      Au revoir, mon ami.

      We will lick faces soon again! xD

  8. Cam we all just calm down and agree on one thing? When it comes to something new our brains are like toasters, We oull a button down, we do strange things and after 3 minutes or so [depending on your brand] WE suddenly realise That the toast is burned and we toss it out

    1. ImpinAintEZ


      That is with most things and most people.

  9. srsly we nd to bn tht Huurk prsn, he is bd

  10. well.... I fixed my pc... however I kinda broke my wireless internet adapter... laid down half of the internet cable already, going to lay more hopefully soon :D

    1. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}


  11. I just got the most idiotic pics of me from last sunday... to post them or not to..

  12. does anyone know how to fix seeing only steve skins?

    1. Kaiser


      it's a mojang thing, they will fix it, you cannot :/

  13. "If something on the internet starts warm, fuzzy and cute. You know something will die!" Best thing I heard so far xD

    1. DelaneyG


      I watch TheFineBro's too.

  14. I thought I'd share this with you all. There is a little paper hanging on a door on work saying "There are many mouths who know things better, yet few hands who actually can do better."

  15. well returning to PVP default. Seems I can finally go on a killing spree :D

    1. cj_scout


      Exactly why I DIDN'T want Pvp. :c

  16. happy birthday to me! weeeeeee!

    1. DRAGON117op


      :D Happy birthday BoomBox :P

  17. If you ain't dutch, you ain't much

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      If you ain't American, you ain't getting married then lel

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