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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. Please don't do this again.

  2. How do you know of New Terriko? WHO ARE YOU!?

  3. You know nothing. You know absolutely nothing. I was never Mysterious_Blade. LEAVE ME ALONE!

  4. Elizabeth Silverblade you say? What kind of treatury is this!? Dear, you've become so distant.

  5. You know it's sexy...

    It's the new Alrasian flag for Alras 3.0 (aka High(tower) Alras)

  6. Already making a new character again ey? I knew you'd miss the dwarves. Make a dwarf char, their community seems to know you ;) Come to visit me anytime in Alras!

  7. Hmm... Interesting. Your application has been accepted, yet this displeases me. You have applied for the role of High Elf, and let me tell you, we do not get drunk. We are not rubbish drunkards, we do not live amongst the impure happily. You non-lore correct High Elves disgust me. There are too many of you! Now, let us meet ingame, as we have much to discuss. You'll see, if you're a...

  8. About your new Forum RP, how does one apply for it, and what factions are among it? I for one am Very interested.

  9. Newly spawned? That'll change quicly.

  10. You're aware of the fact you misspelt Altaïr in your name, right?

  11. Rasun, are you still around? I haven't seen nor spoken to you in ages!

  12. I'm not an app team member (yet), but I may have some tips for you to improve your application. You definitions of meta-gaming and power-emoting are both false, yet unfortunatly they are needed for your app. To improve on that, check the many pages of this forum and the wiki, you'll find out soon enough. Liked your app!

  13. MrSyth

    I drink ze beer, from ze glas. But das boring, das boot? Oh ja.

    Das hat mir schrecklich irritiert. Mach das nie wieder.

  14. Hey Aeven, you still interested in becoming mah child? I feel like getting a child right around when we change to 3.0. Contact me for le info.

  15. MrSyth

    Um Deutsch zu sprechen brauche ich keine Google Translate. Ich spreche selber Deutsch ;)

  16. Ever, the head of druid lore is going to add you on skype. Accept him, he needs to discuss things about dryad lore.

  17. Good to hear you're still around! Don't worry, we'll eventually meet up ingame. Just you wait...

  18. Bifor ey? You'll bee Caseus to me forever. I agree on your point of the current state of the server. It'll just be a matter of time, they're fixing a permissions plugin atm. We'll soon be able to RP once again. Yush!

  19. You're not my wife. You're my mother. I don't want you calling your daugther 'babe'. Piss off.

  20. Please respond to the PM I've sent you, this is of great importance. You have 24 more hours.

  21. Lolno. Stop trying.

  22. I love how Dsdevil is denying new ones every day while ours wait down at the bottom...

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