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Status Replies posted by Jexdane

  1. It's strange that finding someone from Aegis is a rarity nowadays. In-character, that is.

  2. In your opinion, what is the best video editing software?

  3. The ending of Boiendls life is near

  4. If you really want to attack me, get a VA for it >:I Too many no-VA attacks in one day for my liking.

  5. I just discovered that I don't need a proxy to access this website, though it used to be blocked as a "game website". This discovery is pretty neat.

  6. Hello, my name is Beth. I have just survived the worlds end. Please if any others have survived. Tell me!

  7. For some reason, I feel like I did something terrible and I feel like crap and yet I don't even remember what I did wrong.


  9. I need more Canadian peoplez help~ What is 'Boxing Day'?

  10. Can anyone tell me who the Horen children are? They seem to spring out of no where.

  11. The most interesting Creepy Pasta I've read in quite a while. http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/An_Egg

  12. So yeah, today I became the pumpkin lord of the halflings. What of it?

  13. Far over...

  14. On a completely unrelated drama free qualm. There are flurries outside my window.

  15. What do you guys think of me suggesting a plugin idea that enforces turn based RP fights? Such as giving a player 2 lines of RP before giving another player a turn to respond.


  17. Just saw the episode of Full Metal Alchemist where Tucker creates a Chimera from his daughter and dog, dear that was disturbing... -Shivers-

  18. I got my keyboard back from my dad after the weekend. Therefore, I'm back for more... depending on whom you are this may be good or bad.

  19. Going to try start a big sport in 3.0. Make something simple and easy to play and hopefully catchy, any thoughts on it?

  20. So exhausted and have to be up again in a few hours. BAH. :(

  21. I just ran into an RP fight that made me wish we didn't have Minor VAs.

  22. Second play through of Skyrim time! :D Should I side with the Stormcloaks, or the Empire?

  23. Wow. I leave you guys alone for a couple months and this is what I come back to? Tsk, tsk.

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