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Everything posted by Cosmik

  1. Let Bog into high elf city, laugh hysterically as high elves freak out.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Austin
    3. VonEbs


      oh noes, not mah city!

    4. Dat Pugsy

      Dat Pugsy

      Be bogs friend. Cure him when he got zapped on way to 2.0 world. Umad elves?

  2. The ban report forum...it's so CLEAN...*sniffle

  3. #.w.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lirinya


      Where has thou been Ashur~

    3. Cosmik


      death in the family, PM system is glitched so I can't send the council anything. I'll be on more in a few days, we can talk elf military then.

    4. Lirinya


      Aww sorry to hear =[

  4. Taking a break for a few days, family issues, yadda yaddy the works. Love y'all

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. blindmind


      May your bow arm be strong.

    3. V0idsoldier


      AKA runs so no one gets a dat ass photo of him.

    4. Ergent Seth

      Ergent Seth

      Love you too Ashur.<3

  5. Our prayers go out to Maeghan's family and friends. Rest in piece, Maeg.

  6. Workouts, yay. -_-

    1. Braxis



  7. Chinese, yum.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
    3. Cosmik


      @Seth: *tosses a roll of sushi*

      @Hawk: yub.

    4. Antharin


      *give Vigleiven 349 64

      Who has got the sushi nao!?

  8. Ever since the Archery buff, I feel like a god. ^^

  9. I don't always post status updates, but when I do, they're about Mori

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      I don't always reroll, but when I do, the entire forums is talking about my race.

    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      I used to read cosmik's updates...then i took an arrow to the knee.

    4. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      I don't always go to the elf camp, but when I do it's as either a good friend or a bloodthirsty enemy.

  10. That feel when I enjoyed getting sacrificed by the Mori and errybody else is just raging. -_-

    1. Appeals.


      That feeling when someone brings up a serious topic and people like cosmik simply don't riong anything to the conversation. =)

  11. I'm a damn Elf Prince now. I'm gonna kidnap you and Eoin as my butler and maid. .w.

  12. Working on a Prince skin for Ashur. Thinking of a leaf crown with a silver jewel. Thoughts?

    1. kurk brak

      kurk brak

      Sounds good. If he's bein' a prince, he'sa look ellllfffffyy. Maybe you could take a leaf (quite literally .w.) out of Native's book and have leafy clothes, or maybe just an adaptation of your standard clothes that look more noble.

    2. Cosmik


      I'm gonna go off of the guy from Witcher 2 for my new skin. Armored legs, leather pouches, etc. The crown's gonna peek out from under his hair because his hair's all scruffy. .w.

    3. Lirinya


      that would look cute

  13. "Ashur, we're naming you a Prince of Malinor." ...Well, I didn't see THAT coming. ._.

    1. Blackdragonhole


      Looks like we both got somthing... But the scar's we have from Aegis will change both of us forever.

    2. Cosmik
  14. "Kicked to make room for reserved user" GGGAAAAAHHHHH

    1. Jraie45 (Larien Alfakyn)

      Jraie45 (Larien Alfakyn)

      Its happened to me Twice now! GARH!

    2. danic


      M'kay, I'm not happy about that little feature, to think that I kick someone from the server when I log on, makes me die a little inside

  15. At first I was sad. But then I found a bag of Doritos. Not so sad anymore. :>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jingeh


      I had hula hoops and club orange still very depressed :(

    3. everblue2er101


      Pepsi, quiche and chocolate. Happy :D

    4. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Diet Mountain Dew and Pineapple and Ham, cheese stuffed crust pizza!


  17. Trolled by the whitelist.

  18. Even the TS server is full.

  19. I crashed, and there's 270 people on. lolohwell

  20. -finally gets a spot- -black screen of doom- DAMMIT

  21. I'm keeping my Minecraft set to Pirate English for all of time.

    1. Jed Goldrush

      Jed Goldrush

      'arr me like yerr timburr.

    2. Glurg_Howdan


      I love pirate english :)

  22. Time to draft my VA. The whole world destruction thing affected Ashur in a big way. Lots of fun RP in the future.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ExplosiveTendency


      I may draft VA too, as an AntiHero.

    3. ExplosiveTendency
    4. Cosmik


      Oh, it'll be an Anti-hero thing for sure. They have way more fun.

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