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Everything posted by Cosmik

  1. We Nigel now

    1. Jingeh



  2. Dear staff: please take after Mogroka's example, buckle down and take care of those strike reports as they come in. That way they actually serve their purpose. Love, Cosmik~

    1. Wretched


      The staff all have a lot on their plates.

  3. You are awesome for finally moving on those strike reports. Thanks for being responsible

  4. The Bob Marley Biography came out today.

  5. *Lightning flashes outside Aegis Keep. Within it's weathered walls, Ashur is hunched forward on top of an nondescript chest. He clutches his carved wooden pipe in both hands, drawing on the minute flame's smoke with closed eyes and annoyed mindset. Lorethos bedridden for weeks? And of all people to give command to, he passed the sword to Syrila?! He must've taken a claymore to the head! He slowly runs a hand through the pale-blonde mop that was his hair. Lorethos trusted me, he muses, probably more than he should have...but he did. Which meant access to supplies, power over the army and other such resources. But Syrila? No. She doesn't trust me as much. I'll end up answering to one of her damn lackeys from the island. He rocks back and forth slowly, dragging on the semi-comforting mixture that lies ablaze within the little pipe. To be honest, I don't trust her either. But she's the fastest way to mounting Ordinator skulls on my walls, and I don't have the resources to operate by myself anymore... His thoughts are interrupted by the image of him striding away from a Twilight war camp wearing Hanseti-made diamond armor. Well, I can make it work for now. So many supplies get misplaced during war time... His troubled visage is broken by a cruel smirk as he rises, snuffing out his pipe before making his way out of the stone tower. Better make it to the docks before morning - the next ship for Holm leaves bright and early.*

  7. *drinks a Fire Resistance potion every 10 minutes out of habit. Breakdances on the profile*

  8. There have been 23 strike reports total since the system began. Only *3* of them have been ruled on. Therefore, I conclude that strike reports are a waste of time, effort and space. I'll be off to the heretic's corner now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cosmik


      A quick buzz through the completed reports shows no strike reports moved, and if they were deleted then the three completed ones should've been deleted by now. They were closed on the 7th.

    3. Cosmik


      And if they turn into ban reports, why bother make a strike report in the first place?

    4. xmrsmoothx


      Strike reports are indeed useless.

  9. Getting twenty bucks in tax returns. #swag

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      Would make a nice donation to the feed the seer


    3. Lykos


      Found $50 bill on the walk to school today. Classy as all hell.

    4. 154684321654951


      I once found a £10 note, best day ever.

  10. how 2 whitelist for sarvar?????? mc cosmik

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Viscen


      -1 suppot! is greefer, he brok mai cassle on pvp sevar!

    3. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      + Support

      Swagbot approves.

    4. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer
  11. Designing a Rube Goldberg machine that catches small animals.

    1. xmrsmoothx


      Have you ever played Incredibots?

    2. Cosmik


      I have actually, some of the better designs inspired some work on the one I'm making.

    3. xmrsmoothx


      It was one of my favorite games a few years ago - version 3 is coming out soon.

  12. Hanseti logic: Loan tons of dia. armor to Lorethos, proceed to betray the entire movement and still expect the armor back afterwards. Lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xmrsmoothx



    3. Eaglestrike999


      Give it back? That's silly. Why give it back when we can use it to burn down their Nation? :)

    4. Sporadic


      I am intrigued... carry on my fine sirs

  13. My minecraft crashed after the restart, now I'm locked out. #lifehasnomeaning

  14. Now is the fighty time, fighty time, fighty time blood blood BLOOOOOD.

  15. A player-suggested race idea gets added, suddenly everybody ragefaces at the stream of ideas that want the same thing. Geez, people, you shoulda seen it coming.

  16. Had some /mindblowingly/ awesome RP today. We need to have wars more often.

  17. Being sick = LOTC ALLDAYERRYDAY

    1. HappyShackles


      You mean assassinating Ordinators.

  18. So many wars being declared...this really rustles my jimmies.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      I thought it was only a war on Salvus and a bed raid on the Dwarfs?

    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Me flatted all jimmy in klomp.

    4. MediocreGamer


      Nah, the Dwarves are declaring war on Alras becaus they think we're leading the war on Salvus because our war post has the most posts on it. We were actually the most hesitant.

  19. Here's the mail, it never fails--

  20. If you see a dark elf named Sebastian, give him some money and tell him to put a dress on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ever


      I like where this is going

    3. Sen


      If I had a penny for every time this has happend to me... well... I would have less then a penny...

    4. Tentoa


      Please note, If you make my character put on a dress, and do not pay. I SHALL STAB.

  21. Would it be rule-breaking to have two accounts for the same character, one only being used for assassinations and such to avoid meta?

    1. xmrsmoothx


      I don't think so.

    2. Austin


      It's questionable villian application-wise but get admin to confirm I suppose.

  22. 11/10 Errybody luuurvs Freya.
  23. While you guys were in Salvus, I was having the best drunk RP in the entire history of all time forever. >3>

    1. Corndoggeh


      Salvalia told me about it, all this happens while I'm literally beating the sh*t out of Cethis and a orc >:C

      P.S. Your next

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