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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Cosmik

  1. I'm an old hat .w.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. craotor


      Yep me too!!

    3. craotor


      Yep me too!!

    4. Cosmik


      Dat slavemistress. And craotor, *fistbump*

  2. That feel when Minecraft crashes and refuses to start back up. Ah well, guess I need some sleep anyways.

  3. With the birds I'll share this lonely view~

  4. teehee
    1. Ever


      I love whenever he wears the Gumbi costume.

  5. You're absolutely not a bad RPer - in fact, I consider you one of the better ones I've run across. On one hand, sit back for a moment and think about how much fun everybody had in this past battle. Had you not worked so hard, that enjoyment would've been diminished. You are one of the main reasons everybody had a blast today, and you should take pride in that. But if you feel like taking a break or leaving, that's entirely up to you. Coming from someone who took an entire month off to set things straight before coming back... sometimes a break is needed. I wish you the best of luck in whatever path you take.
    1. Ever


      I want a pet sloth, owl, and seal. n_n hnggggggggg

    2. Blackdragonhole


      What is it with you and owls?

    3. Cosmik


      I love me some owls man

  6. Dat Archery buff

    1. TheLoopyCoopy


      I'm intrigued. What does it do?

  7. RPing a drunk misadventure through town is the best ever.

  8. Going to the mountains for the weekend, search-and-rescue training. Enjoy Normandor, see you guys later!

  9. Overall Top Posters -> Join Date -> Last Page = See the surviving LOTC veterans.

    1. Cosmik


      And, of course, Native is the oldest one. :P

    2. Rasun
    3. Jarkarll


      No.... Not all of the Veterans have huge post counts... * points at himself

  10. Sitting tonight out, I've been working out for the past 3 hours and I feel like scrambled egg.

  11. Protip: don't rage on the forums, buy a punching bag. Trust me, mine's gotten a lot of use in the past month.

    1. Braxis


      Punching Bag?...Do Little Annoying Brothers Count?

      I joke :3

  12. This gets my undying love and support. As for the location, I vote for the Alras arena. Having tons of random keeps and buildings in the Aegis wilds was annoying, and I don't think the monks would appreciate all the blood and gore inside the temple grounds.
  13. Me after spending all night on LOTC:

  14. Please dun enslace me oh tusky one .~.

  15. ...I don't need a valentine... *closes drapes*

    1. Lym


      I don't ask for valentines, I wait for them to come to my van. I have candy.

    2. Blackdragonhole


      Im good. Im perfectly... No im bleeding red. *passes out*

  16. I need to make sure no one bites my shoulder, being a brown elf on Valentine's day and all.

    1. Arkelos


      Challenge accepted.

    2. Austin


      Damn you vardak..

  17. My laptop's battery kicked the bucket during important RP. *headdesk*

    1. Lykos



      fwronrojfwjonrfwo jnjowfr

  18. Before Undead: "We need more conflict!" During Undead: "Undead are OP! It's no fun anymore!" After Undead: "LOTC is dying, we need them back!"

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cosmik


      ^ Lol, never thought of it that way.

    3. Skippy


      Undead > Nation Wars.

    4. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      *pulls Auzem back from the undead and grins. Lezz do diisss

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